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    Rules and Regulations
    Regulations on the Election Work of Grassroots Trade Union Organizations

    All-China Federation of Trade Unions’ Notice on Issuance

    Notice of the "Regulations on the Election of Grassroots Trade Union Organizations"

    General Works Development〔201627No.

    Provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipality Federation of Trade Unions,National industrial unions,Federation of Trade Unions Directly Affiliated to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China、Central State Organs Trade Union Federation,All departments of ACFTU、Each directly affiliated unit:

    The "Regulations on the Election of Grassroots Trade Union Organizations" have been reviewed and adopted at the 55th meeting of the 16th Secretariat of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions,Now issued to you,Please consider the actual situation,Conscientiously implement it。

    All-China Federation of Trade Unions


    Regulations on the Election Work of Grassroots Trade Union Organizations

    Chapter 1 Total then

    Article 1 To standardize the election work of grassroots trade union organizations,Strengthen the construction of grassroots trade unions,Give full play to the role of grassroots trade unions,According to the "Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China"

    The "China Trade Union Constitution" and other relevant regulations are formulated to formulate these regulations.

    Article 2 This regulation applies to enterprises、Public institution、Grass-level trade union committees established individually or jointly by government agencies and other social organizations。

    Article 3 The grassroots trade union committee is elected by the members’ conference or members’ representative conference。Chairman of the Trade Union Committee、Vice Chairman,Can be directly elected by the members’ meeting or members’ representative meeting,Can also be elected by the trade union committee。

    Article 4 Union members have the right to vote、Right to be elected and vote。Except for those who retain membership。

    Article 5 Election work should adhere to the leadership of the party,Adhere to democratic centralism,Follow legal norms、Principle of openness and fairness,Respect and protect the democratic rights of members,Reflecting the will of the electors。

    Article 6 The election work is conducted under the leadership of the party organization at the same level and the trade union at the higher level。If a party organization has not been established, it will be carried out under the leadership of the higher-level trade union。

    Article 7 The previous trade union committee is responsible for the preparation work for the general election of the grassroots trade union committee。

    The preparation work for the election of the established grassroots trade union organization shall be the responsibility of the trade union preparatory group。The members of the preparatory group are composed of representatives of party organizations and employee representatives at the same level,According to work needs,The superior trade union can send people to participate。

    Chapter 2 Quota of members and standing committee members

    Article 8 The number of members of grassroots trade union committees is determined based on the number of members:

    Insufficient25person, committee member3To5People, you can also have a chairman or organizer1People;

    25人arrive200person, committee member3To7People;

    201人arrive1000person, committee member7To15People;

    1001人arrive5000person, committee member15To21People;

    5001人arrive10000person, committee member21To29People;

    10001人arrive50000person, committee member29To37People;

    50001For more than 100 people, set up committee members37To45People.

    Article 9 Grass-level trade union committees of large enterprises and institutions,Approved by the superior trade union,A standing committee can be established,The Standing Committee consists of9To11Composed of people.

    Chapter 3 Presentation of candidates

    Article 10 Member of the grassroots trade union committee、Member and Chairman of the Standing Committee、There should be candidates for the election of vice chairman。Candidates should be firm in their beliefs、Serving the people、Diligent m88 best betting websiteand m88 slot machine casinopragmatic、Dare to take responsibility、Integrity and integrity,Love union work,Trusted by employees。

    There should be an appropriate proportion of model workers among candidates for grassroots trade union committee members(Advanced worker), frontline workers and female worker representatives.

    Article 11 Main person in charge of unit administration、Legal representative、Partners and their close relatives are not allowed to serve as members of the labor union committee of the unit、Member and Chairman of the Standing Committee、Vice Chairman Candidate。

    Article 12 Candidates for grassroots trade union committee members,Should be fully discussed by members,Generally recommended by trade union branches or trade union groups。Subject to the opinions of the previous trade union committee or trade union preparatory group based on the opinions of the majority of trade union branches or trade union groups,Suggest a list of candidates,After review and approval by the party organization at the same level and the trade union at the higher level,Submit to the general meeting of members or general meeting of members for voting and approval。

    Article 13 Member of the Standing Committee of the Grassroots Trade Union Committee、Chairman、Vice Chairman Candidate,The previous trade union committee or trade union preparatory group can propose a list of suggestions based on the opinions of the majority of trade union branches or trade union groups,Submitted after review and approval by the party organization at the same level and the trade union at the higher level;The party organization at the same level can also negotiate with the higher-level trade union to propose a list of suggestions,After discussion by the trade union branch or trade union group,Subject to the opinions of the previous trade union committee or trade union preparatory group based on the opinions of the majority of trade union branches or trade union groups,Submitted after review and approval by the party organization at the same level and the trade union at the higher level。

    According to work needs,After consultation and agreement between the higher-level trade union, the grassroots trade union and the party organization at the same level,The higher-level trade union can recommend someone from outside the unit as the union chairman to the grassroots trade union、Vice Chairman Candidate。

    Article 14 Chairman of the grassroots trade union committee、Vice Chairman,Should participate in job qualification training as required within one year of employment。Anyone who fails to participate in job qualification training as required without justifiable reasons,Generally no one will be nominated as the next chairman、Vice Chairman Candidate。

    Chapter 4 Implementation of elections

    Article 15 Before conducting elections, grassroots trade union organizations should report to the party organization at the same level and the higher-level trade union,Develop election work plan and election methods。

    The recommended list of candidates for grassroots trade union committee members should be made public,The publicity period shall not be less than5working days.

    Article 16 Not enough members100People’s grassroots trade union organization,A general meeting of members should be held for election; members100Grassroots trade union organizations with more than 100 people,A general meeting of members or a representative meeting of members should be held for election。

    Convene a member representative meeting for election,Member representatives are democratically elected by members in accordance with relevant regulations。

    Article 17 When the number of people participating in the election is more than two-thirds of the number of people who should attend the meeting,Only before the election can be held。

    Members of grassroots trade union committees and standing committee members should be elected by differential election,You can directly use the differential election method where the number of candidates is greater than the number of candidates to be elected for formal elections,You can also use the differential election method to conduct pre-selection to generate a list of candidates,Then formal elections will take place。The difference ratio between committee members and standing committee members shall not be less than5%and10%。Members of the Standing Committee shall be selected from newly elected m88 best betting websitem88 best betting websitemembers of the Trade Union Committee。

    Article 18 Chairman of the grassroots trade union、Vice-chairmen can be elected by equal shares,Can also be elected by margin vote。Chairman、The Vice Chairman shall be selected from among the newly elected m88 best betting websitem88 best betting websitemembers of the Trade Union Committee,The establishment of a standing committee shall be from among the newly elected members of the standing committee。

    Article 19 Chairman of the grassroots trade union、The vice-chairman is directly elected by the general meeting of members or the general meeting of members,Generally normal operation and management、Harmonious labor relations、Conducted by small and medium-sized enterprises and institutions with stable workforce。

    Article 20 When a general meeting of members is held for election,Presided over by the previous trade union committee or trade union preparatory group;When grassroots trade union organizations without committees conduct elections,Presided over by the previous trade union chairman or organizer。

    When the member representative meeting is held for election,Can be hosted by the presidium of the conference,It can also be chaired by the previous trade union committee or trade union preparatory group。The members of the presidium of the conference are determined by the previous trade union committee or the trade union preparatory group according to each delegation(Group)’s opinion,Propose a list of suggestions,Submitted to the preparatory meeting of the Congress for voting and approval。

    Convened the first plenary meeting of the grassroots trade union committee to elect members of the standing committee、Chairman、Vice Chairman,A newly elected member of the trade union committee recommended by the previous trade union committee or the trade union preparatory group or the presidium of the conference will preside over it。

    Article 21 Before the election,The last trade union committee or trade union preparatory group or conference presidium should submit the list of candidates、Resume and related information are introduced to the electors。

    Article 22 The election will have a scrutineer responsible for supervising the entire election process.

    When convening a membership meeting or member representative meeting election,The scrutineer shall be all members or member representatives、Delegations(Group)Recommended from members or member representatives who are not candidates,Approved by vote at the general meeting or member representative meeting。

    When the first plenary meeting of the trade union committee is held to elect,The scrutineer is never a member of the Standing Committee、Chairman、Selected among the members of the vice-chairman candidate,Approved by vote of the plenary committee meeting。

    Article 23 The election shall be conducted by secret ballot。Electors who cannot attend the meeting,Do not entrust others to vote on your behalf。

    The list of candidates on the ballot is arranged in alphabetical order by last name.

    Article 24 Electors can vote yes or no,You can also abstain from voting。Those who vote not in favor can choose someone else。

    Article 25 Member or member representative during election,If you cannot leave production、Jobs,Under the supervision of the scrutineer,Mobile ballot box voting can be set up in electoral units。

    Article 26 After voting,Under the supervision of the scrutineer,Counting votes on the spot,Counting votes。

    Ballots withdrawn from the election,Equal or less than the number of votes issued,The election is valid;If more than one ballot is issued, the election will be invalid and a new election should be held.

    The votes selected for each ballot are valid if the number of people selected is equal to or less than the specified number of candidates,Votes exceeding the specified number of candidates will be invalid。

    Article 27 When the electee obtains the votes of more than half of the people who should be present,Be elected。

    When the number of electees receiving more than half of the votes exceeds the number of candidates,The one with the most votes in favor was elected。If the votes are equal and the candidate cannot be determined,Electees with an equal number of votes should vote again,The one with the most votes in favor was elected。

    When the number of candidates is less than the number of candidates,An additional election can be held for insufficient seats。If you are close to the quota and meet the provisions of Article 8,The conference can also reduce the quota with the consent of the majority of members or member representatives,No more elections。

    Article 28 The host of the conference shall announce the election results and whether the election is valid on the spot。

    Article 29 Grassroots Trade Union Committee、Vice Chairman Election Results、Vice Chairman Election Results,Submit to the higher level trade union for approval。The higher-level trade union has received the report15Should be approved within days。m88 online bettingElection m88 online sports bettingin violation of prescribed procedures,The upper level union shall not approve,Should be re-elected。

    The term of office of the grassroots trade union committee shall be calculated from the date of election.

    Chapter 5 Term, transfer, recall and by-election

    Article 30 The grassroots trade union committee is elected for a term of three or five years,The specific term shall be determined by the general meeting of members or the general meeting of members。Elected m88 best betting websitem88 best betting websitemembers of the Trade Union committee、Member and Chairman of the Standing Committee、Vice Chairman can be re-elected。The term of the grassroots trade union committee expires,Elections should be held on schedule。In case of special circumstances,Approved by the superior trade union,Can advance or postpone the election,The extension period generally does not exceed half a year。

    The higher-level trade union is responsible for supervising and guiding grassroots trade union organizations to change their terms on schedule。

    Article 31 Chairman of the grassroots trade union、When the term of Vice Chairman has not expired,Do not transfer their work at will。When you need to be transferred due to work,Consent should be obtained from the trade union committee at the same level and the trade union at the higher level。

    Article 32 After democratic evaluation by the members’ conference or members’ congress and inspection by the superior trade union and the party organization at the same level,Need to replace or remove trade union committee members、Member and Chairman of the Standing Committee、Vice Chairman,Must convene a general meeting of members or a member representative meeting to discuss in accordance with the law,Not approved by more than half of the secret votes of all members of the General Assembly or all representatives of the General Assembly,Cannot be replaced or removed。

    Article 33 When the grassroots trade union chairman becomes vacant due to job transfer or other reasons,By-elections should be conducted promptly and in accordance with corresponding democratic procedures。

    By-election Chairman,If the candidate is a member,Can be elected by the union committee,Can also be elected by the members’ meeting or members’ representative meeting;If the candidate is not a member,Can be elected as a member by the general meeting of members or the general meeting of members,Elected by the Trade Union Committee,Can also be elected by the members’ meeting or members’ representative meeting。

    The term of the by-election chairman shall be the term that has not yet been fulfilled by the current trade union committee。Obtain the consent of the party organization at the same level and the higher-level trade union before electing the chairman,Can be temporarily

    Presided over by a vice chairman or committee member,The period is generally not more than half a year。

    Chapter 6 Funding Review Committee

    Article 34 Every grassroots trade union organization that establishes first-level trade union financial management,Should be held at the same time as the election of grassroots trade union committees,Elect the Fund Review Committee。

    Article 35 The number of members of the Grassroots Trade Union Fund Review Committee is general3To11People. The Fund Review Committee shall have a director1person, deputy director can be set up according to work needs1People.

    Chairman of the grassroots trade union、Vice Chairman in charge of Finance and Assets、People in Finance and Asset Management,Not allowed to serve as a member of the trade union fund review committee at the same level。

    Article 36 The grassroots trade union fund review committee is elected by the general meeting of members or the general meeting of members。Director、The deputy director can be elected by the plenary meeting of the Fund Review Committee,Can also be elected by the members’ meeting or members’ representative meeting。

    Article 37 Election results of grassroots trade union fund review committee,Submit to the higher-level trade union for approval at the same time as the election results of the grassroots trade union committee。

    The term of the Grassroots Trade Union Fund Review Committee is the same as that of the Grassroots Trade Union Committee。

    Chapter 7 Female Workers Committee

    Article 38 There are female members in grassroots trade union organizations10Establishing a female employee committee with more than 100 people, insufficient10Female staff committee member of human society。The female workers’ committee and the grassroots trade union committee were established at the same time。

    Article 39 Members of the grassroots trade union female workers committee are nominated by the trade union committee at the same level,Produced on the basis of full consultation,You can also convene a women’s workers’ conference or elect women’s workers’ representatives。

    Article 40 The director of the female employee committee of the grassroots trade union shall be the m88 slot machine casinofemale m88 online bettingchairman or vice-chairman of the trade union at the same level,Also through democratic consultation,Equip female workers committee directors according to corresponding conditions。The director of the female workers’ committee should be nominated as a candidate for membership of the trade union committee or standing committee at the same level。Director of the grassroots trade union female workers committee、Deputy Director List,Submit to the higher-level trade union for approval at the same time as the election results of the trade union committee。

    Chapter 8 Attachment then

    Article 41 Township(street), Development Zone(Industrial Park), village(Community)Established trade union committees, areas established below the county level(Industry)If the trade union federation conducts elections, it shall refer to these regulations.

    Article 42 The All-China Federation of Trade Unions is responsible for the interpretation of these regulations.

    Article 43 This regulation shall come into effect on the date of promulgation,Relevant regulations in the past are inconsistent with these regulations,Subject to these regulations。1992Year5month18The "Interim Regulations on the Election of Grassroots Trade Union Organizations" issued by the General Office of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions were abolished at the same time。

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