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Tips for the rainy season (1)

m88 online betting

  • Don’t dodge when you see water:The disadvantage of dodging left and right is,The driver behind did not know how to react,Accidents happen easily。In fact, the water depth m88 online bettingis about m88 online betting15 cm,Won’t have any effect on the car at all,You can drive at normal speed,No need to worry about water entering the car or breaking down。Things to note,After the car has passed through the water,The braking system may be temporarily weakened,Lengthen the distance when braking,Therefore it is best to keep a longer safe distance when driving on rainy days

  • Car wading,Should the engine be running normally、Processed when the steering and braking mechanisms are flexible and reliable:The car drove to the waterside,If the tire and brake drum temperatures are high,Should take a short break,Wait until it cools down properly before putting m88 online sports bettingit m88 online bettinginto the water。While wading,Should be in low gear,Make the car drive smoothly from the shore into the water,To avoid splashing。Keep the engine with sufficient power while driving,Avoid stopping midway、Shifting gears and jerking direction。Keep your eyes on the fixed target,Don’t look at the running water,So as not to disturb the vision,Misdirection

  • When multiple vehicles are wading in water, do not enter the water at the same time:Wait until the car in front reaches the other side,The car behind you enters the water,Prevent the vehicle in front from stopping for any reason,Forcing the car behind to stop in the water。The car's wheels are spinning when m88 slot machine casinowading m88 slot machine casinoin water,Don’t force yourself to advance or retreat,Don’t force yourself to advance or retreat,Don’t slam on the accelerator pedal,To prevent falling deeper。Keep the engine from stalling,And organize manpower or other vehicles to help pull it out。When a car passes through a flooded road or a flooded bridge,Generally,At uniform speed、Pass through the fixed route in one go。

  • Recommended for vehicles passing through deeper waters,Open the window glass on both sides in advance:If the water is deep enough to cover the vehicle,Get out of the vehicle in time,Evacuate personnel to safe areas。If the car door cannot be opened,Knock something m88 slot machine casinom88 slot machine casinoon the four corners of the window glass on both sides,Easy to break glass,Escape the scene quickly。

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