National Awards
"Notice of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education on Further improving the qualifications of student qualifications for credit aid loans of students"

Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education for further improvement

Notice of the qualifications for student qualifications for credit aid loans from students

[Wen Number]: Shaanxi Education Loan [2012] No. 2

[Posted Time]: March 12, 2012

[Posting unit]: Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education

Education Bureau of each city (district) and ordinary colleges:

Since the implementation of credit aid loans of students in 2007, our province,Basically ensured that students with financial difficulties have been admitted to school smoothly and completed their studies,It plays a positive role in building a strong province and the construction of a harmonious society;,Explore many good experiences and practices。In order to further improve and standardize the qualifications of student qualifications for credit aid loans for students,Reasonable allocation of funding resources,Promoting the health development of credit aid loans of students from students,According to the "Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education、Shaanxi Provincial Department of Finance、The National Development Bank Shaanxi Branch on the Implementation Measures for the Implementation of Credit Loans for Credit Aid in Shaanxi Province (Shaanxi Education Loan [2007] No. 5) and the "Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education Department on further strengthening student credit aid student qualifications Notice of Work "(Shaanxi Education Loan [2010] No. 3) related regulations,Combined with the actual situation of our province,The supplementary provisions of the relevant matters of the student qualification identification of credit aid loans from the source of students are as follows。

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Student certification of credit aid loans from the source of students is under the premise of insisting on "loan due to loan",Application from the student himself,Under the leadership of the leadership group of college student funding work and county -level student funding work,The principle of preliminary review and identification of college student funding management centers and the final review and identification of county -level student m88 slot machine casinom88 best betting websitefunding management centers。

2. Determination conditions

Students and families who apply for credit aid loans for students should have the following conditions at the same time:

(1) Students who apply for credit aid loans for students must meet the following conditions。

1. Student himself、Parents or other legal guardian's household registration and family residence are all in the county's jurisdiction;

2. Have full capacity for civil behavior;

3. Honesty and trustworthy, obey the law and abide by the law, and have no bad records;

4. Has been full -time general undergraduate universities、Higher Vocational Schools and Higher College (including civil universities and independent colleges) are officially admitted,Get true、Legal、The above -mentioned new college freshmen or students in the valid admission notice。

(2) Students and families who apply for credit aid loans for students should meet one of the following conditions。

1. Urban minimum guarantee households or rural minimum guarantee households。Families to enjoy the minimum living security policy in urban or rural areas,Students when applying for a loan,It must be provided by the county and district civil affairs department and the "Urban Resident Residents' Minimum Living Guarantee Get Certificate" or the "Lowest Living Guarantee Getting Certificate for Rural Residents" and the city、The original and photocopy of the rural residents' subsistence allowance subsidy funds,The applicant is returned after the original review,Copy as a loan file information retain。

2. orphan、Martyrs children、Children of Family Family。Students when applying for a loan,Must provide orphan、Martyrs' Family、The original and photocopy of relevant certifications such as Youfu Family,The applicant refunded the applicant after reviewing the original,Copy as a loan file information retain。

3. Some children of the disabled family。That is, both parents or one party belong to the level of disability above level,Families to enjoy subsidies for family economic difficulties。Students when applying for a loan,The original and photocopy of the "People's Republic of China Disabled Persons Certificate" and the family economic difficulty life subsidy,The applicant refunded the applicant after reviewing the original,Copy as a loan file information retain。

4. Family members pay a large amount of medical expenses due to major illness,Families that cause economic difficulties。When applying for a loan for such students,Detailed information that must be provided by the family's economic difficulties verified by the civil affairs department of the township street、County level (including the county level) at or above the original hospital diagnostic certificate and settlement document,Fang can apply for a loan。

5. Due to sudden changes, major losses of personal and property,Families that lead to economic difficulties。Students when applying for a loan,Detailed information that must be provided by the family's economic difficulties verified by the civil affairs department of the township street,Fang can apply for a loan。

m88 online sports betting6. m88 online bettingFamilies that encounter force majeure or natural disasters cause economic difficulties。irresistible sudden disasters or major natural disasters in the area where the student family is located,Causes family financial difficulties,Students when applying for a loan,Detailed information that must be provided by the family's economic difficulties verified by the civil affairs department of the township street,Fang can apply for a loan。

7. Single -parent family without stable income。Parents divorced or the death of one party,No stable economic income,Causes family financial difficulties,Students when applying for a loan,Detailed information that must be provided by the family's economic difficulties verified by the civil affairs department of the township street,Fang can apply for a loan。

8. Other families with economic difficulties。Other reasons leading to family economic difficulties,Students when applying for a loan,It must be provided by the township and street civil affairs department for review and the family economic difficulty certificate identified by the county (district) civil affairs department,Fang can apply for a loan。

One of the following situations,Students must not apply for credit -assistance loans for students。

1. Family owned enterprises, cars, luxury buildings;

2. Buy or rent a high configuration for a long time、High -price computers (except for special majors);

3. Buy high -end electrical appliances、Fashion、luxury goods such as jewelry or high -end cosmetics;

4. I often go in and out of business Internet cafes during school;

5. Usually consumption levels are higher than the average living standards around;

6. One of the parents is a financial supporter.

3, identifying procedure

Credit -aid loan students at the source of students to do it once every school year。University、County student funding management center,According to their respective functions,Serious、Responsible completion of the identification work。The identification procedure is as follows:

(1) Application.

The applicant must submit a written application (specification A4 paper、Handwriting)。The application must be the family economic situation of the family it state、The authenticity of the proof materials provided by the proof。Provincial students who meet the application conditions shall truthfully fill in the "Approval Form for Credit Aid Loans for College Student Student Student Student Students Student Student Student Student Student Students in Shaanxi Province" (Annex 1)、New Students and Provincial Students Fill in the "Application Form for Credit Loans for Student Student Student Student Students and Student Student Students in Shaanxi Province" (Annex 2)。

(2) Provide materials.

The applicant applies for the application,Students of freshmen and other provinces must go to the county where the household registration is located (city、District) Student funding management center provides a true, legal and effective proof material for the financial difficulties of my family,If a low guarantee and a subsistence allowance to receive the m88 slot machine casinopassbook、m88 online sports bettingorphan certificate (or orphans issued by the local civil affairs department)、Family Certificate of Martyrs (or Martyrs' Home Certificate issued by the local civil affairs department)、Outstanding Family Certificate (or Local Civil Affairs Department issues a preferential family certificate)、Disability Certificate and Family Economic Difficulties Life Subsidy Certificate、Diseases caused by major illnesses、The sudden changes in family changes that lead to proof of economic difficulties, etc.,For other reasons, the family's economic difficulties must also provide relevant certification materials issued by the required organ,Otherwise, it cannot be identified as a loan student。Students in the provincial school should provide the above -mentioned relevant materials to the management center of college student funding。

(3) Qualification review.

1. New students and other provinces are responsible for the management center of student loan qualifications for student loan;。

2. Examine content.

(1) Whether the family's economic conditions declared by the applicant meet the application conditions;

(2) The actual situation of the applicant's daily life consumption;

(3) Is the proof material provided by the applicant true、Legal、Effective。

3. Examination method.

(1) Review the application form and related certification materials;

(2) To understand the daily consumption of the applicant with individual conversations,Keep the conversation record as a loan file material;

(3) Contact the relevant institution and unit where the applicant's family is located as needed,A verification material provided by the applicant or a family visit to the applicant。

(4) Organizational review.

University student funding management center、County student funding management centers according to the application forms and related certification materials submitted by the students,Organization personnel,Take a variety of ways to carefully review,Determine the list of credit aid loans for students in this school year。

(5) Public announcement.

List of Loan Student List of Loan Students for the Leading Group for College or County Student Specifications,University、County Student funding management centers should be publicized at no less than 5 working days。If a student has any objections,can be used to colleges and universities in an effective way、County Student funding management centers raised questions,Student funding management center shall make a final answer on the basis of full investigation within three working days that receives objection materials。

(6) Qualification review.

When students inner school students apply for a loan at the county -level student funding management center,Application forms must be provided、"Approval Form for Application for Credit Aid Application for College Student Student Student Student Student Students Student Student Student Student Student Students"、The original and photocopy of the relevant proof materials,County Student funding management center review the relevant materials provided,County Student funding management center review the relevant m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 best betting websitematerials provided,After verification and confirmation,I have the right to cancel the applicant's loan qualification and notify relevant colleges and universities。

The content of this "Notice" is related to the documents issued before,The provisions of this "Notice" shall prevail。

Lianlian people: Ji Jianpeng

Contact number: 029-88668831

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