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Anti-Telecommunications and Internet Fraud Law of the People's Republic of China

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No. 119

The "Anti-Telecommunications Network Fraud Law of the People's Republic of China" was adopted by the 36th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on September 2, 2022,Now announced,Effective from December 1, 2022。

President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping

September 2, 2022

Anti-Telecommunications and Internet Fraud Law of the People's Republic of China

(Adopted at the 36th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on September 2, 2022)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

Chapter 2 Telecom Governance

Chapter 3 Financial Governance

Chapter 4 Internet Governance

Chapter 5 Comprehensive Measures

Chapter 6 Legal Liability

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1For prevention、Contain and punish telecommunications network fraud activities,Strengthen anti-telecom network fraud work,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and organizations,Maintain social stability and national security,According to the Constitution,Enact this law。

Article 2Telecommunications network fraud as referred to in this law,Refers to the purpose of illegal possession,Using telecommunications network technology,Via remote、Non-contact and other methods,The act of defrauding public and private property。

Article 3Combating and controlling telecommunications network fraud activities committed within the territory of the People’s Republic of China or telecommunications network fraud activities committed by citizens of the People’s Republic of China abroad,This law applies。

Overseas organizations、Individuals who commit telecommunications network fraud activities within the territory of the People’s Republic of China,Or provide products for others to carry out telecommunications network fraud activities within the country、Service and other help,Handle and investigate liability in accordance with relevant provisions of this law。

Article 4The anti-telecom network fraud work adheres to the people-centered approach,Coordinate development and security;Adhere to the system concept、Thinking about the rule of law,Focus on source management、Comprehensive Management;Insist on joint management、Group prevention and group treatment,Comprehensively implement various prevention and control measures,Strengthen social publicity, education and prevention;Adhere to precise prevention and control,Guarantee normal production and business activities and the convenience of people’s lives。

Article 5Anti-telecom network fraud work should be carried out in accordance with the law,Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and organizations。

Relevant departments and units、Individuals should disclose the state secrets learned during the anti-telecom network fraud work、Business secrets and personal privacy、Personal information will be kept confidential。

Article 6The State Council establishes an anti-telecom network fraud working mechanism,Coordinate and coordinate the crackdown and governance work。

Local people’s governments at all levels organize and lead the anti-telecom network fraud work within their respective administrative regions,Determine the target tasks and working mechanism of anti-telecom network fraud,Carry out comprehensive management。

The public security organs take the lead in anti-telecom network fraud work,Finance、Telecom、Network、Market supervision and other relevant departments perform regulatory responsibilities in accordance with their duties,Responsible for anti-telecom network fraud in this industry。

People's Court、The People’s Procuratorate performs trials、The role of prosecutorial functions,Precaution according to law、Punish telecommunications network fraud activities。

Telecom business operator、Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institution、Internet service providers bear the responsibility for risk prevention and control,Establish an internal control mechanism and security responsibility system to combat telecommunications network fraud,Strengthen the security assessment of fraud risks in new businesses。

Article 7Relevant departments、Units should cooperate closely in anti-telecom network fraud work,Achieve cross-industry、Cross-regional collaboration、Quick linkage,Strengthening professional team building,Effectively combat and control telecommunications network fraud activities。

Article 8People’s governments at all levels and relevant departments should strengthen anti-telecom network fraud propaganda,Popularizing relevant laws and knowledge,Increase the public’s anti-fraud awareness and ability to identify various types of telecommunications network fraud。

Education Administration、Market Supervision、Civil affairs and other relevant departments and village committees、Residents Committee,Should be combined with the characteristics of the distribution of victims of telecommunications network fraud,Strengthening for the elderly、Propaganda and education for young people and other groups,Enhance the pertinence of anti-telecom network fraud publicity and education、Accuracy,Carry out anti-telecom network fraud publicity and education into schools、Enter the enterprise、Enter the community、Enter the countryside、Enter family activities。

All units should strengthen internal efforts to prevent telecommunications network fraud,Carry out education to staff on preventing telecommunications network fraud;Individuals should strengthen their awareness of telecom network fraud prevention。Unit、Individuals should assist、Cooperate with relevant departments to carry out anti-telecom network fraud work in accordance with the provisions of this law。

Chapter 2 Telecom Governance

Article 9Telecommunications business operators shall fully implement the telephone user true identity information registration system in accordance with the law。

Basic telecommunications companies and mobile communications resale companies should assume the responsibility for implementing the real-name system for telephone users for agents,Clear the agent’s real-name registration responsibilities and related breach-of-contract treatment measures in the agreement。

Article 10The number of phone cards issued must not exceed the limit imposed by relevant national regulations。

For those who have identified abnormal card application situations,Telecom business operators have the right to strengthen verification or refuse to apply for a card。The specific identification method shall be formulated by the telecommunications regulatory department of the State Council。

The telecommunications regulatory department of the State Council organized the establishment of a verification mechanism for the number of phone users opening cards and a risk information sharing mechanism,And provide a convenient channel for users to check their phone card information。

Article 11Telecommunications business operators should re-verify the real-name verification of abnormal phone card users identified as being involved in fraud,Adopt differentiated measures according to risk level、Corresponding verification measures。For those who have not been verified as required or failed to pass the verification,Telecom business operators can restrict、Suspend the phone card function。

Article 12Telecom business operators establish a risk assessment system for IoT card users,Evaluation failed,Do not sell IoT cards to them;Strictly register IoT card user identity information;Take effective technical measures to limit the activation function of IoT cards、Usage scenarios and applicable devices。

Organization users purchase m88 live casino and sports m88 best betting websitebettingIoT cards from telecommunications business operators and then sell the devices containing the IoT cards to other users,User identity information should be verified and registered,will sell more、The inventory and user real-name information are sent to the telecommunications business operator to which the number belongs。

Telecom business operators establish a monitoring and early warning mechanism for the use of IoT cards。For those with unusual use cases,Service should be suspended、Re-verify identity and usage scenarios or other contractually agreed disposal measures。

Article 13Telecommunications business operators should regulate the transmission of real calling numbers and the leasing of telecommunications lines,Block, intercept and trace the source of the changed number。

Telecom business operators should strictly regulate the transmission of calling numbers at the entry and exit offices of international communication services,True、Accurately prompt users to the country or region of the incoming call number,False calling within and between networks、Irregular caller identification、Interception。

Article 14No unit or individual may produce illegally、Buy and sell、Provide or use the following equipment、Software:

(1) Phone card batch insertion equipment;

(2) With changing calling number、Virtual dialing、Equipment for Internet phone illegal access to public telecommunications networks and other functions、Software;

(3) Batch account、Network address automatic switching system,Batch receiving provides SMS verification、Voice verification platform;

(4) Other equipment used to commit telecommunications network fraud and other illegal crimes、Software。

Telecom business operator、Internet service providers should take technical measures,Timely identification、Block illegal devices specified in the preceding paragraph、Software access network,And report to the public security organs and relevant industry authorities。

Chapter 3 Financial Governance

Article 15Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institutions open bank accounts for customers、Payment account and provision of payment settlement services,And the duration of the business relationship with the customer,A customer due diligence system should be established,Identify beneficial owners according to law,Take corresponding risk management measures,Prevent bank accounts、Payment accounts, etc. are used for telecommunications network fraud activities。

Article 16Open a bank account、The number of payment accounts shall not exceed the limit imposed by relevant national regulations。

For those who have identified abnormal account opening situations,Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institutions have the right to strengthen verification or refuse account opening。

People's Bank of China、The banking regulatory agency of the State Council organizes relevant clearing agencies to establish a cross-agency account number verification mechanism and a risk information sharing mechanism,And provide customers with inquiries about their bank accounts、Convenient way to pay your account。Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institutions shall provide account opening information and relevant risk information in accordance with relevant national regulations。Related information shall not be used for purposes other than anti-telecom network fraud。

Article 17Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institutions should establish risk prevention and control mechanisms for abnormal situations when opening corporate accounts。Finance、Telecom、Market Supervision、Taxation and other relevant departments have established an information sharing inquiry system for opening business accounts,Provide online verification services。

Market entity registration authorities shall perform identity information verification responsibilities for real-name registration of enterprises in accordance with the law;Supervise and inspect registration matters in accordance with regulations,There may be false registration、Focus on supervision and inspection of enterprises involved in fraud,Registration canceled according to law,Share information in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph;For banking financial institutions、Provide convenience for non-bank payment institutions to conduct customer due diligence and identify beneficial owners in accordance with the law。

Article 18Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institutions should verify bank accounts、Strengthened monitoring of payment accounts and payment settlement services,Establish and improve abnormal account and suspicious transaction monitoring mechanisms that conform to the characteristics of telecommunications network fraud activities。

The People's Bank of China coordinates the establishment of cross-banking financial institutions、Unified anti-money laundering monitoring system for non-bank payment institutions,Work with the public security department of the State Council to improve the anti-money laundering suspicious transaction reporting system that is compatible with the characteristics of the capital flow of telecommunications network fraud crimes。

Abnormal accounts and suspicious transactions identified by monitoring,Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institutions should based on risk conditions,To verify the transaction status、Re-verify identity、Delayed payment settlement、Necessary preventive measures such as restricting or suspending relevant business。

Banking financial institutions、When a non-bank payment institution carries out monitoring of abnormal accounts and suspicious transactions in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1,Can collect abnormal customer Internet protocol addresses、Network card address、Payment acceptance terminal information and other necessary transaction information、Device location information。The above information is not authorized by the customer,Not to be used for purposes other than anti-telecom network fraud。

Article 19Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institutions shall comply with relevant national regulations,Complete、Accurately transmit the name of the merchant that directly provides goods or services、Transaction information such as customer name and account number for payment,Guarantee the authenticity of transaction information、Completeness and consistency throughout the entire payment process。

Article 20The Public Security Department of the State Council, together with relevant departments, has established and improved the real-time inquiry of funds involved in telecommunications network fraud cases、Emergency stop payment、Quick Freeze、Timely unfreezing and fund return system,Clear relevant conditions、Procedures and Remedies。

The public security organ decides to take the above measures in accordance with the law,Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institutions should cooperate。

Chapter 4 Internet Governance

Article 21Telecom business operator、Internet service providers provide users with the following services,When signing an agreement with the user or confirming the provision of services,Users should be required to provide their true identity information in accordance with the law,User does not provide true identity information,Not allowed to provide services:

(1) Providing Internet access services;

(2) Provide network proxy and other network address translation services;

(3) Provide Internet domain name registration、Server hosting、Space rental、Cloud Service、Content Distribution Service;

(4) Provide information、Software publishing service,Or provide instant messaging、Online Transaction、Online games、Webcast release、Advertising Promotion Services。

Article 22Internet service providers should re-verify abnormal fraud-related accounts identified through monitoring,Adopt restricted functions in accordance with relevant national regulations、Disposal measures such as suspending service。

Internet service providers shall comply with the requirements of the public security organs、Requirements of telecommunications authorities,For the phone card involved、Verify the relevant Internet account registered associated with the abnormal phone card involving fraud,Based on risk situation,Take corrections within a time limit、Restricted functions、Suspended、Close account、Disposal measures such m88 slot machine casinom88 slot machine casinoas prohibiting re-registration。

Article 23To establish a mobile Internet application, you must go through licensing or filing procedures with the telecommunications authority in accordance with relevant national regulations。

Provides encapsulation for applications、Distribution service,The real identity information of application developers and operators should be registered and verified,Verify application functionality、Purpose。

Public Security、Telecom、Network information and other departments and telecommunications business operators、Internet service providers should strengthen monitoring of fraudulent applications downloaded and spread through channels other than distribution platforms、Prompt disposal。

Article 24: Provide domain name resolution、Domain name jump、URL link conversion service,Should be in accordance with relevant national regulations,Verify domain name registration、Authenticity of resolution information and Internet Protocol address、Accuracy,Canonical domain name jump,Record and retain the log information of the corresponding services provided,Support implementation pair parsing、Jump、Tracing of conversion records。

Article 25No unit or individual may provide the following support or assistance to others to commit telecommunications network fraud activities:

(1) Selling and providing personal information;

(2) Helping others launder money through virtual currency transactions and other methods;

(3) Other behaviors that provide support or help for telecommunications network fraud activities。

Telecom business operator、Internet service providers shall comply with relevant national regulations,Perform reasonable duty of care,Support for using the following businesses to engage in fraud、Help activities to monitor, identify and handle:

(1) Provide Internet access、Server hosting、Network storage、Communication transmission、Line rental、Network resource services such as domain name resolution;

(2) Provide information release or search、Advertising Promotion、Online promotion services such as traffic promotion and so on;

(3) Provide applications、Website and other network technologies、Production of products、Maintenance Service;

(4) Provide payment and settlement services.

Article 26Public security organs collect evidence in accordance with the law when handling telecommunications network fraud cases,Internet service providers should provide timely technical support and assistance。

Internet service providers shall handle fraud-related information in accordance with the provisions of this law、While activity is being monitored,Discovered clues about fraud and crimes、Risk Information,Should be in accordance with relevant national regulations,According to the type of fraud risk、Transfer the situation to the police、Finance、Telecom、Network information and other departments。Relevant departments should establish and improve feedback mechanisms,Inform the transferring unit of the relevant situation in a timely manner。

Chapter 5 Comprehensive Measures

Article 27The public security organs should establish and improve the working mechanism to combat telecommunications network fraud,Strengthen the construction of specialized teams and professional technologies,Various police types、Public security agencies in various places should cooperate closely,Effectively punish telecommunications network fraud activities in accordance with the law。

The public security organs received reports of telecommunications network fraud activities or discovered telecommunications network fraud activities,The case should be opened for investigation in accordance with the provisions of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China"。

Article 28Finance、Telecom、The cyberspace department conducts inspections on banking financial institutions in accordance with its responsibilities、Non-bank payment institution、Telecom business operator、Supervise and inspect Internet service providers’ implementation of the provisions of this law。Relevant supervision and inspection activities should be carried out in accordance with the law。

Article 29Personal information processors shall comply with the "Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and other legal provisions,Standardize the processing of personal information,Strengthen personal information protection,Establish a prevention mechanism to prevent personal information from being used for telecommunications network fraud。

Department performing personal information protection responsibilities、The unit is responsible for logistics information that may be used by telecommunications network fraud、Transaction information、Loan information、Medical Information、Matchmaking information and other information are subject to key protection。Public security organs handling telecommunications network fraud cases,The source of personal information used in crimes should also be verified,Holding relevant personnel and units accountable in accordance with the law。

Article 30Telecom business operator、Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institution、Internet service providers should carry out anti-telecom network fraud propaganda to employees and users,Provide tips on preventing telecommunications network fraud in relevant business activities,Promptly remind users of new telecommunications network fraud methods in this field,Illegal trading、for rent、Lend my own card、Account、Warning on legal liability if accounts etc. are used for telecommunications network fraud。

News、Broadcast、TV、Culture、Internet information services and other units,We should carry out targeted anti-telecom network fraud publicity and education for the society。

Any unit or individual has the right to report telecommunications network fraud activities,Relevant departments should handle it promptly in accordance with the law,Rewards and protection will be given to whistleblowers who provide valid information in accordance with regulations。

Article 31No unit or individual may buy or sell illegally、for rent、Lending phone cards、IoT card、Telecom Line、SMS port、Bank Account、Payment Account、Internet account, etc.,Not allowed to provide real-name verification assistance;You are not allowed to pretend to be another person’s identity or to create a fictitious agency relationship to issue the above card、Account、Account number, etc.。

For units that have been identified by the public security organs at or above the districted city level as committing the acts mentioned in the preceding paragraph、Individuals and related organizers,As well as persons who have been criminally punished for engaging in telecommunications network fraud activities or related crimes,Can be recorded in the credit record in accordance with relevant national regulations,Adopt restrictions on related cards、Account、Account and other functions and stop non-counter business、Suspension of new business、Restricting network access and other measures。Those who have objections to the above determinations and measures,Can file an appeal,Relevant departments should establish and improve complaint channels、Credit Repair and Relief System。The specific measures shall be stipulated by the public security department of the State Council in conjunction with relevant competent authorities。

Article 32The state supports telecommunications business operators、Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institution、Internet service providers research and develop telecommunications network fraud countermeasures,for monitoring and identification、Dynamic blocking and processing of fraud-related abnormal information、Activity。

Public Security Department of the State Council、Financial Management Department、The telecommunications authorities and national cybersecurity and informatization departments should be responsible for overall planning and responsibility for the construction of countermeasures in this industry,Promote the sharing of sample information and data related to telecommunications network fraud,Strengthen cross-checking of fraud-related user information,Create abnormal information about fraud、Activity monitoring and identification、Dynamic blocking and disposal mechanism。

According to Article 11 of this Law、Article 12、Article 18、Article 22 and the provisions of the preceding paragraph,Adopt restrictions on abnormal situations involving fraud、Disposal measures m88 live casino and sports bettingsuch as suspending m88 live casino and sports bettingservice,The reason for the disposal should be informed、Relief channels and materials that need to be submitted, etc.,The subject can report to the department that made the decision or took measures、The unit files a complaint。Department that made the decision、Units should establish and improve complaint channels,Accept complaints promptly and verify them,Passed verification,Relevant measures should be lifted immediately。

Article 33The state promotes the construction of public services for network identity authentication,Support individuals、Voluntary use by enterprises,Telecom business operator、Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institution、Internet service provider’s response to phone cards with fraud-related anomalies、Bank Account、Payment Account、Internet account,User identity can be re-verified through the national network identity authentication public service。

Article 34The public security organs should cooperate with the financial department、Telecom、The Internet Information Department organizes banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institution、Telecom business operator、Internet service providers and others establish early warning and dissuasion systems,Potential victims discovered by early warning,Take appropriate dissuasive measures in a timely manner according to the situation。Intensified efforts should be made to recover stolen goods and recover losses in telecommunications network fraud cases,Improving the disposal system of funds involved in the case,Promptly return the victim’s legal property。For victims who have suffered major life difficulties,Meet the relevant national rescue conditions,Relevant parties will provide assistance in accordance with regulations。

Article 35Decision or approval by the State Council’s anti-telecom network fraud working mechanism,Public Security、Finance、Special areas where telecommunications and other departments have serious telecommunications network fraud activities,Necessary temporary risk prevention measures can be taken in accordance with relevant national regulations。

Article 36For those who go to areas where telecommunications network fraud activities are serious,Those whose outbound activities are suspected of major telecommunications network fraud activities,The immigration management agency can decide not to allow them to leave the country。

Persons who have been criminally punished for engaging in telecommunications network fraud activities,The public security organs at or above the districted city level may decide based on the crime situation and the need to prevent re-crimes,Decided not to leave the country within six months to three years from the date of completion of punishment,And notify the immigration management agency for implementation。

Article 37The public security department of the State Council and other departments, together with the foreign affairs department, strengthen international law enforcement and judicial cooperation,With relevant countries、Region、International organizations establish effective cooperation mechanisms,Through international police cooperation and other means,Improvement in information exchange、Investigation and Evidence Collection、Investigation and arrest、The level of cooperation in recovering stolen goods and recovering losses,Effectively combat and contain cross-border telecommunications network fraud activities。

Chapter 6 Legal Liability

Article 38Organization、Planning、Implementation、Participate in telecommunications network fraud activities or provide assistance for telecommunications network fraud activities,Constituting a crime,Pursue criminal responsibility according to law。

The conduct in the preceding paragraph does not constitute a crime,Detention by public security organs for not less than ten days but not more than fifteen days;Confiscation of illegal income,A fine of not less than one time but not more than ten times the illegal income,No illegal income or illegal income of less than 10,000 yuan,A fine of not more than 100,000 yuan。

Article 39Telecommunications business operators violate the provisions of this law,Any of the following situations,Ordered to make corrections by the relevant competent authorities,Miscellaneous circumstances,Give warning、Notice of criticism,Or be fined not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan;Serious circumstances,A fine of not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 5 million yuan,The relevant competent authorities may order the suspension of relevant business、Closed for rectification、Revoke relevant business license or revoke business license,Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,A fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan:

(1) Failure to implement the internal control mechanism against telecommunications network fraud determined by relevant national regulations;

(2) Unfulfilled calling card、Responsibility for real-name registration of IoT card;

(3) Unfulfilled calling card、Monitoring and identification of IoT cards、Responsible for monitoring, early warning and related disposal responsibilities;

(4) Failure to carry out risk assessment for IoT card users,Or the activation function of the IoT card is not limited、Usage scenarios and applicable devices;

(5) No measures were taken to change the number、Fake callers or illegal equipment with corresponding functions for monitoring and disposal。

Article 40Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institutions violate the provisions of this law,Any of the following situations,Ordered to make corrections by the relevant competent authorities,Miscellaneous circumstances,Give warning、Notice of criticism,Or be fined not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan;Serious circumstances,A fine of not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 5 million yuan,The relevant competent authorities may order the cessation of new business、Reduce business type or business scope、Suspension of related business、Closed for rectification、Revoke relevant business license or revoke business license,Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,A fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan:

(1) Failure to implement the internal control mechanism against telecommunications network fraud determined by relevant national regulations;

(2) Failure to perform due diligence obligations and related risk management measures;

(3) Unfulfilled abnormal account、Risk monitoring of suspicious transactions and related disposal obligations;

(4) Not complete as required、Accurate transmission of relevant transaction information。

Article 41Telecom business operator、Internet service providers violate the provisions of this law,Any of the following situations,Ordered to make corrections by the relevant competent authorities,Miscellaneous circumstances,Give warning、Notice of criticism,Or be fined not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan;Serious circumstances,A fine of not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 5 million yuan,The relevant competent authorities may order the suspension of relevant business、Closed for rectification、Close the website or application、Revoke relevant business license or revoke business license,Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,A fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan:

(1) Failure to implement the internal control mechanism against telecommunications network fraud determined by relevant national regulations;

(2) Failure to fulfill the responsibility of real-name system for network services,Or not involved in the case、Registered Internet account associated with fraudulent phone card for verification;

(3) Failure to comply with relevant national regulations,Verify domain name registration、Authenticity of resolution information and Internet Protocol address、Accuracy,Canonical domain name jump,Or record and retain the log information of the corresponding services provided;

(4) Failure to register and verify the real identity information of mobile Internet application developers or operators or failure to verify the functions of the application、Purpose,Provide application packaging for it、Distribution service;

(5) Failure to comply with fraudulent Internet accounts and applications,and other telecommunications network fraud information、Activity monitoring identification and disposal obligations;

(6) Refusing to provide technical support and assistance in investigating and handling telecommunications network fraud crimes in accordance with the law,Or failure to transfer relevant illegal and criminal clues as required、Risk Information。

Article 42Violation of Article 14 of this Law、Provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 25,Confiscation of illegal income,A fine of not less than one time but not more than ten times the illegal income shall be imposed by the public security organ or relevant competent department,No illegal income or illegal income of less than 50,000 yuan,A fine of not more than 500,000 yuan;Serious circumstances,Detention by public security organs for not more than fifteen days。

Article 43Violation of the second paragraph of Article 25 of this Law,Ordered to make corrections by the relevant competent authorities,Miscellaneous circumstances,Give warning、Notice of criticism,Or be fined not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan;Serious circumstances,A fine of not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 5 million yuan,The relevant competent authorities may order the suspension of relevant business、Closed for rectification、Close the website or application,Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,A fine of not less than RMB 10,000 but not more than RMB 200,000。

Article 44Violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 31 of this Law,Confiscation of illegal income,A fine of not less than one time but not more than ten times the illegal income shall be imposed by the public security organ,No illegal income or illegal income of less than 20,000 yuan,A fine of not more than 200,000 yuan;Serious circumstances,Shall be detained for not more than 15 days。

Article 45Relevant departments for anti-telecom network fraud work、The staff of the unit abused their power、Neglect of Duty、Practice for personal gain,Or other violations of this law,Constituting a crime,Pursue criminal responsibility according to law。

Article 46Organization、Planning、Implementation、Illegal criminals who participate in telecommunications network fraud activities or provide relevant assistance for telecommunications network fraud activities,Except for assuming criminal responsibility in accordance with the law、Except administrative responsibilities,Causing harm to others,Bear civil liability in accordance with the provisions of the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China" and other laws。

Telecom business operator、Banking financial institutions、Non-bank payment institution、Internet service providers, etc. violate the provisions of this law,Causing harm to others,Bear civil liability in accordance with the provisions of the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China" and other laws。

Article 47The People’s Procuratorate is performing its duties of anti-telecom network fraud,For behaviors that infringe on national interests and social public interests,You can file a public interest litigation with the People’s Court in accordance with the law。

Article 48Relevant units and individuals are dissatisfied with decisions on administrative penalties and administrative coercive measures made in accordance with this law,You can apply for administrative reconsideration or file an administrative lawsuit in accordance with the law。

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

Article 49Relevant management and responsibility systems involved in anti-telecom network fraud work,Not stipulated in this law,The "Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China" applies、"Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China"、"Anti-Money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant legal provisions。

Article 50This law will come into effect on December 1, 2022.

Next item:Counterespionage Law of the People's Republic of China