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Safety knowledge
Safety knowledge
When it comes to gas, you must know these things
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Gas is related to the safety of thousands of households,How to determine whether there is a gas leak? What should I do if I find a gas leak?,Tighten the "safety valve" for domestic gas use。

What is gas?

There are many types of gas,Mainly natural gas、Artificial gas、Liquefied petroleum gas and biogas、Coal to gas,They are all flammable gases,When the gas concentration reaches a certain concentration m88 online bettingin the m88 live casino and sports bettingconfined space,It will explode when exposed to open flame。When gas combustion is insufficient,Also releases carbon monoxide。Therefore,Safe use of gas is very important。

Under what circumstances will gas explode and catch fire?

There is no gas or canned gas flowing in the pipeline It is very safe under strong damage. Generally speaking,A gas explosion fire requires three elements at the same time。

One is Gas leakage。Gas leakage mainly occurs in three locations: leakage at connections、Gas hose leakage、Valve leaking。Of course improper use,Also causes leakage,For example, when the soup water overflows and extinguishes the flame of the gas stove,Gas may leak。

Second is reached explosive concentration。Artificial gas、The main component of natural gas is methane,Methane concentration in the air that is too high or too low will generally not cause an explosion,But when in between,It may cause an explosion。

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Three isEncountered a fire source。When within the explosive concentration range,Including but not limited to the following situations,It may cause an explosion。

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How to determine whether there is a gas leak?

smell——Smell with your nose

General civil gas supply,All gases are odorized (ethyl mercaptan),Makes gas smell like rotten eggs,This makes it easier to find leaks。So once you notice a similar smell in your home,It may be a gas leak。

Look ——Look at the gas meter

With no need to breathe at all,Check whether the number in the last red box of the gas meter moves,If you move around, you can judge that there is a leak behind the gas meter valve (such as the hose between the stove and water heater connected to the gas meter、Interface and other places)。

Tu——Spray soapy water

Soap or washing powder mixed with water,Apply to the gas pipe in sequence、Gas meter hose、Places prone to air leakage such as cock switches,To check whether there is a gas m88 slot machine casinoleak。m88 online bettingIn case of gas leak,The soap will be blown out of foam。When you see bubbles forming,And constantly increasing,It indicates that there is air leakage in this part。Very small leaks may not be observed,The test results of professional testing tools shall prevail。

What should I do if I find an indoor gas leak?

First, quickly close the gas valve,Open doors and windows immediately for ventilation。What needs to be noted is,Do not turn on the exhaust fan for ventilation in a hurry,The exhaust fan is powered。

The second is to eliminate all sources of fire,Do not turn on or off any electrical appliances、Don’t use open flames。Wearing and taking off clothes will generate static electricity,Especially blended、Nylon fabric,Static electricity may also detonate a certain concentration of flammable gases in the air。

The third is after moving to a safe outdoor area,Call the gas company and m88 slot machine casino119,m88 slot machine casinoAsk for help。It’s worth noting,Phone during call、There may be tiny sparks inside the phone,Also causes explosion,Stay away from the scene when calling for help。

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