National Awards
"Notice of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education on Establishing All Funding Systems of Family Economic Small Students in Higher Schools"

Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education's establishment of high school economy specialty students

Notification of the full funding system for the whole process

Shaanxi Education Loan [2012] No. 9

Each college:

In recent years,With the expansion of the enrollment scale of colleges and universities,The number of students in college family economic difficulties, especially the number of students in the family, also increased。Current,About 84,000 people in the university in our province's universities,How to make the family's economy specially enrolled and complete their studies,It has attracted widespread attention from all walks of society,It is also a problem that governments and universities at all levels and universities。In order to further deepen m88 online sports bettingthe m88 online sports bettingfunding of students' economic poor students,Establish a full funding system for the establishment of a very poor student,The relevant matters will be notified as follows。

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Do a good job of funding for students' financial difficulties,​​Especially the funding work of the poor students,It is the important idea of ​​practicing the "three representatives",Implement the scientific concept of development,Adhere to the specific embodiment of the "people -oriented" ruling concept。Maintaining social justice,Promoting education fairness,It is very important to build a harmonious society。Universities must unify their thoughts,improvement,All the funding for the whole process of doing a good job is to improve and deepen the construction of the funding system,Grasp the truth。

2. Do a good job in family economic insufficiency students to check the work

New school year this fall,Universities shall be in accordance with the "Interim Measures for the Confirmation of Family Economic Difficulties in Shaanxi Province" (Shaanxi Jiaozi [2007] No. 60),Do a good job of family financial difficulties for the identification of the family、Further improve the archives library of the school's financial difficulties in the school,Serious、Fine、Comprehensively conduct a thorough investigation of the students of the school's family economic specialty,Fully and accurately grasp the basic situation of the poor students,Do not miss a family of economy specialty students。List of Family Economic Small Student Students who know m88 live casino and sports m88 online bettingbettingthe school,Public announcement of not less than 5 working days on school。Students who have no objection to publicity,Establish a family economic specialty student file counter,Practice special person management。Universities should be before the end of October 2012,Electronic archives of the school's specialized students are submitted to the Provincial Department of Education for Student Funding Management Center。

3. Establish a full funding system for the whole process of family economic insufficiency

All colleges and universities must formulate the management system for the funding of special difficulties,According to the "persistence identification standard,The principle of all funding throughout the process,Putting this work in implementation。

1. Special funding for setting up special poverty -stricken students。Each college from the 6%funded funds withdrawn from colleges and universities,Extract a certain amount of funds according to the number of students who specialize in the school,Specially used as a funding for all the funding for students' economic difficult students during school。Universities must include 6%fund -funded funds, especially the special funding for specialty, special funding for special funds in the annual budget,Make sure this funding fund is in place。

2. Do a good job of the selection of the Student Awards for the Student Awards。When colleges and universities are selected for national awards,,Under the same conditions,Priority tilt to the family's economy -specific students,Stimulate them to study hard、Strive up。

3. Further strengthen m88 online sports bettingthe work of diligence。When colleges and universities m88 live casino and sports bettingare providing jobs for students with diligent jobs for students with diligence, colleges and universities,To give priority to special difficulties,Let them work hard through diligence,Get a certain amount of remuneration,Make up for learning、Integration in life。

4. Open the "Green Channel" for the poor students。When colleges and universities open the "Green Channel" when the freshmen enroll,Family economic difficult students who have not applied for student loans,Priority to apply for enrollment procedures。Resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of rejection from students outside the school because they cannot afford to learn miscellaneous fees。

5. Widely mobilize social forces,Multi -channel raising funding funds。Universities must take the initiative to contact all sectors of society,Encourage people of society to establish a variety of funds for family economic difficulties,Promote the active cooperation of society and school,Take "One Gang and One"、"Multi -Gang One" and other forms of love,Gaspigment of poverty alleviation activities。

6. Do a good job in funding for family economy -specific students。Party and organizations at all levels of colleges and universities、Student organizations are in the work of funding for students' economics,,We must adhere to the combination of funding with educating people,Strengthen the integrity and gratitude and inspirational education for students,Strengthen the psychological counseling and guidance of them,Help them establish confidence in overcoming difficulties,m88 live casino and sports bettingLift the sense of inferiority,Forms a m88 live casino and sports bettinggood personal psychological quality。

Universities in the household financial difficult student funding work,Be brave to practice,Active exploration,Diligence in summary,Have good experience and practices in the work and submit it to the Provincial Department of Education for Student Fund Management Center。

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Contact: Ji Jianpeng Tel: 029-88668831

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