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The m88 best betting website14th Mathematical Modeling Competition of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology was successfully held

April 28 to May 1,The m88 best betting website14th Mathematical Modeling Competition of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology and the 2023 National Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Competition Selection were held as scheduled。This competition is divided into undergraduate group and vocational group,A total of 115 teams and 345 students participated,92 teams in the undergraduate group、23 teams in the higher vocational group。The title of the undergraduate group of this competition is "Question A: Design of paraglider wing area and description of motion state"、"Question B: Research on invisible funding based on restaurant consumption m88 slot machine casinodata",The title of the higher vocational competition is "Question C: Light Convergence"、"Question D: Mathematical modeling team member assignment problem"。

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Coincides with the May Day holiday,But the students’ enthusiasm for participating has not diminished at all。In competition,Students overcome various difficulties,Think carefully、Cooperate with each other、stay up all night,The paper was successfully submitted。Although the process is hard,The results are fruitful and gratifying,Students who participated in the competition gained a lot,A satisfactory answer embodies the hard work m88 online bettingof the entire team,Leaving hard work and struggle in the hearts of every team member、Good memories of hard work and win-win。

Passed this mathematical modeling competition,Students’ mathematical application ability、Team collaboration ability and innovation awareness have been significantly improved,Students’ ability to analyze and solve problems has been exercised,It also builds a platform for students to learn and communicate with each other,Laid a solid foundation for continuing to create a good learning atmosphere。

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