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Anti-cult education丨Be wary of the dangers of the "Almighty God" cult

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"Almighty God" is also known as "Eastern Lightning" and "Actual God",It is an illegal organization that spreads cults in the name of Christianity。“Almighty God” uses various means to exercise mental control over believers,Enable believers to know、Emotion、Distortion in thinking, will behavior, etc.,Leading believers to psychological distortion、Pervert,Even causing the loss of innocent lives。In what aspects are the dangers of "Almighty God" highlighted?

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The leader Zhao Weishan made it clear that the purpose of the "Almighty God" cult organization is to overthrow the "Big Red Dragon"(referring to the Communist Party of China),Advocating that "China is a country cursed by me,Is the descendant of the big red dragon",Require believers to “stop the big red dragon’s gun with their lives,Cheer up,Sacrifice your life,Throw away everything,Regardless of personal gains and losses,Under the leadership of God, start a decisive battle with the big red dragon,Exterminate the big red dragon,Establish the kingdom m88 slot machine casinom88 live casino and sports bettingof ‘Almighty God’”。It fights the government、The political ambition to gain political power is clearly revealed。

2. Disturbing society and destroying order

The "Almighty God" cult spreads rumors of "the end of the world",Creating an atmosphere of panic in society; inciting believers to attack state agencies,Besieging law enforcement officers,Vicious incidents have occurred in some places where personnel of the "Almighty God" went to places of detention to demand the release of detainees。Their perverse behavior has seriously disrupted the lives of the people,The situation of social stability and unity has been seriously damaged。Also,Zhao Weishan also claimed that “the students have believed in the Lord,If you don’t learn, you can become self-taught” “The Party’s education is useless”,causing some primary and secondary school students to drop out of school,Go to a cult party。A former student of a primary school in a certain city200Multiple names,Because of being incited by a cult,Two-thirds of students drop out and go home,Participate in cult activities with your family。After a rural primary school teacher in a certain place joined a cult,Developed in school24Primary school students, requiring children to pray before three meals a day5times,Keeping these students in a daze all day long,A general decline in academic performance。A first-level standard school in a certain city,8Female students ran away together.

3. Trampling on human rights and killing lives

The fallacies and heresies of the "Almighty God" cult organization not only seriously poison m88 online bettingand destroy the psychology m88 slot machine casinom88 live casino and sports bettingof the people who are threatened by it,Even make them lose their minds,Making suicide、Extreme incidents such as self-harm。such as2011Year12month13Day,Three believers in Baicheng, Jilin Province were convicted of believing in the "end of the world" statement,To avoid the coming catastrophe,Died by self-immolation at home。2012Year12month24Day,34Yang Meijuan, a believer in “Almighty God” from Shaanxi Province,Because of the influence of rumors about "Almighty God" and "the end of the world",Suicide by taking poison at home。2014Year5month28A case of intentional homicide involving a cult in Zhaoyuan, Shandong, Japan,6Among the suspects3Named as a teenager, the main culprit is actually one18year-old girl Zhang,When the suspect threatened the victim Wu to tell her her mobile phone number,Rejected by Wu,Later beat Wu to death。can be seen,How do these teenagers who have been brainwashed by the cult of "Almighty God" ignore life。

4. Destroy families and destroy lives

The mind control methods of the "Almighty God" cult,It not only destroys the family of the person being pulled, but also hurts the feelings of the family of the person pulling the person,In addition, the "Almighty God" cult organization also said that it "is now separated from the family,Leaved from parents、wife、Husband、Children’s,This is the beginning of entering the spiritual world”,Instigating believers to run away from home、Leaving home and career to “preach”,They even incited believers to sell their belongings and live together,To welcome the arrival of “Almighty God”。For this,Some believers m88 online bettingm88 online bettingmay go to other places,No news for several years,Or sell off property,Dedicate all to the leader,Leaving the elderly at home with no one to support them,The child is left unattended,The originally harmonious and happy family was shattered。

5. Interfering with religion and attracting people

The members of the "Almighty God" cult organization follow Zhao Weishan's instructions,Send cult books to the homes of “Three-Self” church members、Spreading fallacies and heresies in religious churches、Promote cult ideas to religious believers by recruiting people in private Christian meeting places,Direct development focus to important personnel such as “responsible persons of various sects and sects”,Retaliation against religious believers who resisted "Almighty God",And fabricated "Typical Examples of Christian Sects in Mainland China Being Punished for Resisting "Almighty God",Fabricated a large number of cases to intimidate Christians,Consists of great harm to normal religious activities。

6. Squeeze blood and sweat to make money

The "Almighty God" cult organization mainly collects "donations",Selling illegally printed books to believers、Audio and video products、Marker、Collect money through promotional materials and other methods。On the one hand, the cult stated to its followers that it collects “donation money” in order to “perform its duty”,As a “preparation for good deeds”,Donating more or less is completely voluntary; on the other hand, it claims that "people without good deeds are inhumane,No different from the devil Satan。When m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 best betting websitedisaster strikes,Those who do too little or none of their duty,Everyone will receive the punishment they deserve。”This forces believers to donate their hard-earned money,Many believers even gave their life savings,The money collected is basically used to pay for the illegal activities of the cult and for Zhao Weishan to spend and enjoy abroad。

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The above hazards are real and visible,The potential harm of "Almighty God" is immeasurable,Such as the psychological harm to the believers of "Almighty God" and the innocent people and their families who have been harmed by "Almighty God",And the impact on their descendants is even more unpredictable。Please teachers and students see clearly the nature and harm of "Almighty God",Don’t be fooled。

(Photo and text source: China Anti-Cult Network)

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