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The School of Art and m88 live casino and sports m88 online sports bettingbettingDesign launches a themed anti-fraud publicity campaign

        forEffectively improve students’ anti-fraud awareness and ability,Create a strong public opinion atmosphere for anti-fraud on campus,November 13th afternoon,Police from Luan Town Police Station, Chang’an District, Xi’an went deep into the campus,Carried out a publicity activity with the theme of "National Joint Work to Fight Fraud and Beware of Strong Internet Awareness" for students of the School of Art and Design。



        For young people、Gullible student group,Police explain typical cases of telecommunications fraud、Common types of telecom fraud and related knowledge on how to prevent telecom fraud,Patiently explain relevant legal knowledge,Remind students of the diverse fraud methods m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 online sports bettingthat currently exist,Explain clearly the fraud tactics of criminals,Inform students of strategies to prevent telecommunications fraud,Remind students not to trust unknown phone calls and text messages,Do not disclose your and your family’s identity information to strangers、Deposit、Point-to-point on bank account number and other information、Face-to-face promotion of telecom fraud prevention knowledge,Beware of being deceived。


        The police gave the case、Won unanimous praise from everyone for explaining the law through cases,Students all said: “The content of this lecture is very timely and quenches their thirst,The police officers’ vivid explanations truly taught us how to recognize fraud with a sharp eye,Don’t waver in the face of temptation。”

        m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 online sports bettingThrough this anti-telecom fraud publicity campaign,It has effectively improved the vigilance and prevention awareness of telecommunications fraud among students,Further enhances everyone’s awareness of fraud、Anti-fraud、Awareness and ability to resist fraud,Achieve full coverage of anti-fraud propaganda、Know everything、EnterPeople’s hearts.

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