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Professor Liang Fangchi of Air Force Engineering University was invited to our school to give a special report on mathematical modeling

ForBetterImprove the mathematical modeling ability of our school m88 online bettingm88 best betting websitestudents,Improve the quality of mathematical modeling papers,WelcomeWar2023National College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition9month2School of General Education SpecialInvitationLiang Fangchi, School of Science, Air Force Engineering UniversityThe professor launched a special topic on mathematical modelingReportTitle"Analysis of National College Student Mathematical Modeling Contest Questions"ReportPresided over by Zheng Wei, Vice Dean of the School of General Education,Teachers from the mathematical modeling competition guidance group and all participating students participated in this report。

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LiangProfessor Fangchi first gave an example of the importance of participating m88 live casino and sports m88 slot machine casinobettingin modeling competitions,Selecting the topic for the competition、Introduction to review rules and other aspects。Then the key points will be explained2017National College Student Mathematical Modeling CompetitionBTitle: Pricing for the task of “making money by taking photos”.LiangThe professor introduced the background of this competition question,Explain to students how to read questions、Analysis question,And explain in detail the problem-solving ideas and algorithms for the four questions of this problem。Last,LiangThe professor also introduced the selection of mathematical modeling methods during the competition、Notes on essay writing, etc.。Students have a new understanding m88 best betting websitem88 best betting websiteof this issue,Resolved the doubts when doing the questions,Great harvest。

After the report ends,LiangFangchiProfessorInteractive communication with teachers and students presentPatienceAnsweredClassmateweofsuspiciousAsk.This reportTopic clearCorrect, rich contentfullProfessor Liang’s explanation is humorous,Rigorous and vivid,Students benefited a lot,Deepened our school students’ understanding of mathematical modeling,A student of our schoolImprove the quality of competition papersDownedGoodBasics.


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