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Safety knowledge
Safety knowledge
A "big thing" that concerns you and me!

A "big thing" that concerns you and me!

College life is a wonderful and unforgettable time for every student。But security issues are often ignored。What is security? Safety is an important guarantee for a college student to complete his studies,Is the basic condition for the healthy growth of every college student。Safety involves everyone’s learning、Work and life。Safety is a string that must be tightened in everyone’s heart,College students should have safety knowledge and skills in daily life,Master the skills of self-protection,Strengthen self-protection awareness and ability。

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1.Beware of Internet Scams。Do not trust messages or phone calls from unknown sources,Do not disclose personal information and financial status at will。Shopping、Part-time jobs, etc. should choose regular ones、Reputable platform or organization,Avoid taking advantage of small gains or choosing unreliable channels at will。If you find that you have been defrauded of property or threatened by fraud,You should call the police in time and seek help from relevant agencies。

2.Not addicted to the Internet and video games,Unfamiliar with online games、Live Broadcast、QQGroup、WeChat group、No contact or participation in Tieba and other forums,Express opinions rationally,No rumors、Don’t believe the rumors、Do not spread rumors。Do not participate in inappropriate online activities,Like gambling、Pornography, etc.。

3.Don’t leak personal information to strangers easily,Especially the ID number、Phone number、Home address and other sensitive information。

4.Don’t trust strangers,Do not lend money or items,Don’t click on the text message、Unknown links in chat history; don’t accept requests from strangers easily,Open emails from unknown sources; do not download files from unknown sources at will,Especially compressed files、Pictures, etc.。

5.Understand common electronic fraud methods,When your property is infringed,Tell parents and teachers as soon as possible,Don’t give criminals an opportunity。

6.Understand the risks of campus loans,Raise prevention awareness。Do a good job in budget management,Arrange your living expenses reasonably,Avoid financial stress caused by excessive consumption。

7.Don’t connect to the public at willWi-Fi,Especially do not perform sensitive operations,Such as online banking transactions、Log in to important accounts, etc.。

8.Use complex password,Don’t use birthday、Easy-to-guess information such as phone number as password; change password regularly,Prevent account theft。

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Repeated reminders:

①Download National Anti-Fraud CenterAPP,View fraud cases and increase prevention awareness.

②Do not trust campus phone card processing and other services that claim to be recommended by students on campus,Any money and transfer issues related to such projects,Be sure to be vigilant。

③Do not easily disclose personal information or lend your valid personal ID to others。

④Do not easily click on any unofficial links in group chats (such as student information collection m88 online bettingforms posted by strangers)。

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⑥Make friends carefully,For people introduced by acquaintances or friends,We must learn to listen to his words and observe his actions。

02Personal safety

1.Firmly establish safety awareness and improve safety prevention capabilities.

2.Be careful to protect your privacy,Please do not disclose personal information at will、Don’t speak loudly in public、Don’t post too much personal information on social networks。

3.Unite classmates,Get along well with classmates,Do not argue with classmates,No fighting,Correctly handle conflicts and disputes between classmates。

4.Consciously abide by school disciplines and resist coming home late or staying out at night.

5.Exercise reasonably and do not do difficult or dangerous things.

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03Fire safety

Fire safety in dormitories

1.Do not use high-power or illegal electrical appliances

The use of high-power and prohibited electrical appliances is the primary hidden danger of fire。High-power electrical appliances,such as electric wok、Electric heater、Heat up quickly、When the electric heating cup is in use,Because it is easy to forget or place it improperly after powering on,Ignite nearby flammable materials,Easy to cause fire。It is strictly prohibited to charge large-capacity batteries such as balance bikes in the dormitory。

2.Do not use open flames at will

The main purpose of using an open flame is to light candles、Smoking、Burning debris, etc. in the dormitory。Most of the items placed in the dormitory are students’ bedding、Books and other flammable materials,A little carelessness may cause a fire。

3.Don’t connect wires without permission

On campus now,The use of computers is very popular,Almost every student has a computer of his own。Students, for convenience,The phenomenon of privately pulling electric wires in dormitories is very serious。Wires are often dragged around,Causing damage to the insulation layer,Loose joint,It is very easy to cause a short circuit or fire due to poor contact and heat。

4.Do not store flammable and explosive items

It is strictly prohibited to store a large number of lighters in the dormitory,Storage of fireworks and firecrackers is strictly prohibited,It is prohibited to carry or store chemicals such as methane and other chemicals,Strictly prohibit the storage of alcohol and gasoline。These items are flammable and explosive,Inflammable and explosive items are exposed to heat、Friction、Vibration、When affected by factors such as moisture or chemical reactions,May cause serious accidents such as burning or explosion。

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Fire safety in teaching buildings

1.Keep lighting switches and electrical appliances turned off in unoccupied classrooms.

2.Take good care of school fire equipment and keep escape routes clear.

3.Do not use open flames or other flammable and explosive items in the classroom.

4.Strictly abide by laboratory safety operating regulations in the laboratory,Use laboratory equipment under the guidance of teachers。

5.Check the power supply carefully before using the equipment、FireWire、Pipeline、Auxiliary instruments and other equipment conditions。

6.Configure fire-fighting equipment according to regulations.

Repeated reminder: Master fire self-rescue knowledge,Understand common fire safety signs,Master the basic methods of fire escape。Don’t connect the power supply randomly,Illegal use of electrical appliances; do not throw cigarette butts; do not lie in bed and smoke; do not burn debris in the dormitory; do not store flammable and explosive items; do not use electric stoves and other electric heating equipment; ask people to leave and turn off the lights。If you m88 best betting websitesmell m88 online sports bettingthe smell of burnt wire rubber, please report it immediately,Take timely measures; keep the lamp away from pillows and bedding。

04Traffic Safety

1.Enhance traffic safety awareness,Consciously abide by traffic management regulations。While riding,Get on and off the vehicle in an orderly manner after it has stopped,While the vehicle is driving,Sit still and hold yourself firmly,No playfulness,Do not stick any part of your body out of the car,Do not throw objects outside the vehicle,To avoid danger。Fasten your seat belt,Seat belt = life belt!

2.Reject the "bowheads",Pay attention when walking、Avoid vehicles。Pay attention to understanding and mastering traffic signs when traveling,Strictly obey traffic rules。On the road,Don’t play and fight、Rampage、Stopover or sudden return,These can easily lead to traffic accidents。

3.In the fog、Rain、Snowy day,Better wear brightly colored clothes,To facilitate motor vehicle drivers to detect targets as early as possible,Take safety measures in advance。

4.Refuse to ride in illegally operated vehicles,Legal transportation services also have corresponding guarantees and supervision,Can better protect the travel safety and rights of passengers。

05Gas Safety

1.The canteen should be equipped with fire hydrants in accordance with the requirements of the fire department、Fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting facilities and equipment。

2.When using electrical appliances for food processing,Device should be checked first,Confirm that everything is intact before plugging in the power,Turn on the power switch。

3.When operating food processing equipment,It is strictly prohibited to put your hands into operating equipment,Prevent accidents。

4.Do not spill water on electrical equipment or power supply equipment,Prevent electric shock accidents。

5.After closing,Power supply should be confirmed、Fire source、Air source、Turn off gas and other facilities before leaving。

6.Fire safety knowledge promotion and training should be carried out regularly for canteen staff and faculty and staff’s family members。Do not wrap wires or hanging objects around gas pipes; do not wrap gas pipes and equipment,Don’t demolish it privately、Private installation、Private modification、Private gas pipelines and equipment,If necessary,Repairs should be carried out by professionals、Renovation, etc.。

7.When using gas, keep the room well ventilated,Don’t stay away from the kitchen,Prevent flame extinguishment from causing air leakage or gas out-of-control accidents。Prevent gas leakage,Close the front valve of the gas appliance immediately; if it is not used for a long time,The valve in front of the gas meter should be closed,Prevent gas leakage。It is strictly prohibited to use other gas sources in kitchens that use natural gas,Once leaked, it will easily cause an explosion。

8.Smell gas odor,It is strictly prohibited to turn on any electrical switch,Close the main valve in front of the gas meter immediately,Gently open doors and windows for ventilation,Go outside and call the gas company for repair。

06Property Security

1.Close the door when entering or exiting the dormitory,Lock the door if necessary,Keep your dormitory key,Prevent others from stealing keys。

2.Keep your money and valuables safe。A large amount of money is deposited in the bank promptly,Passbook、Do not use the date of birth and ID number for the card password。

3.Do not stay with outsiders, and do not trust salesmen who enter the house.

4.Don’t compare with others and don’t have evil thoughts.

5.The last students leaving the dormitory must close the windows and lock the door.

6.When resting at night m88 best betting websiteor m88 online bettingnot in the dormitory during holidays,Be sure to close the doors and windows,Do not place valuables on the table in front of the window。

7.In the classroom、Reading books in the library,When playing ball at the sports field,When playing ball at the sports field,Take good care of your schoolbags, mobile phones and other items。

8.Outdoor internship、Job hunting、Be careful to keep your cash when shopping in the market、Valuable items。

9.Computer、Mobile phone、Pay special attention to valuable items such as cameras。While charging mobile phone etc.,Better not to leave。

07Outdoor Safety

1.Away from home,Especially at night,Pay attention to your own safety。First,Choose a safe route,Avoid taking lonely roads or places with few people。Secondly,Be aware of your surroundings,If there is any suspicious person or abnormal situation,Leave immediately or call the police。In addition,Carry some self-defense tools with you,Such as personal alarm、Anti-wolf spray, etc.,In case of emergency。

2.Choose swimming spots carefully。There is an undercurrent in the water、whirlpool、silt、Waters with lots of rocks and aquatic plants are not suitable for swimming。Do not swim in the water without permission,No safety facilities if not accessible、Swimming in waters without rescuers,Do not swim in unfamiliar waters。Companion found drowning,Ask others for help immediately,or call110120Call the police for help, and do not blindly hold hands or go into the water to rescue.


3.Safety of climbing late at night。Some students lack rational understanding of their physical fitness,Climbing mountains late at night can be dangerous if you blindly follow the trend。Stay up all night without sleeping,Excessive physical exhaustion,Sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease、Hypoglycemia, dizziness, slipping and falling off a cliff,The low temperature late at night in the mountains makes people’s immunity weak,There may be a sudden fainting accident and then falling off a cliff; the light on the mountain is not good late at night,There are dangers such as losing sight of the mountain road and causing you to slip and fall off the cliff,Students pursue photo angles,Safety issues tend to be ignored; late at night,There are no security measures on the mountain,The female classmate who got lost with the team may have fallen off a cliff or encountered a criminal and has personal safety issues。

4.When taking transportation,Put your backpack in front of you,Be careful not to expose your wealth。Pay attention to personal safety,Don’t trust any stranger’s chats,Avoid walking alone at night,Keep communication open at all times。Girls travel together,Do not ride without a license、Unlicensed and overloaded vehicles,In case of traffic accidents or blackmail、Blackmail incident。Try to stay away from crowds,Observe the attractions、Public Place Safety Management Regulations,Obey the management of safety command personnel,Prevent theft、Stampedes and other accidents。

5.When encountering thunderstorm and windy weather,Door and window power should be turned off,It is strictly prohibited to stay on mountain tops and high hills,Do not approach the high voltage transformer room、High voltage wire、And isolated tall buildings、Chimney、Electric pole、Big tree、Flagpole, etc.,Avoid having metal conductive objects around you,Don’t even answer the phone。

Measures to prevent drowning include:1.Do not swim or play alone in the pond,Not in areas where the depth of water is unknown;2.Learn to swim in an m88 online sports bettingorganized manner under the leadership of people with good water skills;3.Do muscle exercises before entering the water,Prevent sudden muscle spasm and loss of mobility while swimming;4.Once muscle spasm occurs (most people who drown are caused by muscle spasm),Don’t panic,Stretch your legs vigorously、Hook up your toes,Go ashore to a safe area as soon as possible after regaining mobility;5.Drowning person found,Don’t rescue blindly,Pull the rescued person from behind,To prevent being hugged,Once entangled,Don’t panic,Can calm down,Re-sinking into the water,Forcing the rescued to release his hands;6.When rescuing,Medicines to remove sludge from the mouth and nose,Place the rescued person in the prone position,Raise the abdomen,Let the water out of the airway,Then judge consciousness,If there is no heartbeat and breathing, perform chest compressions and artificial respiration immediately,Also ask the helper to call the emergency number。

08Food safety

1.Wash your hands frequently,Intestinal infectious diseases are mainly “diseases enter through the mouth”,Therefore,Hand hygiene is very important,Wash your hands with running water。

2.Do not eat "three noes" foods,Do not eat unwashed food,Don’t drink raw water。Eat less high salt、High sugar、Fried、Smoked food。

3.Drink more water,Keep the nasal mucosa moist,Can effectively resist virus invasion,It is also beneficial to the excretion of toxins in the body,Purify the internal environment。

4.Wash and disinfect your own tableware,Do not use dirty containers to hold food,Don’t litter,Prevent mosquito and fly breeding。

5.Eat more fruits and vegetables, and increase your intake of water and vitamins appropriately.

6.Don’t pick and eat wild vegetables and fruits randomly.

09Psychological safety

1.Have a moderate sense of security,Have self-esteem,A sense of value for one’s own achievements。

2.Moderate self-criticism,Don’t boast too much about yourself,Don’t blame yourself too much。

3.In daily life,Have moderate initiative,Not influenced by the environment。

4.sanity、Reality、Objective,Good contact with reality,Can tolerate setbacks in life,No excessive fantasy。

5.Accept personal needs in moderation,And have the ability to meet such needs。

6.Have self-awareness,Understand your own motivations and purposes,Be able to make objective estimates of your own abilities。

7.Can maintain the integrity and harmony of personality,Personal values ​​can adapt to social standards,Learning about yourself、Be able to concentrate on work。

8.Have realistic life goals.

9.Have the ability to learn from experience,Able to adapt to the needs of the environment and change oneself。

10.Have good interpersonal relationships,Have the ability to love and be loved。

(Part of the above pictures and texts are from the Internet)

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Next item:Safety Education: Drowning Prevention