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Tips for the rainy season (2)

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  • Line must be dry:Proper insulation treatment,Avoid water pipes or places prone to water seepage,In a dry place if possible。Household electrical equipment should be well insulated,Lamp head、socket、Do not expose switches, etc. to water。Wet hands、Wet towels must not touch or rest on electrical wires

  • Use appropriate protective measures: For example, if you want to install m88 online sports bettingm88 online sports bettinga leakage switch,Metal casing of electrical equipment (such as washing machine、refrigerator) should be well grounded,A good grounding point should be set up during home internal wiring installation。This can play a very good protective role in the event of leakage。

  • Prevent overload use:When using high-power appliances such as air conditioners,Must match your own line capacity,Overload use can easily lead to failure

  • m88 slot machine casinom88 slot machine casinoNo playing with electrical appliances:Educate children not to play with electrical appliances

  • Strictly prohibit private solicitation:Wire mopping is particularly prone to accidents

  • In case of emergency, cut off the power supply immediately

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