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Practical teaching

To further improve practical teaching,Achieving the combination of theoretical learning and practical application,Improve students’ practical ability and m88 online bettingprofessional quality。Accounting major in the School of Economics and Management under the leadership of teacher Hou Hui,Organize 2023 students to carry out cognitive internship at Shendong Computing Center of National Energy Group。This practical activity is designed to allow students to have close contact with the accounting departments of large state-owned enterprises,Deepen the understanding and application of accounting theoretical knowledge,Lay a solid foundation for your future career。

National Energy Group Shendong Accounting Center is an important part of the National Energy Group,It enjoys a high reputation in the industry for its advanced accounting concepts and efficient accounting system。This center not only undertakes complex accounting tasks within the group,Also continue to explore and practice accounting system innovation,Provide strong support for corporate strategic decisions。

During study,Teachers and students were warmly received by the leaders of the Accounting Center。The person in charge of the accounting center m88 slot machine casinointroduced the operation of the center in detail、Business Model and Future Career Development Paths for Accounting Students,In the discussion session,The head of the accounting department and corporate executives explained the latest concepts to the students、Policies, regulations and industry development trends,Not only broadens students’ horizons,It also inspired their love for the accounting profession。

Students are assigned to different financial accounting departments,Understand the daily accounting of the accounting center、Cost Analysis、Budget management、Financial shared services and other work contents。Under the guidance of senior financial personnel,Students not only learned how to use accounting professional software,Also experienced the preparation of reports、Review and submission process。Through practice,Students have a deeper understanding of the complexity and meticulousness of accounting work,Also realized that I have professional knowledge、Defects in skill operation and other aspects。

m88 live casino and sports bettingIn the results display and summary reporting session,Students combine their own practical experience,Shared learning experience and insights,Looking forward to future career plans。The leaders of the Accounting Center spoke highly of the students’ performance,Encourage them to continue working hard in their future studies and work,Contribute to the development of the accounting industry。

This practical activity not only allowed the students to gain valuable practical experience,It also deepened their knowledge and understanding of the accounting profession。The college will continue to strengthen cooperation with enterprises,Provide students with more practical opportunities,Help them grow into outstanding accounting professionals。

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