Study and Engineering News
    Study and Engineering News
    m88 live casino and sports bettingThe Student Affairs Department of the Party Committee organized a tree planting activity with the theme of "One Nation, One Family, Planting Trees of One Heart"

    The earth is rejuvenated,Wanmu Update,It’s a good season for tree planting。To continue to promote national unity,Continuously build a stronger sense of community for the Chinese nation,March 11,m88 live casino and sports bettingThe Student Affairs Department of the Party Committee led students of all ethnic groups to Laoyu Yingpangou of the Huyi District Scenic Area Administration Bureau in Xi'an City to carry out the "Ethnic Family Family" event,Tree planting activities with the theme of "Planting Together Trees",Resident teachers from Xinjiang、Student m88 online bettingand Worker Cadres、Student representatives from all ethnic groups participated in the event。

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    At the tree planting event,Everyone is very enthusiastic、Motivated,Filling with soil and watering、Collaborate with each other,Every process is done carefully and meticulously,Together, we use our own hands to plant “concentric trees” that symbolize national unity,National friendship has been sublimated in joint labor。

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    Build a forest together,Friendship lasts forever,This is an activity where teachers and students work together to plant a tree of unity,Inspired students of all ethnic groups to participate in voluntary tree planting activities in various forms,Advocate the civilized trend of everyone loving greenery, planting roads m88 online bettingand protecting greenery; at the same time, sowing the seeds of national unity into the hearts of more Mingde students,Let Mingde students immerse themselves in the atmosphere of national unity,Become a staunch supporter of building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation、Preacher and Communicator。

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