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    Implementation Measures for the Faculty and Staff Congress of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology

    Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology

    Implementation Measures for the Faculty and Staff Congress

    Chapter 1 Total then

    m88 best betting website In order to ensure that faculty and staff participate in school democratic elections in accordance with the law、Democratic consultation、Democratic decision-making、Democratic management and democratic supervision,Improving the modern university system,Promote school governance in accordance with the law,In accordance with the "Education Law of the People's Republic of China", "Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China", "Private Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Regulations of the School Faculty and Staff Congress" (Ministry of Education32Order) and "Regulations of the Shaanxi Provincial School Faculty and Staff Congress",Combined with the actual work of the school,Develop this implementation method。

    Article 2 The Faculty and Staff Congress of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology (hereinafter referred to as the "Teachers' Congress") is a meeting for faculty and staff to participate in the school's democratic elections in accordance with the law、Democratic consultation、Democratic decision-making、Basic forms of democratic management and democratic supervision。

    Article 3 The Teachers’ Congress must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Adhere to Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is guided by,Comprehensively implement the party’s basic line and educational policy,Participate seriously in school democratic elections、Democratic consultation、Democratic decision-making、Democratic management and democratic supervision。

    Article 4 The Faculty Congress and its representatives shall abide by national laws and regulations,Abide by school rules and regulations,Properly handle countries、School、The interest relationship between the collective and the faculty。

    Article 5 The Teachers’ Congress carries out its work under the leadership of the school party committee。The organizational principle of the Faculty Congress is democratic centralism。

    Chapter 2 Position Quan

    Article 6 The functions and powers of the Faculty Council are:

    ()Listen to the report on the formulation and revision of the draft school charter,Propose modification comments and suggestions。

    ()Listen to the school development plan、Faculty and staff building、Education and Teaching Reform、Reports on campus construction and other major reforms and solutions to major problems,Provide comments and suggestions。

    ()Listen to the school’s annual work、Financial work、Trade union work report and other special work reports,Provide comments and suggestions。

    (four)Discuss benefits proposed through the school that are directly related to the benefit of faculty and staff、On-campus allocation implementation plan and corresponding faculty appointment、Assessment、Rewards and punishments。

    ()Reviewing the last session of the school(times)Report on the processing of proposals from the Teachers’ Congress.

    (six)Evaluate school leaders in accordance with school work regulations and arrangements.

    (seven)Provide opinions and suggestions on school work through various methods,m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 slot machine casinoSupervisory School Charter、Implementation of rules, regulations and decisions,Propose rectification opinions and suggestions。

    (eight)Discuss other matters stipulated in laws, regulations and rules and agreed between the school and the school union。

    Article 7 Opinions and suggestions of the Faculty Council,Made in the form of meeting resolution。Resolutions reviewed and passed within the scope of authority of the Teachers’ Congress are binding on all faculty and staff of the school,Matters approved will be promulgated and implemented by the school,No changes shall be made during the implementation process without reconsideration and approval by the Faculty Council。

    Article 8 The school establishes a sound communication mechanism,Listen fully to the opinions and suggestions put forward by the Faculty Congress,And reasonably absorb and adopt; cannot absorb and adopt,Should explain。

    Chapter 3 generation Table

    Article 9 Anyone who signs an employment contract with the school、Faculty and staff with employment relationship,All can be elected as representatives of the Faculty Congress。

    Article 10 Representatives of the Teachers’ Congress should meet the following conditions: love education,Be a role model to others,Work seriously,Acting fairly,Have a strong sense of democracy and the ability of democratic management and supervision,Have close contact with faculty and staff,Has high prestige among faculty and staff。

    Article 11 Representatives to the Teachers’ Congress are elected by the secondary trade unions,Directly elected by faculty and staff。The election is based on the principle of differential election,Adopt secret ballot。Election meeting should be2/3The above-mentioned faculty and staff can participate in the election,The elected representative can be elected only if he/she must obtain the votes of more than half of the faculty and staff of the electoral unit。School Party、Political、The worker in charge should be a representative candidate,Recommend to relevant electoral unit elections。

    Article 12 The composition of the representatives of the Teachers’ Congress should be broad and representative。Representatives should be teachers、Manager、Leading cadres,The number of teacher representatives shall not be less than the total number of representatives60%。Young faculty and staff、Female faculty should account for an appropriate proportion of representation。

    Article 13 Representatives of the Teachers’ Congress can be formed according to electoral units (electoral units with a small number of people can jointly form a delegation),And elect the leader。

    After the election of representatives to the Faculty Council,The conference preparation qualification review team shall be responsible for reviewing the qualifications of representatives,The review results will be reported to all representatives at the preparatory meeting of the Faculty Congress。

    Article 14 The representatives of the Teachers’ Congress implement a term system, term5years, can be re-elected.

    The school is in accordance with relevant regulations,Combined with reality,Formulate election methods for representatives of the Teachers’ Congress。Election methods should include conditions for representatives、Representative quota allocation、Candidate difference ratio、Representative composition ratio、Representative generation and other content。

    Representatives of the Faculty Congress accept the supervision of the faculty and staff of the electoral unit,If necessary, m88 online sports bettingthe m88 online bettingelectoral unit may be removed in accordance with the prescribed procedures、Replace or add representatives of this unit。Specific methods,By the school in accordance with relevant regulations,And formulated based on actual conditions。

    Article 15 Representatives of the Faculty Council enjoy the following rights:

    ()Enjoy the right to elect, be elected and vote at the Faculty Congress.

    ()Fully express opinions and suggestions at the Faculty Congress.

    ()Put forward proposals and inquire and supervise the handling of proposals.

    (four)Report the opinions and requirements of faculty and staff to school leaders and relevant departments regarding school work。

    ()Suppressed for performing duties、When obstructing or retaliating,File complaints and accusations to relevant departments。

    (6) Receive relevant training and other rights stipulated in the school charter。

    Article 16 Representatives of the Faculty Congress shall fulfill the following obligations:

    ()Study hard and conscientiously implement the party’s line, principles and policies、National laws and regulations、The Party and State’s Guidelines and Policies on Education Reform and Development,Continuously improve ideological and political quality and the ability to participate in democratic management。

    ()Actively participate in the activities of the Faculty Congress,Promote seriously、Implement the resolutions of the Faculty Congress,Complete the tasks assigned by the Faculty Congress。

    ()Acting fairly,A decent person,Closely contact the faculty and staff,Truthfully reflect the opinions and demands of the masses。

    (four)Promptly inform the faculty and staff of the unit on their participation in the Teachers’ Congress activities and performance of their duties,Accept review and supervision。

    ()Consciously abide by school rules and regulations and professional ethics,Improve business level,Do your job well。

    (six)Other obligations stipulated in the school charter.

    Chapter 4 Organizational Rules

    Article 17 The school formulated the "Implementation Rules for the Faculty and Staff Congress of Secondary Units",Regulate the holding of staff congresses or staff conferences in each school。

    Article 18 The Faculty Congress is held at least once a year。Encountering major events,School of Economics、School union or1/3The above representatives of the Teachers’ Congress proposed that the Teachers’ Congress could be convened temporarily.

    Article 19 Teaching Congress every5A year is one term. At the expiration of the term, a general election shall be held.

    Article 20 Teaching Council must have2/3Representatives of the above teachers’ congress attended。Teaching Council elections、Voting or making resolutions on major matters involving the interests of faculty and staff、When decided,Secret ballot must be adopted,The approval of more than half of the total number of representatives of the Economic and Educational Congress is valid。The Faculty Congress can invite attendees and special guests to attend the meeting,Attendants and special guests do not have the right to vote during the meeting、Right to be elected and vote。

    Article 21 Select personnel to form the presidium among the representatives of the Teachers’ Congress,The presidium should be composed of personnel from all aspects of the school,Including school party、Political、Main labor leaders and teacher representatives。

    Article 22 The Teachers’ Congress will set up proposal work based on the actual situation and needs、Life benefits、Young Teachers and Other Special Committees,Complete the relevant tasks assigned m88 best betting websiteby the Teachers’ Congress。m88 online sports bettingThe special committee is responsible to the Faculty Congress。

    Article 23 Issues of the Faculty Congress,Should work according to the center of the school、General requests from faculty and staff,Submitted by the school union for study and determination by the school,and in advance7Tian seeks opinions from representatives of the Faculty Congress in writing,Request to be voted on by the Faculty Representatives。

    Article 24 Schools should establish a system for handling proposals from the Teachers’ Congress,Improve the deadline for proposal processing、Rejection and Accountability。Solicitation for proposals jointly formulated by the school and the Teachers’ Congress、Review、Filing case、Processing and other standard procedures。The school should provide feedback to the proposer on the completion of the proposal,Explain and report to the Faculty Congress。

    Article 25 The school establishes a file management system for the Teachers’ Congress。Deliberation by the Faculty Congress、Passed、The matters decided should form a normative resolution text。Before the meeting、Meeting、Relevant documents and information after the meeting are fully managed,File specification,Management Science。

    Article 26 Before convening the Faculty Congress,Establish a preparatory leading group for the Teachers’ Congress。The preparatory leadership group is organized by the school party、Political、Composition of workers in charge,Develop a work plan for convening the Faculty Congress。

    Article 27 Before the formal meeting of the school teachers’ congress,A preparatory meeting for the Faculty Congress should be held。The preparatory meeting of the Teachers’ Congress is hosted by the preparatory leadership group,Representatives of the Teachers’ Conference。The school prepares the agenda for the preparatory meeting,Preparatory meetings generally adopt a show of hands vote。

    Article 28 The formal meeting of the Faculty Congress is chaired by the Presidium,The main agenda of the Teachers’ Congress needs to be submitted to the school party committee for approval。

    Chapter 5 Working organization

    Article 29 The school party committee is the leading body of the Teachers’ Congress。The school party committee should regularly study the work of the Teachers’ Congress,Review the preparation plan for the Teachers’ Congress,Coordinate the relationship between the Faculty Congress and administration,Help the Faculty Council to exercise its powers correctly。The Teachers’ Congress should carry out work and exercise its powers around the reform and development of school education and teaching under the leadership of the school party committee。

    Article 30 School administration is the guarantee agency of the Teachers’ Congress。School administration should respect the legal status and democratic election of the Teachers’ Congress、Democratic consultation、Democratic decision-making、Democratic management、The right of democratic supervision,Support and ensure that the Teachers’ Congress exercises its powers,And provide material support。The work of the Teachers’ Congress should be included in the school’s annual work plan,The funds required for the Teachers’ Congress meeting are included in the school’s financial budget; for the relevant resolutions passed by the Teachers’ Congress in accordance with the law、Decisions and plans should be organized and implemented。The Teachers’ Congress must respect and support the principal in exercising his powers in accordance with the m88 online bettinglaw,Mobilize and organize m88 online bettingfaculty and staff to do all the work of the school as masters。

    Article 31 The school trade union is the working body of the Teachers’ Congress,Responsible for the daily work of the Faculty Congress。

    The school union assumes the following responsibilities related to the Teachers’ Congress:

    (1) Work with relevant departments to prepare for and organize the Teachers’ Congress,Organize the election of representatives to the Faculty Congress,Collecting and organizing proposals,Propose meeting topics in accordance with legal procedures、Proposed list of proposals and presidium candidates。

    (2) During the intersession period of the Faculty Congress,Organize and implement the spirit of the Teachers’ Congress,Supervise and inspect the implementation of the resolutions of the Faculty Congress,Organize activities of delegations and special committees,Head of the delegation convened、Joint meeting of heads of special committees。

    (3) Organize training for representatives of the Teachers’ Congress,Accept and handle suggestions and complaints from representatives of the Faculty Senate。

    (4) Report to the school party committee on the school’s democratic management work,Communicate with the school。

    (5) Management of archives of the Teachers’ Congress.

    (6) Put forward opinions on the school’s violations of the Teachers’ Congress system and request corrections。

    (7) Complete other tasks entrusted by the Faculty Congress.

    Article 32 During the intersession of the Faculty Congress,Encountered an important problem that needs to be solved,The school trade union committee can contact the relevant special committee and negotiate with the relevant school institutions。The results will be reported to the next Faculty Congress。

    Chapter 6 Attachment then

    Article 33 The school union is responsible for interpreting these regulations.

    Article 34 This method is written 2022year5month14Deliberated and approved by the first faculty representative conference of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology,Effective from the date of approval and release by the school party committee。


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