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Civil Service Information
National Policy
Measures for the Organization and Management of Civil Servant Recruitment Interviews (Trial)

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issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security〔201593No.


Chapter 1   Total then

Article 1  To standardize civil servant recruitment interviews,According to the Civil Service Law、"Regulations on Recruitment of Civil Servants (Trial)",Develop these measures。

Article 2  This method is applicable to the interview work of civil servants at all levels of government examinations and recruitment below the director level and other non-leadership positions at equivalent job levels。

Article 3  Information must be conducted in accordance with the law、Fair、Justice、Science、Safety principles。

Article 4  Interviews are organized and implemented by the civil service departments at or above the provincial level,You can also entrust recruitment agencies at or above the provincial level or authorized civil service departments at the municipal level to organize the implementation。

According to division of responsibilities,Personnel examination agencies can undertake interviews and examinations and other related work。

Article 5  A work plan should be developed to organize and implement interviews,Clear interview methods、Implementation steps and processes、Examination room setting requirements、Interview questions natal system and management and interview staff responsibilities, etc.。

Chapter 2   Interview question formulation and management

Article 6  The competent department of civil servants at or above the provincial level organizes or approves interview questions。According to division of responsibilities,The personnel examination institutions of organizations at or above the provincial level are responsible for the preparation of interview questions and other related work。You can also entrust a specialized agency to undertake support and service work such as interview question preparation。

Entrusted by the central civil service department,The central first-level recruitment agency can organize and formulate interview questions suitable for this unit (this system)。

Article 7  For formulating interview questions, a work plan should be developed,Scientifically set up interview assessment elements、Exam paper structure、Number of test questions, etc.。The evaluation elements are determined based on the abilities and qualities required for the recruitment position。

Article 8  The test question formulation unit should carry out the test question m88 live casino and sports bettingformulation in accordance with the proposition specifications、Collection、Review and Matching,Prepare interview question book。

Interview question books generally include interview questions、Evaluation elements、Rating reference and other contents。

Article 9  Interviewers should be familiar with the civil service recruitment system and related policies、Proposition specifications and requirements,Master certain talent assessment theories and techniques,Have the ability and level of the corresponding question types。

Article 10  The proposed location shall meet the requirements for confidential working conditions。Special equipment should be used when making propositions,Equipment and proposition materials should be kept by designated personnel。

Article 11  The interview question book should be printed in a unit with the qualification to print state secret carriers。

Article 12  Interview questions should be packaged and distributed according to unified specifications,And deliver it in strict accordance with the prescribed procedures and requirements、Handover、Safety、Distribution、Use。

Article 13  Passed in the interview question book、Handover、Safety、Distribution、In use,Confidentiality loss occurred、Leaks of secrets and other major anomalies,Effective measures should be taken immediately to control the development of the situation,Find out the scope and reasons of the leak,Report to the civil service department at or above the provincial level。

Article 14  The interview question book has been used,Should be recycled in time,Save until after the interview is over,Destroyed in accordance with national confidentiality regulations。

Chapter 3   Interview and examination room management

Article 15  The interview room should be set up in a relatively independent location、Quiet、Convenient place,And comply with safety management requirements。

The interview room is set up according to needs、Examination waiting room、Examination Preparation Room、Examination Office, etc.,Each area is under closed management。

Article 16  During the interview,It is prohibited to use various electronic devices in the interview room、Communication、Calculate、Storage and other equipment,Except related equipment necessary for interview organization and implementation。

Interview examiner、Candidates and relevant interview staff should hand over mobile phones and other prohibited devices to designated staff for safekeeping。

Article 17  The interview room should be equipped with video or audio recording equipment,Record the entire interview process。

Chapter 4   Interview examiner management

Article 18  Interview examiners should have good political qualities,Have relatively rich personnel management、Experience in talent evaluation, etc. or a certain number of years of work experience in government agencies,Good conduct,Fair and decent,Consciously abide by laws and regulations,Strictly observe work discipline,Abide by the code of conduct。

Serving as the interview examiner,Except for meeting the above conditions,Should also be able to speak m88 online sports bettingMandarin,Clear articulation,Smooth expression。

Article 19 Before serving as an interview examiner, you should generally participate in specialized training by civil servants at or above the provincial level,Training time shall not be less than16Class hours。After training,Interviewer Qualification Certificate will be issued to those who pass the examination。

Article 20  The civil service authorities at or above the provincial level should monitor the interview examiners’ participation in training、The number of interviews, behavioral performance, integrity and self-discipline, etc. are filed and registered; regular evaluation of duty performance。The evaluation result is unqualified,Cannot continue to serve as interview examiner。

Chapter 5   Interview staff management

Article 21  Based on job interview needs,Equipment Score、Timer、Verification score、Guide、Technical support and safety assurance and other related staff。Every interview room should be equipped1Supervisors.

Article 22  Interview staff should have good political qualities、Ideological character and high business ability,Able to perform duties seriously,Comply with relevant regulations,Be honest and self-disciplined。

Article 23  Interview staff should receive necessary training,Familiar with interview requirements and procedures。

Chapter 6   Interview Candidate Management

Article 24  Before the interview,The authenticity of relevant materials and information submitted by candidates should be reviewed。Any relevant materials and main information are untrue,Influence on the results of application qualification review,Disqualified from interview in accordance with relevant regulations。

Article 25  Interview candidates should abide by the rules of the interview room,Submit to the management of the interview staff,Participate in the interview with integrity。

Article 26  Candidates have the right to be informed of interview-related requirements and precautions in advance,Enjoy the right to know and the right to equal competition。

Chapter 7   Interview Implementation

Article 27  An announcement should be made before the interview。The interview announcement shall state the list of interviewees、Apply for the position、Interview time、Interview location、Contact information and other matters needing attention。

Article 28  The interview method is mainly structured interview and leaderless group discussion,Other evaluation methods can also be adopted。

Article 29  During the interview,A panel of interview examiners should be established。The interview panel is usually composed of7Composed of examiners, including the chief examiner1Name.

Article 30  In principle, candidates applying for the same position will be placed in the same examiner group、Use the same set of interview questions for interviews。

Article 31  Before the interview,The examiner and candidates should draw lots to determine the interview room and order。Only1For interviews with a group of examiners, the examiners will draw lots to determine the difference.

Article 32  The civil service authorities and recruitment agencies should base their m88 slot machine casinoduties on the characteristics of the positions、Interview methods and test questions,Reasonably determine the interview time limit,Ensure that the quality of candidates can be effectively tested。

Article 33  The interview should be conducted in accordance with the prescribed procedures。The interview will be hosted by the examiner,The interview examiner follows the requirements of the interview question book,Grade based on the candidate’s performance and sign for confirmation。

Article 34  The examiner and interview supervisor should supervise the performance of duties and the implementation of examination discipline by all examiners in the interview room,And sign on the score sheet to confirm。The interview supervisor did not arrive at the interview site,No interviews allowed。Not signed and approved by the supervisor,Invalid interview results。

Article 35  The staff calculates the candidates’ interview scores according to the prescribed scoring method,And inform candidates according to the prescribed time and method。

Chapter 8   Safety and Confidentiality

Article 36  The civil service authorities and recruitment agencies should establish and improve the interview safety work system,Strengthen the management of interview-related materials and information,Make sure it is safe and accurate。

Article 37  Interview question books and related materials are managed according to the confidentiality level stipulated by the state。

Materials generated during the interview organization process (including data, audio and video materials, etc.),Filed and kept by dedicated personnel,Save until the probation period of the newly hired personnel expires。

Article 38  Candidates’ personal information should be protected。Any information involving candidates’ personal privacy,The scope of knowledge should be strictly controlled in accordance with relevant regulations,Not to be released to the public。

Article 39  Interview proposition personnel、Interview examiner、Interviewing staff、Interview candidates should abide by confidentiality regulations and requirements。

Chapter 9   Discipline and Supervision

Article 40  Interview examiner、Interview staff and interview candidates who have any situation listed in Article 70 of the Civil Service Law,Should be avoided。

Article 41  For those who violate interview discipline,By the civil service department、The recruitment agency or its unit,Processed in accordance with management authority and relevant regulations。

Article 42  For those who do not organize interviews according to this method,The civil service departments at or above the provincial level shall consider the severity of the case in accordance with relevant regulations,Order to correct or declare invalid。For those declared invalid,The interview should be reorganized。

Article 43  Civil service authorities and recruitment agencies should increase the transparency of interview work,Proactively accept supervision from candidates and society,Accept letters and visits promptly、Report。

Chapter 10   Supplementary Provisions

Article 44  Recruitment interviews for staff other than service personnel in agencies (units) governed by the Civil Servant Law shall be conducted in m88 online sports bettingaccordance with these regulations。

Article 45  Provincial-level civil servant authorities shall formulate implementation details for civil servant recruitment interviews within their respective jurisdictions in m88 online sports bettingaccordance with these Measures。

Article 46  These Measures shall come into effect on the date of promulgation.


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