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    Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology Trade Union Charter

    Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology Trade Union Charter

    Chapter 1 Total then

    m88 best betting website To strengthen various constructions of school unions,Effectively perform various functions of the trade union organization,Give full play to the active role of trade union organizations in achieving the overall goals and tasks of the school,According to the "Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China" and "China Trade Union Constitution",Develop this charter based on the actual situation of the school。

    Article 2 Xi’an Mingde Institute of Technology Trade Union Committee(referred to as "school union")It is a mass organization voluntarily formed by faculty and staff under the leadership of the school party committee,It is the bridge and link between party organizations and faculty and staff,Representing the interests of faculty and staff,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of faculty and staff in accordance with the law。

    Article 3 The school trade union is under the leadership of the superior trade union and the school party committee,Abide by the constitution and laws,Focus on economic construction,Adhere to the socialist road,Adhere to the people’s democratic dictatorship,Adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China,Adhere to Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Adhere to reform and opening up,Maintain and enhance political nature、Advancedness、Mass nature,Carry out work independently and in accordance with this charter。This charter is formulated or modified by the school union member representative conference。

    Article 4 The school union safeguards the overall interests of the country and the school,Work should be centered around the school,Pass the school faculty and staff representative conference in accordance with the law、School trade union members’ congress and other forms,Organize faculty and staff to participate in the school’s democratic elections、Democratic consultation、Democratic decision-making、Democratic management and democratic supervision。Build extensive connections、The union work system that serves faculty and staff,Close contact with faculty and staff,Listen to and reflect the opinions and requirements of faculty and staff,Care about the lives of faculty and staff,Help faculty and staff solve difficulties,Serve the faculty and staff wholeheartedly。

    Chapter 2 Basic tasks

    Article 5 Basic tasks of the school trade union committee:

    (1) Pay attention to the ideological and political education of faculty and staff,Lead faculty and staff to practice socialist core values ​​through various methods,Firmly establish the “Four Consciousnesses”,Strong “Four Confidences”,Achieve "two maintenances",Strengthening publicity and education on the rule of law、Teacher’s ethics and ethics education、School Discipline and Rules Education。

    (2) Implement the resolutions of the trade union members’ congress and the decisions of the superior trade union,Preside over the daily work of the school union。

    (3) Represent and organize faculty and staff in accordance with legal provisions,Through the Faculty Representative Conference, etc.,Participate in school democratic management and democratic supervision。The school trade union committee is the working body of the Faculty and Staff Congress,Responsible for the daily work of the Faculty Congress,Check、Supervise the implementation of the resolutions of the Faculty Congress。

    (4) Participate in coordinating labor relations and mediating labor disputes,Establish a consultation system with the school,Negotiation to resolve issues involving the vital interests of faculty and staff。Help and guide faculty and staff to sign and perform labor contracts with the school,Sign a contract or other special agreement with the school on behalf of the faculty and staff,And supervise the implementation。

    (5) Organize and mobilize faculty and staff to devote themselves to the construction and reform of the school,Complete all duties,Implementing the fundamental task of m88 slot machine casinom88 slot machine casinocultivating moral character and cultivating people,Select model workers and advanced workers、Commendation、Cultivate and manage service work。

    (6) Pay attention to humanistic care and psychological counseling for faculty and staff,Encourage and support faculty to learn relevant knowledge,Establishment、Manage various faculty and staff associations,Carry out cultural and sports activities that are beneficial to the physical and mental health of faculty and staff。Promote school culture、Faculty and staff cultural construction。

    (7) Supervision of relevant laws、Implementation of regulations。Assist and supervise the school to improve payroll、Safe production、Work in occupational disease prevention and social insurance,Promote the implementation of welfare benefits for faculty and staff,Provide assistance to teachers and staff in need。Participate in the investigation and handling of production safety accidents and occupational hazard accidents in accordance with the law。Protecting the special interests of female faculty and staff,Fight against the phenomenon that harms the interests of female faculty and staff。

    (8) Do a good job in building trade union organizations,Strong democratic system and democratic life,Strengthen the construction of the school union leadership team,Establish and improve various work systems,Standardize internal management of trade unions。Do a good job in member development、Receive、Education and membership management work。Strengthening the construction of faculty and staff home。

    (9) Establish and improve the financial budget and final accounting system、Asset supervision and fund review and supervision system,Collect、Take care、Make good use of union funds,Manage union assets well,Improve funds and asset utilization efficiency。

    Chapter 3 Trade Union

    Article 6 The highest authority of the school union is the school union member representative conference and the school union committee it produces。

    The school trade union committee presides over the daily work of the trade union。The school trade union committee shall have one chairman,One vice chairman,Elected by the Trade Union Committee。

    Article 7 According to work needs,Establish corresponding secondary trade unions in secondary colleges and departments。Members full25For people, establish a separate secondary union; insufficient members25People can jointly establish a secondary trade union.

    The second-level trade union works under the leadership of the school trade union and the party committee (party branch) at the same level,The highest authority of the secondary union is the membership conference or member representative conference at the same level and its elected trade union committee。

    Article 8 Trade union committees at all levels are elected by the unit’s membership conference or member representative conference,Five-year term。

    Article 9 The school union sets up a union fund review committee、Special committees such as women’s employee committees。

    The Fund Review Committee is responsible for reviewing the union’s fund revenue and expenditure and asset management,Supervise the implementation of financial laws and regulations and the use of union funds,And accept the guidance and supervision of the superior trade union fund review committee。The Fund Review Committee is responsible and reports to the member representative conference at the same level;When the General Assembly is not in session,Responsible and reporting to the trade union committee at the same level。

    The Female Employees Committee is responsible for expressing and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of female employees。Nominated by the trade union committee at the same level,Produced on the basis of full consultation。The female workers’ committee was established at the same time as the trade union committee at the same level,Carry out work under the leadership of the trade union committee at the same level。The Female Workers’ Committee is a group member of the Provincial Women’s Federation,Accept business guidance from the Women’s Federation through the Provincial Trade Union。

    Article 10 When the school and secondary colleges study major issues in management and development,The opinions of the school union or the corresponding secondary union should be listened to;Convene a meeting to discuss issues involving the vital interests of faculty and staff,Must have union representatives to participate。

    Article 11 Trade unions at all levels hold meetings m88 best betting websiteor m88 live casino and sports bettingorganize employee activities,Should be done outside working hours,Need to take up working time,Should obtain prior consent from relevant school departments。Part-time members of the trade union use their working time to attend meetings or engage in trade union work,No more than three working days per month。

    Article 12 Second-level unions can be used as needed,Set up several trade union groups according to the organizational structure,Democratic election of trade union team leaders,Actively carry out trade union group activities。

    Chapter 4 Organizational system

    Article 13 The school unions at all levels implement democratic centralism. The main contents are:

    (1) Individuals obey the organization,The minority obeys the majority,Subordinate organizations obey the superior organization。

    (2) All levels of trade union committees and special committees are democratically elected。Term expires,The meeting should be held as scheduled,Conduct general election。In special circumstances,Approved by the superior trade union,Can be held in advance or postponed。

    (3) Trade union committees at all levels shall be responsible for and report their work to the membership conference or member representative conference at the same level,Accept member supervision。The General Assembly and the General Assembly have the right to remove or remove their elected representatives and members of the trade union committee。

    (4) Trade union committees at all levels,Implementing a system that combines collective leadership and division of labor。All major issues will be discussed democratically by the committee,Make a decision,Committee members make collective decisions and division of labor,Perform your responsibilities。

    (5) Trade union leadership bodies at all levels,Strengthen leadership and service to lower-level organizations,Frequently inform lower-level organizations of the situation,Listen to the opinions of subordinate organizations and members,Research and solve the problems they raise。Subordinate organizations should promptly report to superior organizations for instructions。

    Article 14 Member conferences or member representative conferences of trade unions at all levels are held at least once a year。Proposed by the trade union committee or more than one-third of the trade union members,You can hold a temporary membership meeting or member representative meeting。Member is here100If the number is less than 17651_17664

    The powers of the general meeting or general meeting of members are:

    (1) Review and approve the work report of the trade union committee.

    (2) Review and approve the labor union committee’s fund income and expenditure report and the fund review committee’s work report。

    (3) Elect the trade union committee and the fund review committee.

    (4) In accordance with relevant regulations and procedures,Replace or recall elected representatives or members of trade union committees and special committees。

    (5) Discuss other major matters that determine the work of the trade union.

    Article 15  Member representatives are elected by the secondary union members’ conference。Representative qualification examination shall be the responsibility of the trade union committee or trade union preparatory group at the same level。Representatives shall be appointed on a permanent basis,The term is consistent with the term of the unit’s member representative conference,Member representatives can be re-elected。

    Representative transferred out of school,Or when you are unable to continue to perform your duties as a representative,Representative qualification terminates naturally;Representative vacancy,The original electoral unit can hold another by-election,And report to the superior trade union committee for approval。

    Article 16 Establish or cancel a trade union organization,Must be approved by the general meeting of members or the representative meeting of members,And report it to the higher-level trade union for approval。

    Chapter 5 will member

    Article 17 Anywhere within the scope of the school or the secondary unit to which it belongs,Faculty and staff who have established labor relations with the school and its related independent legal entities,Recognize the union charter,Anyone can join the trade union and become a member。

    Article 18 Faculty and staff join the union,Voluntary application by myself,After approval by the school union committee,Issue membership card。

    Article 19 Members of our school’s trade union enjoy the following rights:

    (1) The right to elect, be elected and vote.

    (2) Supervise the work of the trade union,Provide m88 online sports bettingm88 online sports bettingcomments and suggestions,Incompetent union staff can be replaced or dismissed according to procedural requirements。

    (3) Make criticisms and suggestions on the work of the school and the unit,Require trade union organizations to truthfully report to relevant parties。

    (4) When legitimate rights and interests are infringed,Ask for union protection。

    (5) Education provided by trade unions、Culture、Sports、Mutual Assistance and Guarantee、Life assistance、Legal services and other benefits。

    (6) At the trade union meeting,Participate in discussions about union work and faculty concerns。

    Article 20 Members perform the following obligations:

    (1) Seriously study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Study politics、Economy、Culture、Law、Science、Basic knowledge of technology and trade unions, etc.。

    (2) Actively participate in democratic management in accordance with the law,Work hard to complete your job,Build your own merits based on your position。

    (3) Abide by the Constitution and laws,Practice the core values ​​of socialism,Promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation,Abide by social ethics、Professional ethics、Family Virtues、Personal character,obey work discipline。

    (4) Correct handling of countries、School、Three personal interests,To endanger the country、Struggle for social interests。

    (5) Unite, cooperate, and help each other.

    (6) Comply with the school union charter,Implement school union resolution,Participate in school union activities,Pay membership fees monthly。

    Article 21 Member organization relationships change with work relationships,Transfer with membership certificate。

    Article 22 Members are free to withdraw from membership。Member withdrawal must be submitted to the secondary union in person,The school union announced its withdrawal and withdrawn its membership card。

    Members have not paid their dues for six consecutive months without justifiable reasons、Do not participate in trade union organization life,Refuse to correct after education,Should be regarded as automatic withdrawal。

    Article 23 Regarding non-implementation of union resolutions、Members who violate union regulations,Give criticism and education。For members who have committed serious violations of the law and been subject to criminal sanctions,Expelled from membership。Expelled member from membership,Subject to discussion by the second-level trade union,Advice,Decided by the school union,Report to superior trade union for registration。

    Article 24 Member retirement and unemployment,Membership can be retained。Free of membership fees while retaining membership。

    Trade union organizations at all levels should care about their lives,Actively reflect their wishes and requirements to relevant parties。

    Chapter 6 Trade union cadres

    Article 25 Trade union organizations at all levels follow the principles of revolutionization、Rejuvenation、Knowledgeable、Specialization requirements,Strive to build a team that adheres to the party’s basic line,Familiar with your job、Love union work、A cadre team trusted by faculty and staff。

    Article 26 Trade union cadres should strive to:

    (1) Seriously study Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Study politics、Economy、History、Culture、Technology、Knowledge of law and trade union business,Improve political ability,Enhance mass work skills。

    (2) Implement the party’s basic line and various principles and policies,Comply with national laws and regulations、School disciplines and professional ethics,Take the lead in cultivating and consciously practicing socialist core values。

    (3) Firm faith,Loyal to duty,Work hard,Dare to take responsibility,Integrity and integrity,Looking at the overall situation,Maintain unity。

    (4) Adhere to seeking truth from facts,Careful investigation and research,Truthfully reflect the opinions of faculty and staff、Wishes and requests。

    (5) Adhere to principles,Not seeking personal gain,Eager to speak and act for faculty and staff,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of faculty and staff in accordance with the law。

    (6) Democratic Style,Contact the masses,Enhance mass awareness and sentiment,Consciously accept criticism and supervision from faculty and staff。

    Article 27 Trade union organizations at all levels manage trade union cadres in accordance with relevant regulations,Attach importance to discovering, cultivating and selecting outstanding young cadres、Female cadre、Minority cadres,Become m88 best betting websitean important base for training cadres。

    m88 online bettingTrade Union Chairman、The vice chairman shall not be transferred at will before his term is over。When you need to be transferred due to work,The consent of the trade union committee at the same level and the superior trade union must be obtained in advance。

    When a trade union cadre leaves the union post during his term,Generally should be removed from the position held,Added according to democratic procedures,Report to the superior trade union。

    Member of the Trade Union Committee、When members of the special committees of the trade union are transferred from the school or retire,Nomination and addition shall be made through negotiation between the labor union and relevant units。

    Article 28 Trade union organizations at all levels should care about the thoughts of trade union cadres、Study and life,Supervise the implementation of corresponding treatment,Care about their growth,Support their work,Resolutely fight against retaliation against trade union officials。

    Chapter 7 Union funds and assets

    Article 29 Source of school union funds:

    (1) Dues paid by members.

    (2) The funds allocated by the school to the labor union in accordance with relevant regulations.

    (3) Special subsidies provided by superior trade unions.

    (4) Other income.

    Article 30 Union funds are mainly used to serve faculty and staff and carry out union activities。

    The school union strengthens supervision of union assets in accordance with laws and regulations、Management,Protect union assets from damage。According to the principle of independent funding,Create a budget、Final accounts、Asset supervision and fund review and supervision system,Responsible for revenue and expenditure and asset management。Implement "unified leadership、Financial system of hierarchical management、"Unify all、Graded supervision、Unit use” asset supervision system and “unified leadership、Hierarchical management、Grade responsible、Fund review and supervision system at the lower review level。

    Article 31  The school trade union committee approves the budget in accordance with regulations、Final accounts,Regularly report funds and expenditures and asset management to the trade union member congress and superior trade union committee,Accept the review and supervision of superiors and the school union’s funding review committee。

    Article 32 Schools should provide necessary facilities, activity venues and other material conditions for the trade union’s offices and activities。

    Article 33 Union funds、Asset、The real estate and funds allocated by the school to the union are protected by law,No unit or individual may encroach upon、Misappropriation and arbitrary allocation。Merger of secondary trade union organizations,The funds and assets will be owned by the merged union;The secondary trade union organization is revoked or dissolved,The funding assets are disposed of by the school union。

    Chapter 8 Attachment then

    Article 34 The right to interpret this charter belongs to the trade union of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology.

    Article 35 This Charter2022Year5month14Deliberated and approved by the first trade union member congress of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology,Effective from the date of approval and release by the school party committee。


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