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Rules and Regulations
    Rules and Regulations
    Special Provisions on Labor Protection for Female Employees

    Special Provisions on Labor Protection for Female Employees

    Article 1 In order to reduce and solve the special difficulties caused by physiological characteristics of female teaching staff in labor,Protect the health of female teachers,Develop these regulations。

    Article 2 State organs within the territory of the People’s Republic of China、Enterprise、Public institution、Social groups、Employers such as individual economic organizations and other social organizations and their female teachers,This provision applies。

    Article 3 Employers shall strengthen labor protection for female teaching staff,Take measures to improve the labor safety and health conditions of female teaching staff,Training female teachers on labor safety and health knowledge。

    Article 4 Employers shall abide by the regulations on the scope of labor that female teaching staff are prohibited from engaging in。The employer shall notify female teaching staff in writing of the positions within the unit that are within the scope of labor that female teaching staff are prohibited from engaging in。

    The scope of labor that female teaching staff are prohibited from engaging in is listed in the appendix of these regulations。The production safety supervision and administration department of the State Council jointly with the human resources and social security administrative department of the State Council、The health administration department of the State Council shall base its efforts on economic and social development,Adjust the scope of labor that female teaching staff are prohibited from engaging in。

    Article 5 Employers shall not cause female teachers to become pregnant、Fertility、Breastfeeding reduces their wages、Dismissal、Terminate the labor or employment contract。

    Article 6: Female teaching staff cannot adapt to original work during pregnancy,The employer shall rely on the certificate from the medical institution,Reduce the workload or arrange other adaptable labor。

    For female teachers who are more than 7 months pregnant,The employer shall not extend working hours or arrange night m88 online sports bettingshift m88 live casino and sports bettingwork,And a certain amount of rest time should be arranged during working hours。

    Pregnant female teachers undergo prenatal check-up during working hours、The time required is included in labor time。

    Article 7: Female teaching staff are entitled to 98 days of maternity leave after giving birth,15 days of pre-natal leave。Difficult labor,Increase maternity leave by 15 days; those who give birth to multiple births, Every additional baby born,Increase maternity leave by 15 days。

    Female teaching staff who had a miscarriage before 4 months of pregnancy,Enjoy 15 days of maternity leave; miscarriage after 4 months of pregnancy,Enjoy 42 days of maternity leave。

    Article 8 Maternity allowance for female teachers during maternity leave,For those who have participated in maternity insurance,It will be paid by the maternity insurance fund according to the employer’s average monthly salary of employees in the previous year; for those who have not participated in maternity insurance,Female teachers will be paid by the employer according to the salary standard before maternity leave。

    Medical expenses for female faculty members giving birth or miscarriage,According to the items and standards stipulated in maternity insurance,For those who have participated in maternity insurance,paid by the maternity insurance fund; for those who have not participated in maternity insurance,Paid by the employer。

    Article 9: Female teachers who breastfeed infants under 1 year old,The employer shall not extend working hours or arrange night shift work。

    The employer shall arrange one hour of breastfeeding time for nursing female teaching staff during daily working hours; female teaching staff who give birth to multiple births,For each additional baby fed, the breastfeeding time will be increased by 1 hour per day。

    Article 10 Employers with a relatively large number of female teaching staff shall consider the needs of female teaching staff,Establish a health room for female faculty and staff、Maternity Lounge、Breastfeeding room and other facilities,Properly solve the problem of physiological hygiene for female teachers、Difficulties with breastfeeding。

    Article 11 In the workplace,Employers should prevent and stop sexual harassment of female teachers。

    Article 12 Human Resources and Social Security Administrative Department of the People’s Government at or above the county level、The production safety supervision and m88 live casino and sports bettingmanagement department m88 online sports bettingis responsible for supervising and inspecting the employer's compliance with these regulations in accordance with its respective responsibilities;

    Trade Union、Women’s organizations supervise employers’ compliance with regulations in accordance with the law。

    Article 13 The employer violates paragraph 2 of Article 6 of these Regulations、Article 7、As stipulated in Paragraph 1 of Article 9,Ordered by the human resources and social security administrative department of the people's government at or above the county level to make corrections within a time limit,Calculated based on the standard of no more than 1,000 yuan and no more than 5,000 yuan for the injured female teacher,Impose a fine。

    The employer violates Article 1 of the Appendix to these Regulations、Article 2,Ordered by the production safety supervision and m88 live casino and sports bettingmanagement department of the people's government at or above the county level to make corrections within a time limit,Calculated based on the standard of more than 1,000 yuan and less than 5,000 yuan per female teacher who has been violated,Impose a fine。The employer violates Article 3 of the Appendix to these Regulations、Article 4,The work safety supervision and management department of the people's government at or above the county level will set a time limit for governance,A fine of not less than 50,000 but not more than 300,000; if the circumstances are serious,Ordered to stop relevant operations,Or the relevant people’s government may order closure in advance in accordance with the authority specified by the State Council。

    Article 14 The employer violates these regulations,Infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of female teaching staff,Female teaching staff can complain according to law、Report、Appeal,Apply to the labor dispute mediation and arbitration institution for mediation and arbitration in accordance with the law,Dissatisfied with the arbitration award,File a lawsuit to the People’s Court in accordance with the law。

    Article 15 The employer violates these regulations,Infringement on the legitimate rights and interests of female teaching staff,Causing harm to female teachers,Compensation shall be provided in accordance with the law; the employer and its directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible persons constitute a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

    Article 16 These regulations will come into effect on the date of promulgation。The "Regulations on Labor Protection of Female Employees" promulgated by the State Council on July 21, 1988 m88 slot machine casinoare repealed at the same time。


    m88 online sports bettingScope of work that female teachers are prohibited from doing

    1. The m88 online sports bettingScope of work that female employees are prohibited from engaging in:

    (1) Underground mining operations;

    (2) Operations with level 4 physical labor intensity specified in the physical labor intensity classification standards;

    (3) Bear weight more than 6 times per hour、Operations with a load exceeding 20 kg each time,Or intermittent weight bearing、Operations with a load exceeding 25 kg each time。

    2. The m88 online sports bettingScope of work that female teachers are prohibited from engaging in during menstruation;

    (1) Level 2 specified in the classification standards for cold water operations、Level 3、Level 4

    Cold water operation;

    (2) The second level specified in the low-temperature operation classification standards、Level 3、Level 4

    Low temperature operation;

    (3) The third level specified in the manual labor intensity classification standard、The fourth level of physical strength

    Labor-intensive work;

    (4) Level 3 specified in the grading standards for work at height、Level 4 Work at Height。

    3. Scope of work performed by female workers during pregnancy;

    (1) Lead and its compounds in the air of workplace、Mercury and its compounds、Benzene、Cadmium、Beryllium、Arsenic、Cyanide、Nitrogen oxides、Carbon monoxide、Carbon dioxide、Chlorine、Caprolactam、Chloroprene、Vinyl chloride、Ethylene oxide、aniline、Operations where the concentration of formaldehyde and other toxic substances exceeds the direct national health standards;

    (2) Engaged in anti-cancer drugs、Diethylebestrol production,Contact with anesthetic gas, etc.

    ’s job;

    (3) Operation of unsealed source radioactive materials,Nuclear and radioactive accidents

    Emergency response;

    (4) Work at heights specified in the classification standards for work at heights;

    (5) Cold water operations specified in the cold water operation classification standards;

    (6) Low-temperature operations specified in the low-temperature operation classification standards;

    (7) Level 3 specified in the classification standards for high-temperature operations、Level 4 homework;

    (8) Level 3 specified in the noise operation classification standards、Level 4 homework;

    (9) The third level specified in the manual labor intensity classification standard、Fourth level body

    Labor-intensive work;

    (10) In a confined space、Hyperbaric chamber operations or diving operations,With intensity

    Vibration job,Or need to bend down frequently、Climb high、Squatting work。

    4. The m88 online sports bettingScope of work that female employees are prohibited from engaging in during the lactation period:

    (1) The first item in m88 online sports bettingthe scope of prohibited labor m88 live casino and sports bettingduring pregnancy、The third item、Ninth


    (2) Manganese in the air in the workplace、Fluorine、bromine、Methanol、Organophosphorus compounds、

    Operations where the concentration of toxic substances such as organochlorine compounds exceeds national occupational health standards。

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