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National regulations
Internet Information Services Management Measures

Article 1: To regulate Internet information service activities,Promote the healthy and orderly development of Internet information services,Develop these measures.

Article 2: Engaging in Internet information service activities within the territory of the People’s Republic of China,These regulations must be followed.

Internet information services as referred to in these Measures,Refers to service activities that provide information to Internet users through the Internet。

Article 3 Internet information services are divided into two categories: commercial and non-commercial。

Commercial Internet information services,Refers to service activities such as providing paid information or web page production to Internet users through the Internet。

Non-commercial Internet information service,refers to the free and open provision to Internet users through the Internet、Service activities for sharing sexual information。

Article 4: The state implements a licensing system for commercial Internet information services;Implement a filing system for non-commercial Internet information services.

Failed to obtain permission or failed to complete the filing procedures,Not allowed to engage in Internet information services.

Article 5: Engage in journalism、Published、Education、Healthcare、Internet information services such as medicines and medical devices,According to law、Administrative regulations and relevant national regulations must be reviewed and approved by the relevant competent authorities,Before applying for a business license or completing the filing procedures,Should be reviewed and approved by the relevant competent authorities in accordance with the law.

Article 6: Engaging in commercial Internet information services,In addition to complying with the requirements stipulated in the "Telecommunications Regulations of the People's Republic of China",The following conditions must also be met:

(一)Has business development plan and related technical solutions;

(二)Have sound network and information security measures,Including website security measures、Information security and confidentiality management system、User information security management system;

(三)Service items falling within the scope of Article 5 of these Measures,The documents approved by the relevant competent authorities have been obtained.

Article 7: Engaging in commercial Internet information services,Should report to the province、Autonomous Region、Apply for an Internet information service value-added telecommunications business license from the municipal m88 online sports bettingtelecommunications management agency or the information industry department of the State Council(hereinafter referred to as business license)

Province、Autonomous Region、The municipal m88 online sports bettingtelecommunications management agency or the information industry department of the State Council shall start from the date of receipt of the application60Review completed within days,Make a decision to approve or disapprove. approved,Issuance of business license;Disapproved,The applicant shall be notified in writing and the reasons shall be stated.

After the applicant obtains the business license,Should go through registration formalities with the enterprise registration authority with a business license。

Article 8: Engaging in non-commercial Internet information services,Should report to the province、Autonomous Region、Go through the filing procedures with the municipal m88 online sports bettingtelecommunications management agency or the information industry department of the State Council。When filing,The following materials should be submitted:

(一)Basic information about the organizer and website person in charge;

(二)Website address and services;

(三)Service items falling within the scope of Article 5 of these Measures,The consent document from the relevant competent authorities has been obtained.

Province、Autonomous Region、The municipal m88 online sports bettingtelecommunications management agency has complete registration materials,Should be filed and numbered.

Article 9: Engaging in Internet information services,Those who plan to launch electronic announcement services,Should be applied for a commercial Internet information service license or when filing for a non-commercial Internet information service,Submit a special application or special filing in accordance with relevant national regulations。

Article 10 Province、Autonomous Region、Municipal m88 online sports bettingtelecommunications management agencies and the information industry department of the State Council shall publish the list of Internet information service providers that have obtained business licenses or completed registration procedures。

Article 11 Internet information service providers shall provide services in accordance with licensed or registered projects,Do not provide services beyond the permitted or registered projects.

Non-commercial Internet information service providers are not allowed to engage in paid services。

Internet information service provider change service items、Website URL and other matters,Should be in advance30Hyugahara review、The issuing or filing authority handles the change procedures。

Article 12: Internet information service providers shall indicate their business license number or registration number in a conspicuous position on the homepage of their website。

Article 13 Internet information service providers shall provide good services to Internet users,And guarantee that the information provided is legal.

Article 14: Engaging in journalism、Internet information service provider for publishing and electronic bulletin services,The content of the information provided and the time of its release should be recorded、Internet address or domain name;Internet access service providers should record the online time of Internet users、User account、Internet address or domain name、Calling phone number and other information。

The backup records of Internet information service providers and Internet access service providers should be kept60,And when inquired by relevant state agencies according to law,Provided.

Article 15 Internet information service providers shall not produce、Copy、Release、Disseminate information containing the following content:

(一)Oppose the basic principles established by the Constitution;

(二)Endangering national security,Leaking state secrets,Subversion of state power,Those who undermine national unity;

(三)Things that damage national honor and interests;

(four)Inciting ethnic hatred and ethnic discrimination,Those who undermine national unity;

(五)Undermining national religious policy,Promoting cults and feudal superstition;

(6)Spreading rumors,Disturbing social order,Those who undermine social stability;

(seven)Spreading obscenity、Porn、Gambling、Violence、Homicide、Terrorizing or instigating crimes;

(eight)Insulting or slandering others,Infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of others;

(9)Contains other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

Article 16: An Internet information service provider discovers that the information transmitted by its website clearly belongs to one of the contents listed in Article 15 of these Measures,Transmission should be stopped immediately,Save relevant records,And report to relevant national authorities.

Article 17: For-profit Internet information service providers apply for listing domestically or overseas or entering into joint ventures with foreign investors、Cooperation,Should be reviewed and approved by the information industry department of the State Council in advance;Among them,The proportion of foreign investment should comply with relevant laws、Provisions of administrative regulations。

Article 18: The Information Industry Competent Department of the State Council and the Province、Autonomous Region、Municipal m88 online sports bettingtelecommunications management agency,Implement supervision and management of Internet information services in accordance with the law.

News、Published、Education、Hygiene、Drug Supervision and Administration、Industrial and commercial administration and public security、National security and other relevant authorities,Execute supervision and management of Internet information content within the scope of their respective responsibilities in accordance with the law。

Article 19 Violation of the provisions of these Measures,Failed to obtain business license,Engaging in commercial Internet information services without authorization,Or providing services beyond the permitted projects,By province、Autonomous Region、Municipal m88 online sports bettingtelecommunications management agencies ordered to make corrections within a time limit,Those with illegal gains,Confiscation of illegal gains,Illegal gains3More than times5A fine of less than 20 times;No illegal income or insufficient illegal income5ten thousand yuan,Where10More than 10,000 yuan100A fine of less than 10,000 yuan;Serious circumstances,Ordered to close the website.

Violation of the provisions of these Measures,Failure to complete the filing procedures,Engaged in non-commercial Internet information services without authorization,Or providing services beyond the registered projects,By province、Autonomous Region、Municipal m88 online sports bettingtelecommunications management agencies ordered to make corrections within a time limit;Refuse to correct,Ordered to close the website.

Article 20 Production、Copy、Release、Disseminate m88 online bettinginformation that is one of the contents listed in Article 15 of these Measures,Constituting a crime,Pursue criminal responsibility according to law;Not yet a crime,By the public security agency、National security agencies in accordance with the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China"、"Measures for the Administration of Security Protection of International Networking of Computer Information Networks" and other relevant laws、Penalty in accordance with administrative regulations;For commercial Internet information service providers,The licensing authority shall order the company to suspend business for rectification or even revoke the business license,Notify the enterprise registration authority;For non-commercial Internet information service providers,And the registration authority shall order the website to be temporarily closed until the website is closed。

Article 21 Failure to perform obligations stipulated in Article 14 of these Measures,Ordered to make corrections by the m88 online sports bettingtelecommunications management agencies of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government;Serious circumstances,Order to suspend business for rectification or temporarily close the website.

Article 22 Violation of the provisions of these Measures,Not indicating its business license number or registration number on its website homepage,Ordered to make corrections by the m88 online sports bettingtelecommunications management agencies of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government,Where5000More than yuan5A fine of less than 10,000 yuan.

Article 23 Violation of obligations stipulated in Article 16 of these Measures,Ordered to make corrections by the m88 online sports bettingtelecommunications management agencies of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government;Serious circumstances,For commercial Internet information service providers,The business license shall be revoked by the licensing authority,For non-commercial Internet information service providers,The registration authority shall order the website to be closed.

Article 24 Internet information service providers in their business activities,Violation of other laws and regulations,by news、Published、Education、Hygiene、Relevant authorities such as drug supervision and administration and industrial and commercial administration shall comply with relevant laws、Penalty prescribed by regulations。

Article 25 Telecommunications regulatory agencies and other relevant competent departments and their staff,Neglect of duty, abuse of power, malpractice for personal gain,Neglectful supervision and management of Internet information services,causing serious consequences,Constituting a crime,Pursue criminal responsibility according to law;Not yet a crime,The directly responsible supervisor and other directly responsible personnel will be demoted in accordance with the law、Administrative sanctions ranging from removal to expulsion。

Article 26: Those engaged in Internet information services before the promulgation of these Measures,Should start from the date of promulgation of these measures60Follow the relevant procedures within days in accordance with the relevant provisions of these Measures.

Article 27 These Measures shall come into effect on the date of promulgation.



(Source: Government Service Platform of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)


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