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Professor Xiao Huayong of Northwestern Polytechnical University was invited to our school to give a special report on mathematical modeling

The afternoon of August 25, 2023,Professor Xiao Huayong of Northwestern Polytechnical University was invited to our schoolMadeThe title is"Introduction and examples of optimization models and LINGO programmingandMathematical modeling related to "Introduction to MATLAB"Report,All undergraduate and vocational students participating in three-semester training on mathematical modeling,And all the teachers from the mathematical modeling instructor team of the School of General Education listened to thisReportReportPresided over by Ms. Li Ni, Director of the Mathematics Teaching and Research Section of the School of General Education。


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Report, Professor Xiao first talked about the optimization model andIntroduction to LINGO programming and examples。Professor Xiao first solves the problem using simple linear programming、m88 best betting websitem88 best betting websiteInteger Programming Solver、0-1 Solver、Nonlinear Programming Solver、Assignment problem model as an example,Simple translation directly written into LINGO programming code,Easy to understand。Then the LINGO writing format and internal calling functions and aggregate functions are introduced in detail。It focuses on the commonly used "forandsumFunction, etc.。Finally three examples are given,Solution step by step,Solution step by step,Students are fully focused,Listen with gusto,Benefited a lot。

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Professor Xiao finally gave a brief introductionIntroduction to MATLAB,Introduction from common functions、Introduction to common matrices、Function graphing、Basic statement、M files, m88 best betting websitem88 best betting websiteetc.,Finally ends with an interesting Othello game modeling and programming。ReportAfter the end,Professor Xiao interacted with the teachers and students present,Share relevant experiences in modeling competition,The teachers and students present expressed that they benefited a lot。

Professor Xiao Huayong’s rich experience in mathematical modeling competitions、Rigorous thinking、Interesting conversation、Vivid explanations made teachers and students deeply appreciate the charm of mathematical modeling,Incited students’ interest in participating in mathematical modeling competition,At the same time, it improved the level of mathematical modeling instructors in our school。


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