National Scholarship and Bursary
Interim Measures for National Scholarship Management

Interim Measures for the Management of National Scholarships for Higher Education Institutions in Shaanxi Province

 Chapter 1  Total  then
      Article 1 To reflect the party and government’s care for students from financially disadvantaged families in colleges and universities,Help them successfully complete their studies,According to the Ministry of Finance、Ministry of Education "General Undergraduate Universities、Interim Measures for the Management of National Bursaries for Higher Vocational Schools" (Financial Education〔200792) and the Shaanxi Provincial People's Government's "Implementation Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Policy System for Financial Assistance for Students from Families with Financial Difficulties in Ordinary Undergraduate Colleges, Higher Vocational Schools and Secondary Vocational Schools" (Shaanxi Government Development [200726), formulates these measures.
      Article 2  General colleges and universities as mentioned in these Measures refer to the establishment and filing m88 best betting websiteapproved by the Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province、Full-time public and private colleges and universities that implement higher education、Higher Vocational School、Independent colleges and adult colleges and universities (hereinafter referred to as colleges and universities)。
      Article 3   National scholarships are used to fund full-time undergraduate and junior college students (including higher vocational colleges) planned by universities.、Second bachelor’s degree) students from poor families。The quota of national scholarships for each university is determined by the Provincial Department of Finance、Provincial Department of Education according to Ministry of Finance、Total number of people determined by the Ministry of Education,Comprehensive consideration of school categories、School level、School quality、Determined by factors such as the number of junior college students on campus and the student source structure。When allocating national scholarship quota,Appropriate preference will be given to higher-level universities and universities focusing on special subjects needed by the country such as agriculture, forestry, water, land, mineral oil, nuclear power, and teacher training。
      Article 4   National scholarships provided by the central and provincial governments、Co-funded and established by the municipal government。The funds required for national scholarships for provincial universities shall be shared proportionally between the central finance and the provincial finance。The funds required for national scholarships for municipal colleges and universities are provided by the central government、Provincial finance and municipal finance are shared in proportion。Encourage cities to increase financial aid to students from families with financial difficulties,Exceeding、The funds required for the national scholarship of the total amount approved by the province are provided by China、Incentive subsidies from the provincial finance。
      Article 5   Colleges and colleges must follow relevant national regulations,Withdrawal in full from education income6%are used to support students from families with financial difficulties.
      Article 6   Private universities (including independent colleges) operate schools in accordance with relevant national regulations、The organizer shall withdraw the full amount from the education income in accordance with the proportion stipulated in these measures6%Funds are used to support students from families with financial difficulties,It recruits general undergraduate and junior college students (including higher vocational colleges) that meet the application conditions stipulated in these measures.、Second Bachelor's Degree) Student,You can apply for national scholarships。National scholarship quota for private colleges and universities (including independent colleges),According to the provisions of Article 3 of these Measures,Mainly determined by the school’s tuition fees、Admissions score、One-time employment rate、Decided by factors such as subject and major setting and funding performance。
      Chapter 2 Funding standards and application conditions
      Article 7  National scholarships mainly support the living expenses of students from poor families。It is divided into two categories: students from extremely difficult families, per student per year2500yuan, per student per year for students with general difficulties1500Yuan.
      Article 8  Basic application conditions for national scholarships:
       1、Love the socialist motherland,Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China; 
      2, abide by the constitution and laws, and abide by school rules and regulations; 
      3, Honest and trustworthy, with good moral character; 
      4, study diligently and be proactive; 
      5, love labor and actively participate in public welfare activities; 
      6, the family has financial difficulties and lives a frugal life.
      Chapter 3  Article 9 of Quota Allocation and Budget Release  Every year5month31Days ago,Provincial Department of Education、The Department of Finance shall follow the relevant principles determined by the state and the provisions of Article 3 of these Measures,Propose a proposal for the allocation of national scholarships for colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province,Report to the Ministry of Education、Ministry of Finance for review。
      Article 10  Provincial Department of Finance and Department of Education every year9month1Days ago,will be the Ministry of Finance、National scholarship allocation quota and budget m88 best betting websiteapproved by the Ministry of Education,Down to various universities step by step。The quota and budget of national scholarships for provincial colleges and universities are assigned to the Provincial Department of Education,Designed to all universities by the Provincial Department of Education。The quota and budget of national scholarships for municipal colleges and universities are allocated to municipal finance、Education Department,By municipal finance、The education department distributes it to colleges and universities。
      Article 11  Universities that implement centralized payment from the treasury,National scholarships are allocated through the treasury centralized payment system; colleges and universities that have not implemented centralized treasury payment,Allocated from the special account of the education department。
      Article 12  At the end of each year,Education departments and universities at all levels must prepare annual final accounts reports in accordance with regulations,And submit the final accounting report according to the budget distribution channel and level。Chapter 4 Application and Review
      Article 13: Application and review of national scholarships for colleges and universities by academic year。
      Article 14  The application and review of national scholarships are organized and implemented by universities。Colleges and colleges must comply with the provisions of these Measures,Develop specific application review methods,Also reported to the Provincial Student Financial Aid Management Center for filing。Colleges and colleges are conducting national scholarship review work,Appropriate preference should be given to students majoring in special subjects needed by the country such as agriculture, forestry, water, land, mineral oil, nuclear and teacher training。
      Article 15  The basic application conditions for national scholarships for students from families with financial difficulties and the relevant regulations of the school stipulated in these measures,In every year9month30Recently filled out the "Shaanxi Provincial Higher Education Institutions National Bursary Application Form" (see attached table),Apply to the school。Within the same academic year,Students who applied for and received national scholarships,You can apply for and receive the National Inspirational Scholarship at the same time,But no longer receives national scholarship。
      Article 16  The university student financial aid management organization organizes a review of student organizations that submit applications,According to the school’s specific regulations for identifying students with financial difficulties,Propose a list of recommended students and funding levels for national scholarships,Submit to the school’s student financial aid leading group for review,Determine the list of students receiving national scholarships in our school。
      Article 17  Each university in each year11month15Days ago,Report the school’s implementation of the national scholarship policy for that year to the Provincial Department of Education in the form of a formal document。
      Chapter 5 Bursary grant, management and supervision
      Article 18   Colleges should pay in cash or through savings account、National scholarship funds will be distributed to aided students on a monthly basis through meal cards and other means。
      Article 19   All universities should effectively strengthen management,Earnestly review and distribute national scholarships,Ensure that national scholarships are used to support students from financially disadvantaged families。
      Article 20: Relevant departments and universities at all levels must strictly implement relevant national financial laws and regulations and the provisions of these Measures,Implement special account management for national scholarships,Separate accounting,Special funds only,No interception、Squeeze、Appropriation,Also accept finance、Audit、Inspection and supervision by disciplinary inspection and supervision departments。
      Article 21  Anyone who has one of the following behaviors,The Provincial Department of Finance and the Provincial Department of Education will separately issue notices and criticisms depending on the circumstances、Punishments such as suspension of funding and recovery of funding funds,And hold those directly responsible and responsible persons accountable。 1, The funding recipient does not meet the basic conditions; 2, Failure to issue scholarships to aided students in a timely manner; 3, committing fraud and falsely claiming funding 4, intercept, occupy, misappropriate funding funds;
      Chapter 6  Attachment then
      Article 22  The Provincial Department of Finance and the Provincial Department of Education are responsible for the interpretation of these measures.
      Article 23: These Implementation Measures shall come into effect on the date of promulgation.   

         Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education Notice of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Finance on the issuance of the "Interim Measures for the Financial Assistance of Students from Families with Financial Difficulties in Colleges and Universities in Shaanxi Province" 

Provincial and municipal ordinary colleges and universities、Private colleges and universities、Independent College、Adult College:

In order to implement the State Council's "Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Policy System for Financial Assistance for Students from Families with Financial Difficulties in Ordinary Undergraduate Colleges, Higher Vocational Schools and Secondary Vocational Schools" (Guofa [2007] No. 13) and the Shaanxi Provincial People's Government's "On Establishing and Improving the Financial Assistance Policy System for Ordinary Undergraduate Colleges, Higher Vocational Schools and Secondary Vocational Schools" Relevant spirit of the Implementation Opinions on the Financial Aid Policy m88 online sports bettingsystem for students from Families with Financial Difficulties in Undergraduate Colleges, Higher Vocational Schools and Secondary Vocational Schools (Shaanxi Zhengfa [2007] No. 26),Effectively do a good job in financial aid for students from poor families in colleges and universities in our province,Provincial Department of Education、The Provincial Department of Finance has formulated the "Interim Measures for Financial Assistance for Students from Families with Financial Difficulties in Colleges and Universities in Shaanxi Province"。Now issued to you,Please follow the instructions。

July 27, 2007

Interim Measures for Aiding Students from Financially Difficult Families in Colleges and Universities in Shaanxi Province

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 In order to implement the State Council's "Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Policy System for Financial Assistance for Students from Families with Financial Difficulties in Ordinary Undergraduate Colleges, Higher Vocational Schools and Secondary Vocational Schools" (Guofa [2007] No. 13) and the Shaanxi Provincial People's Government's "On Establishing and Improving the Financial Assistance Policy System for Ordinary Undergraduate Colleges, Higher Vocational Schools and Secondary Vocational Schools" The spirit of the Implementation Opinions on the Financial Assistance Policy m88 online sports bettingsystem for students from Families with Financial Difficulties in Undergraduate Colleges, Higher Vocational Schools and Secondary Vocational Schools (Shaanxi Zhengfa [2007] No. 26),Effectively do a good job in financial aid for students from poor families in colleges and universities in our province,Specially formulated measures。

Article 2 Funding work for students from families with financial difficulties to establish and improve the financial aid policy m88 online sports bettingsystem for students from families with financial difficulties in ordinary undergraduate colleges and higher vocational schools,Solving the schooling problems of students from families with financial difficulties,Further optimize the education structure,Maintain education equity,Promoting the sustainable and healthy development of education as the main goal。

Article 3 The financial aid work for students from families with financial difficulties adheres to "government coordination、Department responsible、Increase investment、Correct guide、Open and transparent、Basic principles of "diversified funding"。

Article 4 Financial aid for students from families with financial difficulties combines material aid with spiritual encouragement,Combining general subsidies and incentives、Funding methods such as combining financial aid with ability improvement。

Article 5 The colleges and universities referred to in these Measures refer to the establishment and registration m88 best betting websiteapproved by the Ministry of Education and the Shaanxi Provincial Government、Various full-time public and private colleges and universities that implement higher education、Higher Vocational School、Independent Colleges and Adult Universities。

Article 6 Students from families with financial difficulties as referred to in these measures,refers to the full-time planned undergraduate and junior college programs in colleges and universities in our province (including higher vocational colleges)、Second Bachelor’s Degree) The funds that students and their families can raise,Students who have difficulty paying for their basic study and living expenses during their studies at school。

Chapter 2 Contents of the funding system

Article 7 The financial aid m88 online sports bettingsystem for students from families with financial difficulties is provided by the central and local governments、Financial institution、Established jointly by the school and society,Mainly composed of "award、Loan、Help、Supplement、minus” and “green channel” and other contents。

Article 8 The central and local governments are mainly funded by national scholarships、National Inspirational Scholarship、National scholarship and city、County (district) enrollment assistance fund composition。

Article 9 National scholarship is established by the central government,Used to reward outstanding students among full-time college students in colleges and universities,The reward standard is 8,000 yuan per student per year。

Article 10 National Inspirational Scholarship is jointly established by the central government and Shaanxi Province,Used to reward and subsidize students from families with financial difficulties who are excellent in both character and academic performance among full-time undergraduate and junior college students in colleges and universities,The subsidy standard is 5,000 yuan per student per year。Appropriately give preference to students majoring in agriculture, forestry, water, land, mineral oil, nuclear power, and normal schools that are most needed by the country。

Article 11 National scholarships are jointly established by the central government and Shaanxi Province,Used to subsidize students from poor families who are full-time undergraduate students in colleges and universities,The subsidy standard is divided into two levels: 2,500 yuan per student per year for students with particularly poor families,1,500 yuan per student per year for students from generally poor families。

Article 12 Cities、County (district) governments should take into account the actual situation of the region,Establishing a higher education assistance mechanism for poor high school graduates,Develop corresponding funding policies and measures,Expand funding channels,Do a good job in subsidizing the enrollment of new students from poor families。

Article 13 Provincial Department of Education、Department of Finance、Financial institutions and relevant departments should follow the relevant policies and operating mechanisms of national student loans of the country and our province,Further promote the national student loan work in our province。At the same time, we actively carry out student loans for students’ origins。Province、Municipal finance and universities should follow the relevant regulations and the risk compensation ratio agreed in the agreement with the national student loan handling bank,Allocate interest subsidy funds and risk compensation funds on time。

Article 14 Colleges and colleges must withdraw a full 6% of their funding from education income (excluding scientific research income) every year in accordance with relevant regulations,Used for national student loan risk compensation、Work-study、On-campus scholarships、Special hardship subsidy、Tuition fee exemption、Interest-free loans within the school and school-funded work funds and other projects。

Article 15 Higher education institutions should follow the Ministry of Education、In accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Finance's "Measures for the Administration of Work-Study in Colleges and Universities" (Jiaocai [2007] No. 7), students from families with financial difficulties actively organize work-study activities in their spare time。Responsibility should be implemented for various work-study activities、Standardized procedures、Strengthen guidance。The annual funding for work-study in colleges and universities shall not be less than 10% of the total funding extracted from education income。

Article 16 On-campus scholarships、Special hardship subsidy、Subsidy projects such as tuition exemption and on-campus interest-free loans,By colleges and universities combined with the actual situation of the school,Develop your own implementation methods。

Article 17 Colleges and colleges must strictly implement the “green channel” system for freshmen admissions。For admitted freshmen whose families have financial difficulties,Always go through the admission procedures first,Enable them to register for school in time。

Article 18 Encourage enterprises, social groups and other organizations to set up scholarships for colleges and universities、bursary,Schools should proactively adopt various forms to obtain social funding,Expand the school’s scholarship and bursary channels。Relevant government departments should further implement it、Improve relevant preferential policies and measures to encourage donations for education,Give full play to the role of various non-profit organizations。

Article 19 Colleges and colleges should reasonably optimize the content of various financial aids,Taking into account both the scope and amount of funding,Ensure the rational use of funding funds,Avoid duplication of funding、Too high or too low funding。

Chapter 3 Funding agencies and personnel

Article 20 The Shaanxi Provincial Leading Group for Financial Aid for Students from Families with Financial Difficulties m88 best betting websitecoordinates the financial aid for students from families with financial difficulties in colleges and universities across the province。The establishment of a higher education institution with the principal as the team leader、Leading group for financial aid for students from families with financial difficulties participated by heads of relevant functional departments,Fully responsible for the school’s financial support for students from families with financial difficulties。

Article 21 Provincial Department of Education、The Department of Finance establishes the Shaanxi Provincial Student Financial Aid Management Center,Responsible for the management and coordination of student financial aid across the province。College institutions should establish school student financial aid management agencies,Responsible for the specific management and implementation of student financial aid in our school。Higher education institutions should clarify the responsibilities of funding agencies,Implement sufficient working funds,Dedicated staff,Provide dedicated office space,Create conditions for the smooth progress of funding work。

Article 22 Higher education institutions determine the working funds of school-funded institutions (including equipment purchase fees) based on the standard of 3 yuan per student per year from the 6% of the total funding funds extracted by the school from the education income,Special funds only。

Article 23 Colleges and colleges set up special accounts for financial aid to students in need,National scholarships with unified management of financial allocations、National Inspirational Scholarship、National Scholarship、National student loans issued by banks、Funds withdrawn by the school and society、Group、Various donations provided by individuals to students from financially disadvantaged families, etc.。Special accounts implement separate accounts or special accounting,Special funds only。

Article 24 Colleges and colleges shall allocate sufficient full-time staff according to the total number of full-time students to be responsible for financial aid for students from poor families。A school with more than 20,000 students is equipped with more than 4 people,3 to 4 people for 10,000 to 20,000 people,Equipment of 2 to 3 people for less than 10,000 people。

Article 25 College institutions should provide dedicated office space and file storage space for funding agencies,Should be equipped with sufficient office equipment and other special equipment。

Article 26 Provincial Department of Education、The Department of Finance conducts annual assessments on the financial aid work for students from financially disadvantaged families in colleges and universities,Recognize and reward staff of higher education institutions and funding agencies with outstanding achievements。College institutions should establish corresponding assessment and incentive mechanisms。

Chapter 4 Funding Process

Article 27 Colleges and universities should formulate corresponding implementation rules in accordance with the "Interim Measures for the Identification of Students with Financial Difficulties in Colleges and Universities in Shaanxi Province",Do a good job in identifying students with financial difficulties。Students from first-year families with real financial difficulties can go through the "green channel" to go through the admission procedures first。

Article 28 Colleges and colleges establish files for students from families with financial difficulties,And unified into the "Shaanxi Provincial Higher Education Institutions Financial Aid Management Information m88 online sports bettingsystem for students from Families with Financial Difficulties" for management。

Article 29 National Scholarship、National Inspirational Scholarship、National Scholarship、Application for National Student Loan、Management and use shall be in accordance with the "Interim Measures for the Management of National Scholarships in Higher Education Institutions in Shaanxi Province"、"Interim Measures for the Management of National Inspirational Scholarships in Colleges and Universities in Shaanxi Province"、"Interim Measures for the Management of National Bursaries for Higher Education Institutions in Shaanxi Province"、Implementation of "Shaanxi Province National Student Loan Implementation Rules"。

Article 30 Higher education institutions should complete national scholarships on time in accordance with the relevant regulations and procedures of relevant funding policies、National Inspirational Scholarship、National Scholarship、Application for national student loans and other funding projects、Review、Review and release work。

Article 31 Funding agencies at all levels should strictly follow the funding procedures and conscientiously carry out funding work,Insist on fairness、Justice、Principle of openness,All institutions of higher learning should adhere to classes、Department、School three-level publicity system。

Chapter 5 Supervision and Management

Article 32 The Provincial Department of Education guides and urges colleges and universities to carry out various funding tasks,Provincial Department of Finance、Provincial Audit Office、The Provincial Supervision Department strengthens the auditing and supervision of the use of funding funds,For squeezing and appropriation、Illegal and illegal activities such as fraudulent use to obtain funding,Pursuing responsibility、Treat it seriously。

Article 33 Provincial Department of Education、Department of Finance’s response to failure to withdraw according to regulations、Higher education institutions using subsidy funds,Notify and criticize and make corrections within a time limit。

Article 34 Colleges and colleges should conduct follow-up supervision and inspection on students from financially disadvantaged families who receive financial aid,Those who commit fraud should be recorded in their personal integrity files、Punishment by administrative sanctions and other means。

Article 35 College institutions should work in conjunction with national student loans,Actively carry out integrity education,Students who borrow education loans strictly perform their contracts。The Provincial Department of Education can publish the list of students who default on national student loans in news media and websites,Loan banks can record their default information into the personal credit reporting system of financial institutions。

Article 36 Colleges and colleges should strengthen ideological and political education for students with financial difficulties,Guide them to build confidence、Self-improvement and self-reliance、Hard work,Mental health education for students with financial difficulties should be carried out in a targeted manner,Strengthen psychological counseling and consultation,Achieving the organic combination of “funding” and “education”。

Article 37 Colleges and colleges should strengthen gratitude education and social responsibility education for students,Encourage students to actively participate in social welfare activities and voluntary labor。Students receiving financial aid must participate in voluntary labor for no less than 20 hours each year,Participate in social welfare activities no less than 2 times,Specific measures will be formulated by the school。

Article 38 The Provincial Department of Education and colleges and universities should use newspapers and periodicals、Broadcast、m88 slot machine casinoNews media such as television and the Internet,Promote the relevant policies of the party and the government to support students from families with financial difficulties,Advocate for the whole society to form a good atmosphere that pays attention to students from families with financial difficulties,Encourage organizations at all levels、Unit、Individuals actively participate in financial aid for students from families with financial difficulties。

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

Article 39 Private colleges and universities and higher vocational schools、Independent colleges and adult colleges and universities undertaking full-time vocational education or above should operate schools in accordance with relevant national regulations,The organizer shall withdraw sufficient funds from business income in accordance with the proportion stipulated in Article 14 of these Measures to support students from families with financial difficulties,Strictly implement the "green channel" system for new student admissions in accordance with Article 17 of these Measures,The general full-time planned undergraduate and junior college (including higher vocational colleges) that it enrolls in compliance with the provisions of Article 6 of these Measures、Second Bachelor's Degree) Student,Relevant provisions applicable to these measures。

Article 40 This method will be implemented from September 1, 2007,The original "Shaanxi Province Interim Measures for Aiding Students from Poor Families in Provincial Ordinary Universities" (Shaanxi Educational Resources [2005] No. 82) was abolished at the same time。

Article 41 These regulations are governed by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education、The Department of Finance is responsible for the explanation。

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