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It’s scary to think about it! Young man took part-time job taking landscape photos, but was exploited by spies

The newly revised Counterespionage Law will come into effect on July 1st,m88 online bettingThen according to the new law,What actions will be considered espionage?Which groups of people are easy targets for spies to incite rebellion? What should ordinary people do if they discover espionage?

Men are tempted by high rewards

Providing intelligence to foreign spy agencies

Zhang who once worked as a foreign language translator in a certain ministry,While stationed abroad,Meeted someone like A who claimed to be the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs。 The true identities of A and others are members of the country’s spy agency,After getting acquainted with Zhang,Take high rewards as temptation,By extorting and requesting,Require Zhang to provide information。
Zhang still ignored the law and discipline even though he knew the other party’s intentions,Provided the other party with dozens of confidential documents and information involving my country’s domestic and foreign affairs over the past few years,Top secret level、14 confidential documents

2008,Before Zhang resigned, fromUnitDocuments and materials collected from office computers and internal office networks are illegally carried abroad, which contains a large amount of top secret and confidential information.

In 2016, the national security agency cracked the case.  

Zhang’s behavior is a typical espionage behavior.

The new Counterespionage Law, which came into effect on July 1st, has six chapters and 71 articles,In Chapter 1 General Provisions, six types of espionage are stipulated,Clear the subjects of different types of espionage、Behaviors and Objects。

Wang Xu, Vice Dean of the Law School of Renmin University of China:

The first category refers to direct attacks、Stealing intelligence related to national security,Or espionage organizations and their agents that undermine security order。

SecondClass is through bribery and other means,Allow members of confidential units or national public officials to take refuge。

NewReverseEspionageIn the second category of espionage, in the old lawParticipateEspionage organizations or accepting tasks from espionage organizations and their agentsBasicsOn, added "ResignSpy organizations and their agents",Written behaviors that actively endanger national security into legal provisions.

Wang Xu, Vice Dean of the Law School of Renmin University of China:

The social harm of taking refuge、Subjective malignancy is stronger,He has lost his loyalty to a sovereign country。

Man takes part-time job taking photos of city scenery

Photos of warships involved in the port

How to deal with minor violations involving espionage,surrendered、How to reduce punishment in cases of meritorious service,The newly revised Counterespionage Law also stipulates。

April 2020,Zhao, who works in Dalian, Liaoning, found a part-time job helping planning designer Ye take photos of city scenery。First day of work,Under Ye’s remote control command,Zhao came to the port of Dalian one after another、Photos taken around m88 slot machine casinothe m88 live casino and sports bettingshipyard,And record the geographical environment along the way, sent to Ye via mobile phone. On the same day, Zhao received200 yuan transfer.

You can make money by taking photos,Zhao thought he got a good job,He continued to take photos and get paid according to Ye’s request。And the tasks assigned by Ye are constantly increasing,Required Zhao to take photos of warships parked in the port for maintenance,Even encouraged Zhao to find an opportunity to work in a shipyard, and you can get more rewards every month.

However,After Zhao saw the news media’s propaganda about national security,Wake up。“I feel that these cases are very similar to what I did,I regret it very much,I feel like I shouldn’t do this。”

So,Zhao voluntarily surrendered to the national security agency accompanied by his family。In view of Zhao’s initiative to surrender,And it has not caused substantial harm to our country’s national security,The national security agency exempted him from punishment in accordance with the law。

The newly revised Counterespionage Law retains the term "carrying out espionage",Those who have surrendered or performed meritorious services,Can be given a lighter sentence、Reduced or exempted punishment; those who have performed major meritorious services,Based on the provision of "giving rewards",Further details on legal liability and other matters,Expanded the applicable circumstances of administrative penalties.

Woman solicits husband to sell information

Public official couple turned into spies

Which groups of people are easy targets for spies to incite rebellion? What methods do overseas spy agencies commonly use to instigate these groups of people to rebel?

Huang is a spy who has been hiding for 17 years,Before being captured,She is an engineer of a provincial agency in Yunnan Province。2002,While m88 online bettingHuang was studying abroad for a master’s degree,Meeted m88 best betting websitea seemingly personable person、A gentle man。Although Huang was already married at that time,But she still had an inappropriate relationship with the man。Dating,The other party took advantage of the situation and made some requests。“He said he was engaged in information consulting work,If you have any information to provide him,He can pay a certain amount。" Huang said。

Under the influence of overseas men,Huang used the opportunity to return to China to visit relatives to collect some domestic confidential documents and provide them to the other party。In a relationship,The manAfter learning that Huang’s husband was working as a deputy county magistrate in a county in Yunnan,The other party took the opportunity to ask Huang to ask her husband Li to help collect some internal government documents

Within 17 years,Huang、Li Moumou complies with the requirements for overseas online launch,Privately take home confidential documents that you come across at work。Li Moumou is responsible for taking photos of confidential documents,Huang is responsible for disguising and encrypting the photos,Copy to USB drive,Looking for opportunity to leave the country,Secret handover with overseas spies。

April 2019,Huang、Li Moumou and his wife were taken compulsory measures by the national security agency on suspicion of espionage。

Easy to find,The main targets of overseas spy agencies are party and government agencies、Military and military industrial enterprises、Staff from national defense research institutes and other departments。To obtain information,Overseas espionage and intelligence agencies use endless methods,Consult m88 online sports bettingfor advice、Emotional attraction、Beautiful deception、Money temptation,Even control and coercion are their common methods,And those with weak character、People who are greedy for luxury and pleasure often cannot withstand the temptation,Becoming an object of control。

According to the newly revised Counterespionage Act,“Individuals and organizations that report espionage or make significant contributions to counterintelligence work,Commendations and rewards will be given in accordance with relevant national regulations”。If citizens and organizations discover suspicious situations that endanger national security,You should promptly call the national security agency’s report acceptance hotline 12339 to make a report

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