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English Major
English Major

The English major is affiliated to the discipline of foreign languages ​​and literature,Founded in 1999,is the first batch of undergraduate majors set up by the school。This major is based in Shaanxi,Facing the northwest region,Actively explore the "English + direction" talent training model,Cultivation of a solid foundation for local and regional social and economic construction、Wide diameter、Practice-oriented applied English undergraduate m88 live casino and sports bettingtalents。Students receive solid English language skills and systematic language knowledge training in the basic stage,And through "Promoting Learning through Competition"、"Promoting teaching through competition" various forms of second classroom activities,such as Model United Nations、“Foreign Language and Culture Society Cup” English Speech Competition and other competitions improve students’ comprehensive professional quality and cross-cultural communication skills。Open English education in primary and secondary schools in senior grades、Economy and Trade、Translation、And modern transportation and tourism service professional direction,Enhance students’ relevant professional knowledge and abilities,Provide a platform for students to further their education, development and employment。

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English major aims to cultivate moral ethics、智、body、美、Labor Comprehensive Development,Have solid basic English language skills、Strong English professional knowledge、Proficient language use ability、Strong cross-cultural communication skills,Master some English education in primary and secondary schools、Economy and Trade、Translation、Basic knowledge and practical operational abilities in transportation m88 online sports bettingand tourism services and other related professions,Able to adapt to local and regional economic and social construction and social development needs,Proficient in using English to engage in education and teaching、Foreign economic and trade activities、Foreign-related transportation and crew services、Foreign tourism、Application-oriented talents for various language services and international exchanges。

Professional direction

English education in primary and secondary schools、Economy and Trade、Translation、Modern transportation and tourism services。

Main Courses

Professional core course: Comprehensive English、English audio and video、English reading、English writing、Spoken English、English Speech and Debate、English-Chinese/Chinese-English Translation、Cross-cultural communication、Introduction to English Literature、Research Methods and Academic Writing

Professional elective course: English pronunciation、English Grammar、Advanced English、Advanced audio and video、English news reading、 Introduction to Linguistics、Selected Readings from British and American Literature、English poetry appreciation、Introduction to Western Culture、 British and American society and culture, Overview of English speaking countries、Introduction to Chinese m88 best betting websiteCulture、English Rhetoric、English movie appreciation、Advertising and Advertising English、English test, etc.

Professional orientation course:

Educational psychology, principles of education, history of Chinese and foreign education, English teaching methods in primary and secondary schools, English testing and evaluation, new media educational technology theory and practice (Primary and secondary education direction)

International trade practice, e-commerce, Cambridge Business English、Marketing、Logistics、World Economy、 Introduction to Cross-Cultural Business Communication, Introduction to Management (economic and trade direction)

Advanced Translation, Advanced consecutive interpretation, Business translation, Translation technology,  News translation, Appreciation of good translations, history of Chinese and Western translation and translation theory (Translation direction)

Image design、Shape、Comprehensive English for Cabin Crew、Crew English audio-visual、Introduction to Civil Aviation、Travel English、Service Psychology、Basic knowledge of national tour guides、China’s modern transportation history (Modern transportation and tourism service direction)


English major graduates can work in the following m88 slot machine casinofields: secretaries in various domestic and foreign enterprises and management institutions、Translators; various types of travel、Trade、Secretaries in foreign-related and other institutions、Translation、Executive; International、Domestic travel agency tour guides and hotel outreach、Reception staff; English language、Scientific research and primary and intermediate English teaching work in literature and other related fields; going to the UK、美、Europe、Australia、Advanced studies in other countries、Work、Study。