Data statistics reference
Shaanxi Province Education Statistical Management Implementation Rules (Shaanxi Education Standards [2019] No. 17)

  Source of the articlem88 online bettingShaanxi Provincial Department of Education

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 To strengthen educational statistics work,Guarantee the authenticity of statistical data、Accuracy、Completeness and timeliness,Use statistics in educational management、The important role in scientific decision-making and serving social development,According to the "Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China", "Regulations on the Implementation of the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China", "Educational Statistics Management Regulations" and related laws and regulations,These rules are formulated based on the actual development of education in Shaanxi Province。

Article 2 The Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education deploys and organizes education administrative departments at all levels in the province in accordance with the law、Educational statistical activities implemented by schools (institutions) at all levels and types,These rules apply。

Article 3 The basic task of education statistics in Shaanxi Province is to conduct statistical surveys on the development of education in the province、Statistical analysis,Provide statistical data and statistical advice,Implement statistical supervision。

Article 4 The Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education is under the leadership of the Ministry of Education and the business guidance of the Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics,Leadership according to law、Manage and organize and coordinate departmental statistical survey projects in the education field across the province。Cities、County-level education administrative departments and various schools (institutions) at all levels,The organizational leadership of statistical work should be strengthened,Implement relevant responsibilities,Provide necessary guarantees for the implementation of educational statistical activities。

Article 5 Education administration departments at all levels、Schools (institutions) at all levels and types should include the funds required for educational statistical work in their annual budgets,Disbursed on time,Equipped with software and hardware equipment suitable for educational statistical work,Guarantee the normal work of education statistics at this level and department、Effective development。

For making outstanding contributions to educational statistics work、Units and individuals that have achieved remarkable results,Commendations and rewards will be given in accordance with relevant national regulations,In personal professional title、Give appropriate preference in job evaluation and work assessment。

Article 6 Educational administrative departments at all levels should strengthen research on statistical laws of education,Continuously improve statistical survey methods,Improve the scientific nature of education statistics and the authenticity of data; the information construction of education statistics should be strengthened,Actively use the Internet、Big data、Cloud computing and other modern information technologies,Promote the collection of educational statistical information、Process、Transmission、Share、Modernization of storage technology and statistical database system。

Article 7 Educational administrative departments and schools (institutions) and other statistical survey objects that receive statistical surveys on education,Should comply with statistical laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of these rules,True、Accurate、Complete、Provide statistical survey data in a timely manner。

Article 8 The information obtained in the educational statistical survey that can identify or infer the identity of individual m88 online bettingstatistical m88 live casino and sports bettingsurvey subjects shall be strictly managed in accordance with laws and regulations,No unit or individual may provide it to external parties、Leaked。In addition to serving as the basis for statistical law enforcement,Cannot be directly used as an object of statistical investigation for administrative licensing、The basis for specific administrative actions such as administrative penalties,Not to be used for purposes other than completing statistical tasks。

Chapter 2 Education statistics institutions and personnel

Article 9 Education administration departments at all levels、The institution responsible for education statistics among all types of schools (institutions) at all levels is the education statistics agency,Full-time and part-time staff directly responsible for education statistics are education statisticians。

Educational statistical agencies and statisticians implement a reporting system。Cities、County-level education administration department、All types of schools (institutions) at all levels are responsible for the statistics of their own educational institutions、The person in charge of statistics and statisticians make adjustments and changes,Should be from the date of adjustment changeReport the adjustment and changes to the Provincial Department of Education in writing within 5 working days。Statistical institutions and personnel involved in changes must make good work handovers。

Article 10 Education statistics agencies and statisticians independently conduct statistical surveys in accordance with the law、Statistical Report、Powers of statistical supervision,Inviolate。Educational statistical agencies and statisticians are not allowed to forge、Tampering with statistics,Do not require any unit or individual to provide untrue statistical information in any way。

Article 11 The Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education is in charge of the provincial education statistics work,Determine specific functional departments to be responsible for the implementation of education statistics in the province,Carry out the following work specifically:

(1) According to the education statistical survey system,Develop a provincial education statistical management system、Statistical survey plan and organize implementation,Organize and coordinate the provincial education statistics work;

(2) Centralized management of this department、Various statistical data of this system,Submit and provide relevant statistical data to higher education administrative departments and provincial people’s government statistical agencies,Coordinate and organize the statistical analysis of education in the province、Prediction、Consultation and statistical supervision;

(3) Strengthening the construction of educational statistics team,Organize, implement and guide the professional learning of educational statisticians across the province、Skills training and professional ethics education;

(4) Supervision、Check each city、County Education Administration Department、Implementation of statistical work in schools (institutions) at all levels and types,Organize and carry out data quality verification and assessment work;

(5) Other legal responsibilities and work matters.

Article 12 Cities、County-level education administration department、The main person in charge of the party and government of all types of schools (institutions) at all levels is the first person responsible for the statistical work of the department (institution),We must strengthen leadership and coordination of statistical work,Establish and improve rules and regulations,Clear the internal organization responsible for statistical work,Equip full-time and part-time statisticians (statisticians in ordinary colleges and universities should in principle have corresponding professional and technical titles),Implement statistical surveys in accordance with the law、Analysis、Statistical work within the scope of responsibilities such as data management and publication。

Article 13 Educational statistical institutions should strengthen professional ethics and professional training and education for statisticians,Organize statistical business knowledge and statistical laws and regulations training at least once a year,Strengthen the qualifications and credit building of statisticians in accordance with national regulations,Improving the professional quality of education statisticians。

Article 14 Educational statisticians should strengthen their study,Possess professional m88 online sports bettingknowledge m88 best betting websiteand professional abilities commensurate with the educational statistical work they are engaged in; and shall abide by professional ethics,Arrange it truthfully、Submit statistical data,Responsible for its collection、Review、Responsible for the consistency of the entered statistical data with the statistical data submitted by the survey subjects。

Chapter 3 Education Statistical Survey and Analysis

Article 15 Education administrative departments at all levels need to increase or reduce the content of supplementary educational statistical surveys,Should be reported to the statistical agency of the people's government at the same level for review and approval in accordance with the law,And report to the higher education administration department for record。

Article 16 Educational statistical institutions and statisticians should implement national statistical standards and supplementary departmental statistical standards,The meaning of statistical survey indicators、Calculation method、Category、The questionnaire format and statistical coding must not conflict with national statistical standards。

Article 17 Collect、Compile educational statistics,Should be based on the educational statistical questionnaire,Comprehensive survey on comprehensive application、Key Investigation、Sampling survey and other methods,And make full use of administrative records、Electronic registration information and other materials。

Article 18 Education statistics agencies should base their work on statistical data,Conduct statistical analysis and monitoring of the development of education in the region or unit,Provide consulting opinions and decision-making suggestions。Interpretation of statistical data on establishment of education、Prediction and early warning mechanism,Strengthen data analysis,Enhance the timeliness of statistical analysis of education、Pertinence and practicality。

Article 19 Education statistics agencies can entrust specialized agencies to undertake the task of education statistics,Implement statistical survey and data development through purchasing service organizations from society,A third-party organization can be introduced to evaluate educational statistics。

Article 20 Educational statistical agencies and statisticians should follow the educational statistical survey system,Promptly submit the information obtained by the statistical survey carried out by his organization。Receipt of Education Statistical Questionnaire Data、Review、Summary by county、City、Provincial three-level education administrative departments are responsible for the classification,Strict review and control,Make sure the data is authentic、Complete。

Chapter 4 Management and publication of educational statistical data

Article 21 Schools (institutions) at all levels and types should set original records in accordance with relevant national regulations、Statistical ledger,Establish and improve the review of statistical data、Signed、Handover、Archiving and other management systems。The statistical data reported must be submitted by statisticians、Reviewer、Signature of the person in charge of this unit,with company seal。

Audit of statistical data、Reviewed by the signer、Authenticity of signed statistics、Responsible for accuracy and completeness。

Article 22 Education administrative departments at all levels formulate policy plans、Inspection work progress、Evaluate development level, etc.,Anything involving statistical data,Education statistics should be used first,Subject to the statistical data provided by the education statistics agency。

Article 23 Educational statistical data is subject to hierarchical management。Education administration departments at all levels、Schools (institutions) at all levels are responsible for managing the statistical data generated by the annual education statistical work at their level。The Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education is responsible for managing the lower-level education administrative departments and colleges and universities、Statistical data reported by general secondary vocational schools and other schools (institutions); cities、The county-level education administrative department is responsible for managing the statistical data reported by the lower-level education administrative department and its affiliated schools (institutions); all types of schools (institutions) at all levels are responsible for managing the statistical questionnaires and related original records of the schools (institutions)。

Education administrative departments at all levels shall establish and improve the preservation of statistical data on education at the same level in accordance with relevant national regulations、Management system and educational statistical information sharing mechanism。Original data of statistical survey objects obtained during m88 slot machine casinostatistical survey,should be saved at least2 years。Summary statistical data should be kept for at least 10 years,Important summary statistics should be kept permanently。Original records and statistical ledgers set up by m88 online bettingstatistical survey subjects in accordance with relevant national regulations,Should be kept for at least 2 years。

Article 24 Statistical data obtained from the educational statistical survey,Except those that should be kept confidential according to law,Should be disclosed in a timely manner,Easy to query and use。

Education administrative departments at all levels shall publish educational statistics in accordance with relevant national regulations,For public inquiry。The statistical data query mainly uses the officially released comprehensive data of various types of education at all levels,In principle, original data query is not provided。

Article 25 Educational statistical institutions and statisticians shall comply with national confidentiality regulations,Establish and improve the statistical confidentiality system for education,Improving the statistical internal control mechanism for education,Do a good job in keeping relevant statistical data confidential。

Chapter 5 Supervision and legal responsibility

Article 26 Education statistics should be subject to public supervision。Education statistics should be true、Accurate,No unit or individual may use false educational statistics to defraud honorary titles、Material benefits or job promotion。

Article 27 Education administrative departments at all levels establish a reporting system for educational statistical surveys,Timeliness in submitting statistical questionnaires、Report on completeness and data quality。

Article 28 Education administrative departments at all levels should regularly conduct statistical work inspections on lower-level education administrative departments and the schools (institutions) under their jurisdiction。The contents of statistical work inspection mainly include:

(1) Statistical Law、Regulations、Implementation of regulations and related documents;

(2) The construction of statistical rules and regulations and their organizational implementation;

(3) The establishment of institutions (positions) responsible for statistical work within the unit;

(4) Guarantee of statistical funds and statistical equipment configuration;

(5) Management of statistical data;

(6) Other contents that need to be checked.

Article 29 The Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education establishes a statistical data verification mechanism with expert participation,Passed self-examination、Mutual check、Spot checks, etc.,Carry out statistical data quality verification,Promote statistical data quality improvement。

Cities、County-level education administrative departments should establish a spot check system for educational statistical data,Develop a list of random inspection items,Reasonably determine the proportion and frequency of spot checks,Randomly check the educational statistical data submitted by the lower-level education administrative departments or the schools (institutions) under their jurisdiction。

Article 30 Education administration departments at all levels、Relevant staff of schools (institutions) at all levels and types have engaged in illegal statistical activities in educational statistics work,Transfer to the statistical agency of the people's government at or above the county level for investigation and punishment according to law; those who violate disciplines,By the higher education administrative department in accordance with relevant regulations,Based on the seriousness of the illegal and disciplinary behavior,To the appointment and removal authority of the relevant responsible personnel、Disciplinary inspection and supervision agency、The organization (personnel) department makes suggestions for punishment。

Article 31 Education administration departments at all levels、Leaders of schools (institutions) at all levels and types have one of the following behaviors,In accordance with relevant regulations,A demerit or a major demerit will be given; if the circumstances are serious,Demoted or dismissed; if the circumstances are serious,Discipline:

(1) Self-modification of educational statistics、Making up false data;

(2) Forced Order、Instruct this department、Statistical agency of this unit、Statistics staff or other relevant agencies、Personnel refused to report、False report、Concealing or tampering with education statistics、Making up false data;

(3) Rejection、Resist tampering with education statistics or refuse、Resist those who fabricate false data and retaliate;

(4) Expose、Retaliation against those who report statistical violations of laws and disciplines。

Item (3) of the preceding paragraph、The acts specified in item (4),Should be severely punished。

Article 32 Educational statistical institutions and relevant personnel have any of the following m88 slot machine casinobehaviors,m88 slot machine casinoShould be carried out in accordance with the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations and relevant provisions,Pursue corresponding legal or administrative responsibilities,And recorded in relevant units、Integrity file of relevant responsible person:

(1) Organizing and implementing statistical surveys without approval;

(2) Modify by yourself、Tampering、Fake、Making up statistical data;

(3) Failure to provide on time、Refuse to provide or provide untrue、Incomplete statistical data or requiring m88 online bettingstatistical survey subjects to provide untrue statistical data;

(4) Illegal publication of statistical data;

(5) The leakage of statistical data leads to the identification of a single statistical survey subject;

(6) Violation of regulations leading to damage or loss of statistical data;

(7) Other statistical violations.

Article 33 Violation of Statistics Law and other relevant regulations,Use false statistics to defraud honorary titles、Material benefits or job promotion,In addition to being held legally responsible for fabricating false statistical data or asking others to fabricate false statistical data,By the unit that made the relevant decision or its superior unit、The supervisory authority revokes his honorary title,Material benefits gained from recovery,Withdrawal of promoted positions。

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

Article 34 The Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education is responsible for the interpretation of these rules.

Article 35 These rules will come into effect on the date of issuance.

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