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Rules and Regulations
    Rules and Regulations
    Regulations on the Grassroots Trade Union Member Congress

    All-China Federation of Trade Unions’ Notice on Issuance

    Notice of the "Regulations on the Congress of Grassroots Trade Union Members"

    Federation of Trade Unions of All Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities,National industrial unions,Preparatory Group of the Federation of Trade Unions of Central and State Agencies,All departments and directly affiliated units of the ACFTU:

    The "Regulations on the Congress of Grassroots Trade Union Members" has been adopted by the 17th Secretariat of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions4Passed at the meeting,Now issued to you,Please consider the actual situation,Conscientiously implement it.

    All-China Federation of Trade Unions


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    [Chapter Five and Forty-Seven Articles]

    Regulations on the Grassroots Trade Union Member Congress

    Chapter 1 General Provisions

    Article 1In order to improve the grassroots trade union member representative conference system,Promote the democratization, standardization and legalization of grassroots trade unions,Enhance the political, progressive and mass nature of grassroots trade unions,Stimulate the vitality of grassroots trade unions,Give full play to the role of grassroots trade unions,According to the "Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China", "China Trade Union Constitution" and other relevant regulations,Enact this regulation.

    Article 2This regulation applies to enterprises、Public institution、Organization、Grass-level trade union organizations established individually or jointly by social groups and other social organizations。

    Township(street), Development Zone(Industrial Park),Village(Community)Established Trade Union Committee,Regions established below the county level(Industry)Trade Union Federation,If a member representative meeting is held,Executed in accordance with these regulations.

    Article 3Insufficient members100People’s grassroots trade union organization,A general meeting of members should be held;Member100Grassroots trade union organizations with more than 100 people,A general meeting of members or a representative meeting of members should be held.

    Article 4The Member Congress is the highest leadership body of grassroots trade unions,Discuss and decide on major issues of grassroots trade unions,Elect the grassroots trade union leadership body,And supervise it.

    Article 5The member representative conference implements an expiration date,Each term is three or five years,The specific term shall be decided by the Member Congress。The term of the Member Congress expires,Should be replaced on schedule. In case of special circumstances,Approved by the superior trade union,You can change the term in advance or postpone it,The extension period generally does not exceed half a year。Member Congress is held at least once a year,via grassroots trade union committee、More than one-third of the members or more than one-third of the member representatives proposed,The member representative meeting can be held temporarily.

    Article 6The member congress should adhere to the leadership of the party,Adhere to democratic centralism,Adhere to legal regulations,Insist on openness and fairness,Effectively protect members’ right to know、Right to participate、Right to vote、Supervision rights。

    Article 7Grassroots trade unions shall report to the party organization at the same level and the higher-level trade union when convening a membership congress。General election、By-election、Removal of grassroots trade union committee members,Should report in writing to the party organization at the same level and the trade union at the higher level。The higher-level trade union provides guidance and supervision for the lower-level trade union to convene member congresses。

    Chapter 2 The composition and powers of the Member Congress

    Article 8The composition of member representatives should be mainly frontline workers,Reflecting breadth and representativeness。The number of middle-level managers and leaders above full-time positions shall generally not exceed the total number of member representatives20%. Female m88 live casino and sports m88 online sports bettingbettingworkers, young workers, model workers(Advanced worker)and other member representatives should account for a certain proportion.

    Article 9Member representative quota,Determined by the number of members:

    Member100To200human,Let’s represent30To40People;

    Member201To1000human,Let’s represent40To60People;

    Member1001To5000human,Let’s represent60To90People;

    Member5001To10000human,Let’s represent90To130People;

    Member10001To50000human,Let’s represent130To180People;

    Member50001More than one person,Let’s represent180To240People.

    Article 10The grassroots trade union committee is responsible for the election of member representatives and preparations for meetings,The newly established grassroots trade union shall be in charge of the trade union preparatory group.

    Article 11Member Congress as needed,Special working committees can be established(Group),Responsible for handling specific matters assigned by the Member Congress.

    Article 12The functions and powers of the Member Congress are:

    ()Review and approve the work report of the grassroots trade union committee;

    ()Deliberate and approve the report on the budget and final accounts of grassroots trade union committees、Fund Review Committee Work Report;

    ()Start membership review,Review the work of grassroots trade unions and the construction of employee homes,Review the performance of duties by grassroots trade union chairmen and vice-chairmen;

    (four)Election and by-election of grassroots trade union committee and fund review committee members;

    ()Election and by-election of representatives attending the higher-level trade union congress;

    (six)Remove their elected representatives、Members of the grassroots trade union committee;

    (seven)Discuss and decide other major matters of grassroots trade unions.

    Chapter 3 Member Representatives

    Article 13Member representatives should be democratically elected by members,No member representative may be designated。Exercise of democratic rights of labor dispatch workers,If there is an agreement between the employer’s union and the employer’s union,Perform as agreed;If there is no agreement or the agreement is unclear,Exercised in the labor union where the labor dispatch worker member is a member.

    Article 14Member representatives should meet the following conditions:

    ()Union member,Abide by the union charter,Pay dues on time;

    ()Support the party’s leadership,Have strong political awareness;

    ()Play a backbone role in production and work,Have the ability to discuss matters;

    (four)Love union work,Close contact with employees,Eager to speak and serve the employees;

    ()Has a certain prestige among employees,Won the trust of employees.

    Article 15Election of member representatives,Generally, the lower level trade union or trade union group is the election unit,Two or more lower-level unions or union groups with smaller membership numbers can serve as an electoral unit。

    Member representatives are elected by the membership meeting of the electoral unit。Large scale、Units with more management levels,Member representatives can be elected by the next-level member representative conference.

    Article 16The election unit shall follow the quota and conditions of representative candidates determined by the grassroots trade union,Organize members to discuss and propose member representative candidates,Convene a general meeting attended by more than two-thirds of members or member representatives,Member representatives are elected by secret ballot by differential election,The difference rate is not less than15%

    Article 17Member Representative Candidate,When obtaining the votes of more than half of all members of the electoral unit,Only to be elected;When elected by the next level member representative meeting,When the representative candidate obtains the approval of more than half of the representatives attending the meeting,can be elected.

    Article 18After the member representatives are elected,Should be determined by the grassroots trade union committee or trade union preparatory group,Review the number of member representatives and personnel structure,And conduct qualification review of member representatives。The number of eligible member representatives is less than the original number of representatives,The remaining quotas can be reallocated,Conduct by-election,The number of representatives can also be reduced if the specified number of people is met.

    Article 19Member representatives implement a permanent system,The term is consistent with the term of the Member Congress,Member representatives can be re-elected.

    Article 20The responsibilities of member representatives are:

    ()Take the lead in implementing m88 live casino and sports bettingthe party’s line, principles, and policies,m88 online sports bettingConsciously abide by national laws and regulations and the rules and regulations of this unit,Strive to complete production and work tasks;

    ()Based on extensive listening to members’ opinions and suggestions,Proposal to the Member Congress;

    ()Participate in the member representative meeting,Listen to the work reports of the grassroots trade union committee and the fund review committee,Discuss and review various issues of the Congress,Provide review opinions and suggestions;

    (four)For grassroots trade union committees and special committees of the congress(Group)’s work is evaluated,Provide criticisms and suggestions;To the chairman of the grassroots trade union、The Vice Chairman conducts democratic review and democratic assessment,Propose rewards, punishments, appointments and removals;

    ()Maintain close contact with members of the electoral unit,Eager to speak and act for members,Actively provide suggestions and suggestions for the work of the trade union;

    (six)Actively publicize and implement the spirit of the resolutions of the Member Congress,Supervise and inspect the implementation of the resolutions of the member congress by the trade union committee,Unite and drive members to complete various tasks set forth by the Member Congress。

    Article 21Electoral units can form a delegation individually or jointly(Group),Selection Team(Group)Long. group(Group)According to the agenda of the General Assembly,Organize member representatives to participate in various activities of the conference;During the intersession of the Member Congress,According to the arrangements of the grassroots trade union,Organize member representatives to carry out daily work.

    Article 22Grassroots trade unions discuss and decide important matters,A delegation can be convened in advance(Group)Long meeting soliciting opinions,Also as needed,Invite delegation(Group)The president attended the meeting.

    Article 23Grassroots trade unions should establish member representative surveys、Supervision and other work systems,Give full play to the role of member representatives.

    Article 24Member representatives participate in member congresses and various activities organized by the trade union in accordance with the law during legal working hours,The unit shall pay labor remuneration normally,The salary and other benefits shall not be reduced.

    Article 25One of the following situations,Member representative status terminates naturally:

    ()Job positions changed across electoral units during the term;

    ()Dismissal and termination of employment with the employer(Work)Relationship;

    ()Leave without pay, long-term sick leave, internal retirement, overseas assignment for more than one year,Unable to perform the duties of a member representative.

    Article 26Member representatives are responsible for the members of the electoral unit,Accept the supervision of members of the electoral unit.

    Article 27Member representatives have one of the following circumstances,can be removed:

    ()Failure to perform member representative duties;

    ()Serious violation of labor discipline or unit rules and regulations,Causing serious damage to the interests of the unit;

    ()Those who are held criminally responsible according to law;

    (four)Other circumstances requiring removal.

    Article 28The elected union or more than one-third of its members or member representatives have the right to propose the removal of member representatives。Members or member representatives jointly proposed removal,The labor union of the election unit shall promptly convene a member representative meeting for voting。

    Article 29Removing member representatives,Should be approved by more than half of all members of the electoral unit;Representatives elected by the Member Congress,Should be approved by more than half of the representatives present at the Member Congress。

    Article 30There is a vacancy in member representatives,The original electoral unit should conduct by-elections in a timely manner。When the vacancy exceeds a quarter of the total number of member representatives,A by-election should be held within three months。By-election of member representatives shall follow the procedures for election of member representatives,Conduct differential election,The difference rate shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Article 16。Member representatives for by-elections should report to the grassroots trade union committee for qualification review。

    Chapter 4 Convening of the Member Congress

    Article 31Before the m88 online bettingfirst meeting of each Member Congress,The organizational structure of the member congress should be changed、Composition of member representatives、Main agenda and other important matters of the Member Congress,Written report to the party organization at the same level and the higher-level trade union。The higher-level trade union shall respond to the report after receiving the report15Approved within days.

    Article 32Before the m88 online bettingfirst meeting of each Member Congress,The grassroots trade union committee or trade union preparatory group should provide special training for member representatives,The training content should include basic knowledge of trade unions、The nature and functions of the member congress、Rights and obligations of member representatives、General Assembly Election Methods, etc.。

    Article 33After all member representatives are elected,The first meeting of this membership conference should be held within one month。

    Article 34Before the Member Congress,Member representatives should fully listen to members’ opinions and suggestions,Actively put forward proposals closely related to the vital interests of members and the work of the union,After review by the grassroots trade union committee or trade union preparatory group,Decide whether to include it on the conference agenda.

    Article 35Convene a member representative meeting,Should be in advance5Working days will be the meeting date、Notify member representatives of the agenda and matters submitted for discussion at the meeting。

    Article 36Before the m88 online bettingfirst meeting of each Member Congress,Preliminary meeting can be held,Listen to the report on the preparations for the meeting,Deliberated and approved the report on the review of membership representative qualifications,Discuss the adoption of election methods,Adopt the conference agenda and other related matters.

    Article 37When convening the member representative meeting,Member of the Fund Review Committee who is not an elected member representative、Female workers committee members should attend the meeting,You can also invite responsible persons or representatives from relevant parties to attend the meeting。People who have received honorary titles can be invited、People who have made outstanding contributions attended the meeting as special representatives。

    Attendants and specially invited representatives are limited to this meeting,Can participate in group discussions,Does not undertake specific work,Do not enjoy the right to elect or vote.

    Article 38Grassroots Trade Union Committee、Election work for the Fund Review Committee and the Female Staff Committee,Implemented in accordance with the "Regulations on the Election of Grassroots Trade Union Organizations"。

    Article 39The Member Congress should carry out work on grassroots trade unions every year、Building workers’ home and union chairman、Democratic review of the Vice Chairman’s performance of duties and other matters,On the basis of democratic review,Evaluation by secret ballot,Rated as satisfactory、Basically satisfied、Not satisfied with three levels。Evaluation results should be made public in a timely manner,And report in writing to the party organization at the same level and the higher-level trade union。Chairman of the grassroots trade union、The evaluation method for vice president shall be voted and approved by the member representative conference,And report it to the higher-level trade union for registration.

    Article 40Chairman and Vice Chairman of Grassroots Trade Union,Having one of the following situations,can be removed:

    ()The evaluation grade is unsatisfactory for two consecutive years;

    ()A person who made serious personal mistakes during his tenure;

    ()Those who are held criminally responsible according to law;

    (four)Other circumstances requiring removal.

    Members of grassroots trade union committees have the above() () (four)item situation,Can be removed.

    Article 41This trade union committee、More than one-third of the members or member representatives can propose the removal of the chairman、Vice Chairman and Members。Remove Chairman、Vice Chairman and Members,Should be inspected by the party organization at the same level and the trade union at the higher level,Those who have not established a party organization,Inspected by the superior trade union. After investigation,If it is confirmed that he can no longer hold his current position,A member representative meeting should be held in accordance with the law to conduct a secret ballot vote,Should be passed by more than half of the participants,Removal is effective,And report it to the higher-level trade union for approval.

    Article 42Larger scale、A large number of people、Working locations are scattered、Inconsistent working hours,Grass-level trade unions where member representatives are difficult to gather,Conference via m88 live casino and sports bettingvideo call、Convene a member representative meeting through online video conferencing and other methods。Matters not involving secret ballot,Voting can be done online,If a secret ballot is conducted,Ballot boxes can be set up at branch venues,Unified voting and counting within the specified time.

    Article 43The member congress and the employee congress should be held separately,Cannot be substituted for each other. If held in the same time period,The monogram should be set separately、Set meeting agenda separately、Exercise powers separately、Resolutions made separately、Create files separately。

    Article 44Resolution passed by the Member Congress、Important matters and election results should be recorded in written documents,And make it public to members in a timely manner.

    Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions

    Article 45Except for special provisions of member representatives,The general meeting of members shall be held in accordance with the relevant provisions of these regulations.

    Article 46The All-China Federation of Trade Unions is responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.

    Article 47These regulations shall come into effect on the date of promulgation,Relevant regulations in the past that are inconsistent with these regulations,Subject to these regulations.1992Year4month14The "Several Interim Provisions on the Implementation of the Permanent System of Delegates to Grassroots Trade Union Congresses" issued by the General Office of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions are abolished at the same time。

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