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    Lending Regulations for the Resource Room of the School of Language, Culture and Communication

    Lending Regulations for the Resource Room of the School of Language, Culture and Communication

       The existing information in the reference room is the result of years of hard work accumulated by the entire department,To give full play to its role,Establish the following lending system,Hope to comply with the implementation。


    一、    Lending system

    1.      The materials that students can borrow are newspapers and textbooks;

    2.      Domestic periodicals can be borrowed2week, each student can borrow3this;

    3.      General books have2Bachelor's degree and above (including2Ben),Students can borrow one m88 online bettingof these,Original books will not be borrowed;

    4.      All reference books in the data room (including dictionaries、Manuals, etc.),No lending;

    5.      Original foreign periodicals will not be loaned out;

    6.      Original foreign books and materials donated by foreign teachers and others will not be loaned out。


    二、    Compensation system

    1.      Penalty for each borrowed material that is overdue for one day1corns, accumulated by day, exceeded2Yuan suspended book borrowing;

    2.      Lost books are priced at the original price3Multiple compensation, press if CD and other accessories are lost20yuan compensation (each/each plate);

    3.      Circle in the book, fine per page5Corner; if the page is torn or the book is damaged, the original price of the book will be charged3times fine;

    4.      Those who have not m88 online sports bettingcompleted the borrowing procedures,Not allowed to be taken outside without permission,Violators will be treated as theft。Those who steal books and periodicals are ordered to write a written inspection,Stop borrowing3months, based on the original price of the stolen books20times the fine, and will be notified and criticized depending on the circumstances.

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