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Teaching Team
  • Zhang Rongbin,Female,m88 slot machine casinoMember of the Communist Party of China,Associate Professor,Master,Asset Appraiser,Intermediate Accountant。Head of Accounting Major。 Lectures on financial management、Accounting、Energy market and price courses。Editor in chief of 3 textbooks。Presided over and participated in the humanities and social sciences project of the Ministry of Education、Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Fund、Xi’an Social Science Fund, etc....

  • Liu Lingxian,Female,Associate Professor/Senior Accountant,Master,Graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University, majoring in accounting、Professional person in charge。 Main course: "Basic Accounting"、"Intermediate Financial Accounting"、《Financial Management》、《Management Accounting》《Financial Report Analysis》、"Comprehensive Corporate Accounting Training"m88 slot machine casino、《Financial Sharing Service...

  • Zhang Liping,Female,m88 slot machine casinoMember of the Communist Party of China,Professor,Master,Graduated from Northwest A&F University,Head of Finance Major。Mainly responsible for "Microeconomics"、"Macroeconomics"、"Finance"、"Financial Market" and other courses。Presided over and participated in the completion of more than 10 various scientific research and teaching reform projects,Among them Shaanxi...

  • Deng Wenjia,Female,m88 slot machine casinoMember of the Communist Party of China,Ph.D. in Ecology,Head of energy economics major,Graduated from the Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Environment Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences。While in school,Participated in several National Natural Science Foundation projects and successfully concluded them,Published 5 scientific research papers。Research m88 live casino and sports bettingfield: Climate change, energy conservation and emission reduction,...

  • Wang Weixin,Male,m88 slot machine casinoMember of the Communist Party of China,Professor,Master,Head of International Economics and Trade Major,Graduated from Northwest University of Political Science and Law, majoring in civil and commercial law,Full-time teacher at Mingde College of Northwestern Polytechnical University。Since entering Middlebury College in 2002,Has been engaged in legal teaching in related majors,Mainly teaching economic law、Country...

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