Statistical Bulletin
Statistical Bulletin on Education Development in Shaanxi Province in 2022

                                     Date:2023-06-1 Source:Education Information Department

2022,In the Provincial Party Committee、Under the strong leadership of the provincial government,The province’s education system adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Implementing the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people,With the goal of accelerating the construction of a strong province in education,Continue to deepen the comprehensive reform in the education field,New progress has been made in the development of various types of education at all levels。

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Province[1]There are all types of schools at all levels14961 institute,335 fewer than the previous year,Decreased by 2.19%; 8,608,736 students at all levels and types of education,131,637 more people than the previous year,1.55% increase; 553,276 full-time teachers,9997 more people than last year, Growth 1.84%。

2. Preschool education

There are 8028 kindergartens in the province,198 fewer than the previous year,Down 2.41%。where,Inclusive kindergarten[2]7493 institute,92 fewer than the previous year,Down 1.21%,Accounting for 93.34% of kindergartens in the province,1.13 percentage points higher than the previous year。Preschool education admission[3]Children384003 people; children in kindergarten[4]1325550 people,47,913 fewer people than the previous year,Down 3.49%。where,1,238,403 children in inclusive kindergarten,34115 fewer people than the previous year,Down 2.68%,Accounting for 93.43% of the province’s kindergarten children,An increase of 0.78 percentage points over the previous year。

183944 kindergarten teachers and staff,3555 more people than last year,1.97% increase; 101,595 full-time teachers,559 more people than last year,Increase 0.55%。

3. Compulsory education

There are 6073 compulsory education schools in the province,Enrollment 939955 people,4259477 students,294118 full-time teachers。

1.Primary school

There are 4407 primary schools in the province,152 fewer than the previous year,Down 3.33%。Enrollment 482716 people,5873 fewer people than the previous year,Decreased by 1.20%; 2,988,032 students on campus,23996 more people than the m88 slot machine casinom88 online bettingprevious year,Increase of 0.81%; 457,702 graduates,43951 more people than the previous year,10.62% increase。Net enrollment rate of primary school-age children[5]99.97%。

Primary school staff[6](excluding nine-year consistent schools,Twelve-year consistent school primary school)182692 people,2868 more people than the previous year,1.59% increase; 187,963 full-time teachers,2924 more people than last year,1.58% increase。Full-time teacher academic qualification rate[7]99.99%。

The total number of primary school classes is 77529,1050 more than the previous year。where,396 large classes of 56 to 65 people,369 fewer than the previous year,Accounting for 0.51% of the total number of classes,Decreased by 0.49 percentage points from the previous year; there are no super large classes with more than 66 people。

2.Junior high school

There are 1,666 junior high schools in the province,20 more than the previous year,1.22% increase。Enrollment 457239 people,44208 more people than the previous year,10.70% increase; 1,271,445 students,66,743 more people than the m88 slot machine casinom88 online bettingprevious year,Increase of 5.54%; 388,756 graduates,14940 more people than last year,Growth 4.00%。Gross enrollment rate of junior high school[8]103.83%。

122845 junior high school teaching staff,3212 more people than the previous year,Growth of 2.68%; 106,155 full-time teachers,1873 more people than the previous year,1.80% increase。Junior middle school full-time teachers’ academic qualification rate is 99.98%,An increase of 0.02 percentage points over the previous year。

The total number of junior high school classes is 28114,1387 more than the previous year。where,69 large classes of 56 to 65 people,63 fewer than the previous year,Accounting for 0.25% of the total number of classes,Decreased by 0.24 percentage points from the previous year; there are no super large classes with more than 66 people。

3. Children of migrant workers in cities

Children of migrant workers among students in compulsory education[9]415104 people。where,303,798 people studying in primary schools,111,306 people studying in junior high schools。

4. Special education and technical schools

There are 79 special education schools in the province,2 more than the previous year,Growth 2.60%。7391 students in special education schools,396 more people than the previous year,An increase of 5.66%; a total of 1791 full-time teachers,58 more people than last year,Growth 3.35%。

Recruiting various forms[10]'s special education student2807 people,60 fewer people than the previous year,Decreased by 2.09%; 18,810 students on campus,547 fewer people than the previous year,Decreased by 2.83%; 3875 graduates,632 more people than the previous year,19.49% increase。

There is 1 vocational school in the province,9 students in school,32 full-time teachers。

5. High School Education

High school education in the province[11]Total schools669 institute,7 fewer than the previous year,Down 1.04%; Enrollment 346,430,15,880 more people than the m88 slot machine casinom88 online bettingprevious year,Increase of 4.80%; 978,431 students in school,31,015 more people than the previous year,Growth 3.27%。

1. Ordinary high school

There are 444 general high schools in the province,9 fewer than the previous year,1.99% decrease; 238,624 students enrolled,12446 more people than the m88 slot machine casinom88 online bettingprevious year,Increase of 5.50%; 677049 students in school,26628 more people than the previous year,Increase of 4.09%; 210,877 graduates,19484 fewer people than the previous year,Down 8.46%。

86422 general high school teaching staff,1428 fewer people than the previous year,Decreased by 1.63%; 57,339 full-time teachers,405 more people than last year,Increase 0.71%。The qualification rate of full-time teachers is 99.23%,An increase of 0.28 percentage points over the previous year。

2.Secondary vocational education
There are secondary vocational education in the province[12]School225,2 more than the m88 slot machine casinom88 online bettingprevious year,Increase 0.90%。where,27 general secondary vocational schools,The same as the previous year; 196 vocational high schools,3 more than the previous year,1.55% increase; 2 adult secondary vocational schools,1 less than the previous year,Down 33.33%。

Secondary vocational education enrollment 107806 people,3434 more people than the previous year,Growth 3.29%。where,General secondary vocational schools enroll 21,740 students,4398 fewer people than the previous year,Down 16.83%; vocational high school enrollment 85,986 people,7780 more people than the previous year,An increase of 9.95%; the adult secondary vocational school enrolls 80 people,52 more people than last year,185.71% increase。

301,382 students in secondary vocational education,4387 more people than the previous year,1.48% increase。where,74,487 students in general secondary vocational schools,3093 fewer people than the previous year,Down by 3.99%; 226,685 students in vocational high schools,7480 more people than the m88 slot machine casinom88 online bettingprevious year,Increase of 3.41%; 210 students in adult secondary vocational schools,Same as the previous year。

90232 secondary vocational education graduates,18910 more people than the previous year,Growth 26.51%。where,21,259 graduates from ordinary secondary vocational schools,4516 more people than the previous year,An increase of 26.97%; 68,911 vocational high school graduates,14466 more people than the previous year,An increase of 26.57%; 62 adult secondary vocational school graduates,m88 online betting72 fewer people than the previous year,Down 53.73%。

m88 best betting website22,362 teaching staff in secondary vocational education schools,1401 more people than the previous year,Growth 6.68%。where,2862 teaching staff in general secondary vocational schools,63 more people than last year,2.25% increase; 19,401 vocational high school teaching staff,1,370 more people than last year,Increase of 7.60%; 99 teaching staff of adult secondary vocational schools,32 fewer people than the previous year,Down 24.43%。

17218 full-time teachers in secondary vocational education schools,1100 more people than last year,Growth 6.82%。where,1913 full-time teachers in ordinary secondary vocational schools,80 more people than last year,Increase of 4.36%; 15,232 full-time teachers in vocational high schools,1027 more people than the m88 slot machine casinom88 online bettingprevious year,Increase of 7.23%; 73 full-time teachers in adult secondary vocational schools,7 fewer people than last year,Down 8.75%。

6. Higher Education

There are 111 higher education schools of various types in the province,Same as the previous year。where,55 general undergraduate schools (including 10 independent colleges),2 undergraduate level vocational schools,40 higher vocational (college) schools,14 adult colleges and universities。Another,22 scientific research institutions that train graduate students。The total number of students enrolled in all types of higher education in the province[13]2037878 people,57407 more people than the previous year,Growth 2.90%。

Provincial graduate student enrollment[14]66556 people,3786 more people than the previous year,An increase of 6.03%; of which,Recruiting 7045 doctoral students,714 more people than the previous year,Recruiting 59,511 master’s students,3072 more people than the previous year。201,571 postgraduate students,16,150 more people than the previous year,8.71% increase; of which,29590 doctoral students,2639 more people than the previous year,171,981 master’s degree students,13511 more people than the previous year。44888 graduate students,An increase of 4129 people compared with the previous year; of which,3335 graduated doctoral students,41553 graduates with master’s degree。

General undergraduate enrollment 213377 people,13533 more people than the previous year,Growth 6.77%,There are also 31,964 junior college undergraduate students enrolled; 764,831 current students,25231 more people than the previous year,Growth of 3.41%; 184,287 graduates,12,430 more people than the previous year,Growth 7.23%。

4325 vocational undergraduate students enrolled,1388 more people than last year,Growth 47.26%,There are also 532 junior college undergraduate students enrolled; 13,371 current students,3935 more people than the previous year,Growth 41.70%。

162,783 students enrolled in higher vocational colleges (junior colleges) (including 16,565 students enrolled in five-year higher vocational colleges who transferred to junior colleges),7731 fewer people in the same caliber than the previous year,Decreased by 4.53%; 526,154 students on campus,8150 fewer people than the previous year,Down 1.53%; 168,953 graduates,48937 more people than the previous year,Growth 40.78%。

Adult undergraduate and junior college enrollment: 116,863 people,18135 more people than the previous year,18.37% increase; 237,203 students on campus,13,737 more people than the previous year,Growth of 6.15%; 95023 graduates,8451 more people than the previous year,Growth 9.76%。

113,957 online undergraduate and junior college students are enrolled,9579 more people than the previous year,An increase of 9.18%; 294,748 students in school,6504 more people than the previous year,Growth of 2.26%; 101,952 graduates,24570 fewer people than the previous year,Down 19.42%。

116,984 higher education faculty and staff,where,89,788 people in general undergraduate schools; 1,822 people in undergraduate vocational schools; 23,496 people in higher vocational (junior college) schools; 1,878 people in adult colleges and universities。

81,183 full-time teachers in higher education,where,60,568 people in general undergraduate schools; 1,451 people in undergraduate vocational schools; 17,409 people in higher vocational (junior college) schools; 1,071 people in adult colleges and universities; and 684 graduate instructors in scientific research institutions。

7. Private education

There are 4094 private schools at all levels and types in the province,Accounting for 27.36% of the total number of schools at all levels and types in the province,m88 slot machine casinom88 online sports betting289 fewer than the previous year,Down 6.59%。1,429,837 students,183157 fewer people than the previous year,Down 11.36%。Where:

3649 private kindergartens,202 fewer than the previous year,Down 5.25%。618997 children in kindergarten,54,884 fewer people than the previous year,Down 8.14%。

8 private special education schools,1 less than the previous year,Down 1.11%。515 students in school,157 fewer people than the previous year,Down 23.36%。

173 private primary schools,55 fewer than the previous year,Down 24.12%。178692 students in school,94,816 fewer people than the previous year,Down 34.67%。

74 private junior high schools,26 fewer than the previous year,Down 26.00%。101306 students in school,69,353 fewer people than the previous year,Down 40.64%。

79 private high schools,8 fewer than the previous year,Down 9.20%。80366 students in school,6284 more people than the previous year,Growth 8.48%。

78 private secondary vocational schools,3 more than the previous year,Growth 4.00%。87874 students in school,6962 more people than the previous year,Growth 8.60%。

33 private colleges and universities (including 10 independent colleges),Same as the previous year。361,315 undergraduate and junior college students,22686 more people than the previous year,Growth 6.70%。772 graduate students,121 more people than last year,18.59% increase。


[1] Some data in the report are due to rounding,There may be cases where the sub-total is different。

[2] Inclusive kindergartens include public kindergartens and inclusive private kindergartens。

[3] Including independent kindergartens and attached kindergartens。2019,Revise the indicators for preschool children entering kindergarten based on the development of education,The number of children entering kindergarten (class) refers to the number of children entering preschool education for the first time。

[4] Including independent kindergartens and attached kindergartens。

[5] Net enrollment rate of primary school-age children,refers to the percentage of the school-age population in primary education to the total population of the age group specified by the country for primary education,It is calculated according to different entrance ages and schooling systems in different places。

[6] Because the number of teachers and staff in nine-year consistent schools is included in the junior high school education,Complete Middle School、The number of teaching staff in twelve-year consistent schools is included in the high school education,Full-time teachers are classified according to their education level,There is a situation where the data of primary school teaching staff is smaller than the data of full-time teachers。

[7] Qualification rate of full-time teachers’ qualifications,refers to the number of full-time teachers with the minimum academic requirements stipulated by the state at a certain level of education as a percentage of the total number of full-time teachers at that level of education。Minimum academic requirements for education teachers at all levels,Refer to the relevant provisions in the "Teacher Law of the People's Republic of China": Obtain primary school teacher qualifications,Should have graduated from a secondary normal school or above; obtained junior high school teacher、Junior Vocational School Culture、Professional course teacher qualifications,Must have a college degree or above from a higher normal college or other university; obtain senior middle school teacher qualifications and a secondary vocational school、Technical School、Vocational high school culture class、Professional course teacher qualifications,Should have a bachelor’s degree from a normal college or other university or above。

[8] Gross enrollment rate,Refers to the total number of school students regardless of age at a certain level of education as a percentage of the population of the age group specified by the state for that level of education。Due to the inclusion of non-regular age group (underage or overage) students,Gross enrollment rate may exceed 100%。

[9] Children of migrant workers in cities,refers to the household registration registered in other provinces (districts)、City)、Villages in counties (districts) outside the province,Accompanying migrant parents to the city where they were imported、School-age m88 slot machine casinochildren and teenagers who live m88 live casino and sports bettingin the same town and receive compulsory education。

[10] including special education schools、Special education class attached、Students who attend classes and receive tutoring at home。

[11] High school education includes ordinary high schools、Secondary Vocational School。

[12] Secondary vocational education includes general secondary vocational schools、Vocational high schools and adult secondary vocational schools,Excluding technical schools。

[13] including graduate students、General undergraduate and junior college、Adult Undergraduate College、Online undergraduate college、The number of students in various forms of higher education including undergraduate and junior college self-study examination。

[14] According to the relevant requirements of the "Notice on Coordinating the Management of Full-time and Part-time Graduate Students" (Teaching and Research Department [2016] No. 2) of the General Office of the Ministry of Education,2017 Graduate Admissions、The connotation of the current student indicator has changed,Added part-time postgraduate data。

Internship editor: Zhang Niankun Editor: Li Qiqi Audit: Diao Qiaoyan)

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