National Scholarship and Bursary
Notice of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education on Further Improving the Qualification Certification of Credit Student Loans in the Place of Origin

Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education regarding further improvements
Notice on the determination of student qualifications for credit student loans in the place of origin

[    No.:Shaanxi Education Loan〔20122No.

[Posting time2012Year3month12

[Issuing unit:Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education


Each city (district) education bureau and all ordinary colleges and universities:

Our province since2007Since the implementation of student credit student loans in 2016,Basically ensure that students from families with financial difficulties can successfully enter and complete their studies,It has played a positive role in promoting the construction of a powerful province in education and building a harmonious society; various regions are working on the qualification identification of loan students,Explore many good experiences and practices。In order to further improve and standardize the work of determining student qualifications for credit student loans in the place of origin,Reasonable allocation of funding resources,Promote the healthy development of credit student loans in students’ places of origin,Based onShaanxi Provincial Department of Education、Shaanxi Provincial Department of Finance、About China Development Bank Shaanxi BranchInterim Measures for the Implementation of National Student Origin Credit Student Loans in Shaanxi Province》(Shaanxi Education Loan〔20075) and the "Notice of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education on Further Strengthening the Qualification of Students for Credit Student Loans in the Place of Origin" (Shaanxi Education Loan [20103No.) Relevant Provisions,Based on the actual situation of our province,The following are the supplementary provisions on the matters related to the qualification determination of credit student loans in the place of origin。

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The work of identifying student qualifications for credit student loans in the place of origin is ongoingUnder the premise of "all loans should be borrowed",Apply by the student himself,Under the leadership of the leading group for student financial aid in colleges and universities and the leading group for student financial aid at the county level,Implement the principle of preliminary review and identification by the University Student Financial Aid Management Center and final review and identification by the county-level Student Financial Aid Management Center。

2. Recognition conditions

Students and families applying for credit student loans from their place of origin should meet the following conditions:

Apply for student placeCreditStudents receiving student loans must meet the following conditions at the same time

1. Student himself、The household registration and family residence of parents or other legal guardians are in this countyWithin jurisdiction

2. Have full capacity for civil conduct;

3. Be honest and trustworthy, abide by the law, no bad records

4. Has been admitted to a full-time undergraduate university、Formal admission to higher vocational schools and colleges (including private universities and independent colleges),Get the truth、Legal、valid admission noticeThe above universitiesNew student or new studentSchool生.

(2) Students and families applying for credit student loans from their place of origin should meet one of the following conditions。

1. Urban subsistence allowance household or rural subsistence allowance household。Families enjoying the urban or rural minimum living security policy,Students when applying for loans,Must provide m88 online sports bettingthe m88 best betting website"Certificate for Receiving Minimum Living Security Fund for Urban Residents" or "Certificate for Receiving Minimum Living Security Fund for Rural Residents" issued by the county and district civil affairs departments and verified that year and the city、Original and copy of the passbook for receiving subsistence allowance for rural residents,The original will be returned to the applicant after review,Copies are retained as loan file information。

2. orphan、Children of martyrs、Special care for children of families。Students when applying for loans,Orphans required、Martyr’s Family、Originals and copies of relevant certificates such as special care for families,The original will be returned to the applicant after review,Copies are retained as loan file information。

3. Some children of disabled families。That is, both or one parent has a disability level three or above,Families receiving living allowance for family financial difficulties。Students when applying for loans,Must provide the original and copy of the "Disability Certificate of the People's Republic of China" and the family financial hardship living allowance certificate,The original will be returned to the applicant after review,Copies are retained as loan file information。

4. A family member paid a large amount of medical expenses due to a serious illness,Families causing financial difficulties。When such students apply for loans,Must provide detailed information on family financial difficulties verified by the township civil affairs department、Original copies of diagnosis certificates and settlement documents from hospitals at or above the county level,Only before you can apply for a loan。

5. Sudden accidents causing heavy personal and property losses,Families causing financial difficulties。Students when applying for loans,Must provide detailed information on family financial difficulties verified by the township civil affairs department,Only before you can apply for a loan。

6. Families experiencing financial difficulties caused by force majeure or natural disasters。An irresistible sudden disaster or major natural disaster occurs in the area where the student’s family is located,causing financial difficulties for the family,Students when applying for loans,Must provide detailed information on family financial difficulties verified by the township civil affairs department,Only before you can apply for a loan。

7. Single-parent families without stable income。Parents are divorced or one parent dies,No stable financial income,causing financial difficulties for the family,Students when applying for loans,Must provide detailed information on family financial difficulties verified by the township civil affairs department,Only before you can apply for a loan。

8. Other families with financial difficulties。Family financial difficulties caused by other reasons,Students when applying for loans,Must provide proof of family financial difficulties that is reviewed by the township civil affairs department and recognized by the county (district) civil affairs department,Only before you can apply for a loan。

Those who have one of the following conditions,Students are not allowed to apply for credit student loans from their place of origin。

1. Families own businesses, cars, and luxury buildings;

2. Purchase or long-term rental of high configuration、High-priced computers (except for special majors);

3. Buy high-end appliances、Fashion、Luxury goods such as jewelry or high-end cosmetics;

4. Frequent visits to commercial Internet cafes during school;

5. The usual consumption level is higher than the surrounding average living standard;

6. One of the parents is a financial supporter.

3. Recognition Procedure

The identification of credit student loan students in the place of origin is conducted once every academic year。College、County-level Student Financial Aid Management Center,Division of labor according to respective functions,Seriously、Responsible for completing the certification work。The identification procedure is as follows:

(1) Submit an application.

Applicants must submit a written application (specificationsA4Paper、Handwritten)。The application must state the family’s financial situation、Make a written commitment to the authenticity of the supporting materials provided。Students in the province who meet the application conditions should truthfully fill out the "m88 live casino and sports bettingShaanxi Province College Student Origin Credit Student m88 best betting websiteLoan Application Approval Form" (attachment1)、Freshmen and students studying from other provinces fill out the "Shaanxi Province Freshmen and Students Studying from Other Provinces Credit Student Loan Application and Approval Form" (Attachment2)。

(2) Provide materials.

m88 slot machine casinom88 live casino and sports bettingWhen the applicant submits the application,New students and students studying in other provinces must apply to the county (city) where their household registration is located、District) Student Financial Aid Management Center provides true, legal and valid certification materials regarding my family’s financial difficulties,If you receive subsistence allowance and subsistence allowance subsidy, you will receive a passbook、Orphan certificate (or orphan certificate issued by the local civil affairs department)、Martyr’s Family Certificate (or Martyr’s Family Certificate issued by the local civil affairs department)、Certificate of Special Care Family (or Certificate of Special Care Family issued by the local civil affairs department)、Disability certificate and proof of living allowance for family financial difficulties、Proof of family financial difficulties caused by serious illness、Original and copy of proof of financial difficulties caused by sudden family changes,For other reasons that cause financial difficulties for the family, relevant certification materials issued by the required agencies must also be provided,Otherwise, it cannot be recognized as a loan student。Students in the province should provide the above-mentioned relevant materials to the student financial aid management center of the university they attend。

(3) Qualification review.

1. The county-level student financial aid management center is responsible for the loan qualification review for new students and students studying outside the province; the university student financial aid management center is responsible for the university student financial aid management center to review the provincial student loan qualifications。

2. Review content.

1) Whether the family financial situation stated by the applicant meets the application conditions;

2) The actual situation of the applicant’s daily life consumption;

3) Whether the certification materials provided by the applicant are true、Legal、valid。

3. mode of review.

1) Review the application form and related supporting materials;

2) Understand the applicant’s daily consumption situation through individual conversations,And keep the conversation record as loan file materials;

3) Contact relevant institutions and units where the applicant’s home is located as needed,Verify the supporting materials provided by the applicant or conduct a home visit to the applicant。

(4) Organization review.

University Student Financial Aid Management Center、The county-level student financial aid management center is based on the application form and relevant supporting materials submitted by the students,Organization related personnel,Adopt various methods to conduct evaluation carefully,Determine the list of students with credit student loans in this academic year。

(5) Carry out public announcement.

List of loan students approved by the university or county-level student financial aid leading group,College、The county-level student financial aid management center must carry out no less than5Announcement on working days。If students have objections,You can apply to colleges and universities through effective methods、The county-level student financial aid management center raised a question,The Student Financial Aid Management Center should receive objection materials3A final reply will be made based on sufficient research within 21770_21790 working days。

(6) Qualification review.

When students in the province apply for loans at the county-level student financial aid management center,Application form required、"m88 live casino and sports bettingShaanxi Province College Students' Origin Credit Student m88 best betting websiteLoan Application Approval Form"、Originals and copies of relevant certification materials,The county-level student financial aid management center will review the relevant materials provided,such asIt was found that the relevant materials provided by the students were incomplete or inconsistent with the actual situation,After verification and confirmation,The right to cancel the applicant’s loan qualifications and notify the relevant universities。

The relevant contents of this Notice are inconsistent with previously issued documents,Subject to the provisions of this Notice。


Link Department Person: Ji Jianpeng

Contact number:029-88668831



m88 live casino and sports bettingShaanxi Province College Student Credit Student m88 best betting websiteLoan Application Approval Form

Student’s name



ID card number


Admitted school



Registration time

    Year month


School system


Political outlook

Situation of main family members



Home or work address

Zip code

ID card number

Contact number

Average monthly income





Other guardians


Student difficulty level

Extremely poor      General difficulty

Students’ Ideology and Morality

Excellent  Good  General  Poor

Annual Tuition Fee

Annual accommodation fee

Annual minimum living allowance

Brief description of family financial difficulties:







Applicant (signature): Year month



I believe that the above is true and voluntarily fulfill my obligation to testify.

Witness one (signature):

Tel: Year month

Witness two (signature):

Tel: Year month

Township or
street people
Government Department

Verified resident ID cards of students and immediate family members、Household register and field visit survey,The student’s basic information and family financial difficulties are true,It is planned to agree to apply for a credit student loan from the place of origin。


Unit name (stamped):

Tel: Year month




After preliminary qualification review, it is approved to apply for a credit student loan from the place of origin。



Unit name (stamped):


Year month





After preliminary qualification review, it is approved to apply for a credit student loan from the place of origin

Person in charge (signature and seal):



Unit name (stamped):

Year month

County level




After qualification review, it is approved to apply for a credit student loan from the place of origin

Person in charge (signature and seal):



Unit name (stamped):

Year month

Instructions: 1. Applicants must fill in the relevant information truthfully,Clear writing required,Complete content,Succinct and concise;

2. The witness should fully understand the applicant’s basic information and the process of applying for a credit student loan in the student’s place of origin,And testify if necessary;

3. Township and sub-district civil affairs departments verify the applicant's family economic situation based on household registration information and minimum guarantee,It is strictly prohibited to issue false certificates;

4. The school financial aid center must strictly review the basic information and application qualifications of the application,And is responsible for the authenticity of the applicant’s information。



Source of freshmen in Shaanxi Province and college students from other provinces
Credit Student m88 best betting websiteLoan Application Approval Form

Student’s name



ID card number


Admitted school



Registration time

    Year month


School system


Political outlook

Situation of main family members



Home or work address

Zip code

ID card number

Contact number

Average monthly income





Other guardians


Student difficulty level

Extremely poor      General difficulty

Students’ Ideology and Morality

Excellent  Good  General  Poor

Annual Tuition Fee

Annual accommodation fee

Annual minimum living allowance

Brief description of family financial difficulties:







Applicant (signature): Year month



I believe that the above is true and voluntarily fulfill my obligation to testify.

Witness one (signature):

Tel: Year month

Witness two (signature):

Tel: Year month

High School

(new student) or village group,

Street community (students from other provinces)

Verified resident ID cards of students and immediate family members、Household register and field visit survey,The student’s basic information and family financial difficulties are true,It is planned to agree to apply for a credit student loan from the place of origin。


Unit name (stamped):

Tel: Year month

Township or

Opinions of the street civil affairs department

Verified resident ID cards of students and immediate family members、Household register and field visit survey,The student’s basic information and family financial difficulties are true,It is planned to agree to apply for a credit student loan from the place of origin。



Unit name (stamped):

Tel: Year month

County level




After qualification review, it is approved to apply for a credit student loan from the place of origin

Person in charge (signature and seal):



Unit name (stamped):

Year month

Instructions: 1. Applicants must fill in the relevant information truthfully,Clear writing required,Complete content,Succinct and concise;

2. The witness should fully understand the applicant’s basic information and the process of applying for a credit student loan in the student’s place of origin,And testify if necessary;

3. Township and sub-district civil affairs departments verify the applicant's family economic situation based on household registration information and minimum guarantee,It is strictly prohibited to issue false certificates;

4. The county-level funding center must strictly review the basic information and application qualifications of the application,And is responsible for the authenticity of the applicant’s information。

Previous article:Notice on the issuance of the "Measures for the Recognition of Students from Financially Difficult Families in Colleges and Universities in Shaanxi Province"

Next item:"Notice on Doing a Good Job in Credit Student Loans for Students' Places of Origin in 2016"