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Safety knowledge
Safety knowledge
8 essential moves to prevent accidents
m88 online betting Why be a "prophet" on the road to predict the occurrence of accidents?

1、 Looking from a distance.Observe the appearance of the vehicle ahead,Check whether it is overloaded or the goods on the vehicle are not securely fastened,Stay away in advance if you find this kind of situation。
2、 Look closely at the line.Observe the driving posture and route of the vehicle in front when you are relatively close to the vehicle in front,If you find that the car in front is not walking in a straight line or is swaying severely from side to side, stay away from them。Because the driver is likely to be drunk or fatigued,There may be a problem with the vehicle。
3、 Smell with your nose.When driving, pay attention to smell the inside of the car to see if there is any burning or other odor,If you smell it, immediately find a safe place to stop and check,Reconcile whether to continue driving。
4、 Ears listen.You should use your ears to detect sudden braking when driving、Information on the road surface such as impact,Find potential dangers from various signs。
5、 Avoid pedestrians.While driving on some mixed roads between motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles,Pay special attention to pedestrians walking on the roadside,Observe their trajectory,Avoid danger。
6、 The intersection is slow.When passing an intersection, especially a zebra crossing,Be careful to slow down and drive slowly,You can sound the horn to indicate the location of your vehicle when necessary,Confirm safety before passing。
7、 Observe traffic rules.All safe driving comes from correct compliance with traffic rules.
8、 Be careful when driving at night.The lighting is not good at night,Observe the road conditions carefully when driving at night,Use lights correctly,Benefiting others and benefiting oneself。

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