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Tips for the rainy season (3)

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  • It is strictly prohibited to stay on the top of a mountain or on a high hill:Do not continue to climb higher to enjoy the rain scene,Not under a big tree、Dodge near telephone poles,Do not m88 slot machine casinowalk m88 slot machine casinoor stand in open fields either,Hide in low-lying areas as soon as possible,Or try to find a floor or a dry cave to take shelter

  • Don’t use umbrellas with metal handles,Take off metal frame glasses、Watch、Pants belt:If you are traveling by bicycle, leave the bicycle as soon as possible,Also keep away from other metal objects,To avoid being struck by lightning due to conductive electricity

  • Do not go swimming, boating or fishing in rivers, rivers or lakes

  • In lightning and thunder、When the storm blows,Turn off the electrical appliances in the room immediately:To avoid electrical conduction。During thunder,It is safer in the center of the room,Do not stay directly under the light,Don’t lean on m88 best betting websitem88 slot machine casinopillars、Wallside、Door and window side,To avoid accidents caused by induced electricity during thunder

  • When a lightning strike occurs, traveling companions should immediately rescue and send to the hospital:If you were breathing、Heartbeat has stopped,Mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration and extrathoracic heart massage should be performed immediately on the spot for on-site rescue。Never neglect resuscitation because you are in a hurry to be transported to the hospital。Pay attention to keeping the patient warm。Response to local electrical burns,In emergency conditions,Just keep it dry and bandaged。

  • Scientific shelter from rain:Outdoors,Thunder activity areas should m88 best betting websitem88 live casino and sports bettingm88 best betting websitebe considered,Watch thunder and lightning activity far and near,You can usually tell the distance by listening to the sound of thunder,Don’t hide under lightning rods or big trees。Don’t hold an umbrella in an open place,Because umbrellas have needle points,The electric field intensity should be more concentrated。Don’t use your cell phone in open areas。Go to squat,Feet together。

  • It is best to hide in a building with metal doors and windows or a lightning rod:A car with a metal body is also the best "lightning shelter",Once these buildings or cars are struck by lightning,Their metal structures or lightning protection devices or the metal itself will m88 best betting websitem88 live casino and sports bettingconduct lightning current into the ground。

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