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English major
Teacher Teacher Teachers in English

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Basic information:Chen Hong, female,January 1977 Born,Kaifeng from Henan,Mass,Master of English Literature and Literature,Associate Professor,School -level outstanding teachers。

Education background:

September 1996-July 2001,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages, EnglishUndergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2007-December 2014,Northwest University,Master of English Language Literature。

Qualification Certificate:International Chinese Teacher Qualification Certificate

Industry experience:At the School of Golden Leaf Information Technology, Northwest Institute of Technology、Northwest University of Technology Mingde College、Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology engaged in teaching work。

Social part -time job:Member of the Shaanxi Translation Association、Member of the Voice Teaching Special Committee of the Chinese English and Chinese Comparison Research Association

Specification course:"English Teaching Law of Elementary and Middle School"、"Interpretation of English Curriculum Standards for Elementary and Middle Schools"、"Travel English"、"Introduction to English Literature"、"Introduction to English Vocabulary" and other courses。

Research areas and academic research results:

Main research areas are English teaching、English and American Literature。In "International Education"、"Prose Baijia"、"Campus English"、"Journal of Northwest University (Social Science Edition) Added" and other academic journals published 7 academic papers in academic publications,Published "Research on Vocabulary and English Teaching"、"Research on English Teaching Research based on hybrid teaching",Compile textbooks "Experience Colorful Culture -A British Experience in the United States and China (Volume 6)。

Hosted the completion of the 2021-2023 project of Shaanxi Provincial Academy of Education "Research on the Reform of the English Professional Classroom Teaching Model of private application-oriented colleges and universities"; presided over the completion of 2015-2018 general project "Independent College Student Student Learning Theory、Model and Quality and Price System Research "; Participate in the 2015-2016 Special Scientific Research Plan Project" Research on the Beauty of Chinese Classical Poems in University English Teaching ",5/6; Participate in the key topic of "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" Education and Research Planning of the Ministry of Education from 2013-2015 "Research on the Effective Research on the Teaching Methods and Measures of New Curriculum" "Experimental Research on the Teaching Methods and Methods of University English Classrooms" project,4 \ 5。


2018 was named "National Outstanding Education Worker",Thesis "Investigation and Research on the Research and Comparison of Level 13 and 14 Students in Mingde College" won the first prize of the 2nd National Education and Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement (Host);

In 2015, he was rated as "Excellent Teacher" of Mingde College of Northwest Institute of Technology in 2015;

In 2013, he was named the "m88 live casino and sports bettingMost Satisfied Teacher" of Mingde College of Northwest Institute of Technology in 2013;

In 2020, he won the second prize of the 2020 Institute of Teaching Achievement Award (Host) of the 2020 Teaching Achievement Achievement Award (Host);

In 2023, I won 1 outstanding instructor of the second -class second prize in Shaanxi Province.

In 2022, I won 2 outstanding instructor in the second -class second prize of the Shaanxi Province.

In 2019, he won the first prize of the first prize of the National College Student English Competition B.

2018 won the second prize of the second prize of the National English Speech Contest of the 21st Century Coca -Cola Cup.。

Academy Dean

Basic information:Ma Qinglin,Male,October 1962 Born,Hui people,Ningxia Wu Zhongren,Member of the Communist Party of China,Dr. Literature,Professor (Level 3),Master Student mentor,Member of the School Academic Committee,Member of the School Degree Evaluation Committee,Shaanxi Province Teaching Master,Advanced Individual in Shaanxi Province Teacher Morality,Outstanding Communist Party Member of Shaanxi Province,National Social Science Fund Project Communication Evaluation Expert,Expert of Undergraduate Education Teaching Evaluation Expert,The person in charge of the national first -class undergraduate majors。

September 1978-July 1980,Ningxia Teachers College,English specialist;

September 1993-July 1996,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages,Graduate students in English Language Literature,Master of Literature;

September 2010-July 2018,Shaanxi Normal University,Doctoral students of cross -language culture majors,Dr. Literature。

Qualification Certificate:International Chinese Teacher Qualification Certificate

Industry experience:The English Department of the English Department of Ningxia Teachers College、The School of Foreign Languages ​​of Northwest University of Political Science and Law is responsible for teaching and management。

Social part -time job:The Teaching and Steering Committee of High Schools of Shaanxi Province (Professional Community Construction Committee) Member of Foreign Language and Literature Working Committee、Member of the Legal Translation Committee of the China Translation Association、Vice President of the Shaanxi Translation Association。

Overseas experience:From May 2005 to May 2006, the National Study Abroad Fund was selected as visiting scholars at the Department of Law School and Language of the University of Eli Nino。

Specification course:"Introduction to Linguistics", "Research Methods and Academic Writing"

Research areas and academic research results:

Main research field: Legal English、Legal translation、Legal Linguistics。Published more than 50 academic papers in domestic and foreign academic journals such as "Chinese Foreign Language" and "Foreign Language Teaching"; publishing monographs "Research on American Structural Linguistics and Modern Chinese Grammar"; editor -in -chief "New Legal English Advanced Tutorial" and other textbooks 6; published 4 parts such as "All Happy -Different Different Winning" and other 4 parts,Where,Representative translationLANDMARK Company Law Cases in China: An in-Depth Analysis"Read Reading of the China Company's Act",Yu Zhengping,Chinese translation English,Published by Vico Hong Kong, Dutch in December 2018。

Hosted 2019-2024 National Social Science Foundation Western Project "The Translation of Regulations of the Communist Party of China and the World's Major Party and the Construction of Chinese and English Parallel Labes;

Hosted 2023-2024 The International Communication Capability Research Project of Shaanxi Provincial Social Sciences Association "Research and Training Model of Composite Teachers 'Property Teachers' Capable Teachers in Political and Legal University";

Hosted the completion of the "Research and Practice of the" Translation+Law "Composite Talent Training Model Research and Practice of 2019-2021;

Hosted the completion of the 2016-2018 National Translation Professional Degree Graduate Education Guidance Committee "Research on MLTI Composite Talent Training Model";

Host completed the "Research on Legal Text Translation" of the Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Fund project from 2010-2014;

Hosted the completion of the 2009-2011 Shaanxi Provincial Teaching Reform Key Research Project "English+Legal Composite Talent Training Model Study",Excellent knot。


In 2016, he was rated as an outstanding Communist Party member of the Higher School of Shaanxi Province;

In 2015, he was rated as a teaching teacher in the ninth Shaanxi Provincial College of High School;

In 2014, he was rated as an advanced person in Shaanxi Province's ethics in Shaanxi Province;

In 2011, I won the first prize of teaching achievements in ordinary colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province (host);

Humanities of Higher School in Shaanxi High Schools in 2005、Society、The first prize of the Outstanding Achievement Award of Scientific Research (Host)。

Deputy Dean of the College

Basic information:Liu Yong, female,Born in November 1977,People from Shangzhou, Shaanxi,Member of the Communist Party of China,Master of Literature,Master of Education,Professor,Provincial teacher moral standard soldiers,School -level teaching master。

Education background:

September 1996-July 2000,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages, EnglishEducationUndergraduate,Bachelor of Literature

September 2004-July 2007,School of Education, Shaanxi Normal University,Master of Education

September 2010-July 2013,School of Foreign Languages ​​from Northwest University,Master of English Language Literature

Qualification Certificate:Sattia consultant certificate, international Chinese teacher qualification certificate

Industry experience:Northwestern University of Technology Institute of Technology Institute of Information Technology、Northwest University of Technology Mingde College、Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology bears teaching、Management

Social part -time job:"Foreign Teaching Society Cup" National College Foreign Language Teaching Competition Shaanxi Division Organizing Committee、National Senior Student English Teacher Vocational Skills Competition (Shaanxi Division) final judges、Foreign Language Education and Research Press Expert Library Expert

Overseas experience:Leading the school to simulate the United Nations team to New York in 2019

Specification course:"English reading", "Comprehensive English", "IELTS English Reading" and other courses

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are applied linguistics and English education。Published 24 academic papers in academic journals such as "Mechanical Design" and "Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics",Among them, SC13,8 core journals,Published 4 monographs (1 editor -in -chief,Participated in 3) "Research on English Classroom Multi -Modeling and Thinking", "English Teaching and Literature Appreciation Art"、Textbooks "University English Level 4 and Sixth Listening", "Experienced Culture -A British Experience first volume in the United States and China。

Participate in the construction of 1 provincial first -class course.

Host or participated in the provincial teaching reform project 6 items,School -level teaching reform project 4 items,2 items of horizontal scientific research projects。

Hosted the provincial scientific research project "Research on the Beauty of Chinese Classical Literature in University English Teaching" 2014.4--2016.12 No. 15JK2165 funds 10,000,Having questions;

Hosted 2022 Special Project of Shaanxi Province Philosophy and Social Science Research Project "Research on the Cultivation and Curriculum Construction of Chinese Story with Foreign Languages",2022.06-2023.05,Project No. 2022Hz0866,Having questions;

Participating in the provincial scientific research project "Internet+" era "Research and Exploration of the" Diverse Interactive "Teaching Model Reform and Exploration of the University of Independence College" 2017.10-2019.10 Number 17BY126 10,000 questions;

Participate in 2020-2021 Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Foundation Project "Curriculum Thoughts and Politics" Performance of Undergraduate College Foreign Language Professional Education and Teaching Research ",Having questions;

Participating in the “Research on the Cultivation of Translation Technology Teachers in the Background of New Liberal Arts in the Background of New Liberal Arts” at the Ministry of Education and Research Coordinated Education Project 2023.02,Research;

Participate in the “Construction of Language Intelligence Practical Teaching Bases in the Background of New Liberal Arts Background" 2023.12,Research;

Participate in the provincial first-class course "High-end Interpretation of the Han Dynasty" 2021-2022;

Responsible for the school -level teacher team in 2023 -English speech and debate teaching team;

Hosted the first -class course of the 2023 school -English reading;

The editor -in -chief of the 2023 school -level self -edited textbook (lecture) "Computer Auxiliary Translation";

Hosted the school -level scientific research project "Research on the Application of Positive Psychology in OBE Guidance in the Guidance of OBE" Project Number 2019xy03w08, 2019.10-2021.10,Having questions;

Prested the general project of the 2021 teaching reform project "Innovation and Practice of Talent Cultivation Model Centers -Centers -the Implementation Plan for the Implementation Plan of the Victoria Operation Plan of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology",Having questions;

Hosting the school -level teaching reform project "Practical Research Project Number in the Leading Teaching Method in University English Professional Teaching JG2019YB04,Having questions;

Participating in the school -level 2021 Education Reform Project Key Project "Comprehensive English Course, Politics and Politics Education Teaching Research and Practice -Taking" New Communication English Reading Tutorial "project number JG2021ZD06,Having questions;

Hosted the horizontal scientific research project "Corporate Culture Revisive Project" 2018.01-2019.12,50,000 yuan for accounting,Having questions;

Participate in the horizontal topic "Artificial Intelligence Multi -Language Model and Training System" 2023.11,3/6,Set questions。


In 2023, he was won by the first school -level "Teaching Teacher" at Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology

2022-2023 Outstanding Communist Party Member

The second prize of the school -level teaching achievement award in 2023

2023.11 won the Eighth National College of English Teacher Teaching Basic Skills Competition Excellent Course Evaluation & Middot;

2023.11 won the Eighth National College English Teacher Teaching Basic Skills Competition Excellent Course Evaluation & Middot;

2023.11 won 2023 National College of English Teaching Excellent Academic Papers to Selection of the National Second Prize、1 Item of Third Prize

In 2022, I was obtained by Shaanxi Provincial Teachers Moral Model (Higher Education)

In 2022, I was won by Shaanxi Golden Leaf Science and Education Group in 2022

In 2022

In 2021

In 2021, I won the "21st Century Cup" National College Student English Speech Contest for Best Organization Award Certificate

In 2021, I won the 26th "21st Century & Middot; Coca -Cola Cup" National College Student English Speech Competition Best Organization Award

In 2021, I won the preliminary organization award of "Foreign Studies & Middot; National Cup" National College Student English Writing Competition

In 2021, I won the preliminary organization award of "Foreign Studies & Middot; National Cup" National College Student English Reading Contest

2020-2021 Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology Teacher Moral Standard

The second prize of the school -level teaching achievement award in 2020

2019 Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology's 20 -year honor award

2016-2017 Outstanding Teacher Award of Mingde College of Northwestern University of Technology

2013-2014 Outstanding Teacher Award of Mingde College of Northwestern University of Technology

2006-2007 The third prize of Teaching Achievement Achievement Award for Teaching Achievement of Northwestern University of Technology

2007 The Second Prize of Teaching Achievement Achievement Award at Northwest University of Technology

2023.11 won the Eighth National College of English Teacher Teaching Basic Instructor Competition Excellent Instructor Award (Instructor Han Ruoxue、Wang Qian won the excellent course evaluation & middot; the second prize of the micro -class group)

2023.12 won the 2023 "Foreign Research Society Cup", "Understanding Contemporary China" National College Student Foreign Language Competition National Competition Bronze Award Instructor Award

2023.11 won the 2023 "Foreign Research Society Cup" and "Understanding Contemporary China" National College Student Foreign Language Proficiency Contest (Shaanxi Division) English group reading competition bronze award instructor award

In 2021, I won 2 Items of the Provincial Excellent Instructor Award of the National College Student English Competition (NECCS)

In 2021, I won 7 provincial Excellent Instructor Award for Occupational Skills Competition of the National Senior Student English Teacher.

Deputy Dean of the College

Basic information:Chai Yun, female,Born in November 1978,from Xi'an, Shaanxi,Master of Literature,Associate Professor,School -level "Teachers Moral Paper"、"Excellent Teacher"、"Most Satisfied Teacher"。

Education background:

September 1997-July 2001,Xi'an School of Foreign Languages,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2009-April 2014,Northwest University,English Language Literature Major,Master.

Qualification Certificate:International Chinese Teacher Qualification Certificate、Catii third -level translation certificate

Industry experience:In 2001, I taught in school after graduating from undergraduate

Social part -time job:Xi'an IELTS Test Examiner

Specification course:"Comprehensive English" and "English Voice" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are English language literature、English teaching。Published 8 articles in academic journals such as "Water Resources Protection" and "Minimal Education" and other academic publications,Publishing monograph "Under the perspective of multiple intelligent theoretical perspectives"、Extra -curricular textbook "Experience Colorful Culture -A British Volume 6 of the United States and China。

Hosted 2021-2024 school-level key teaching reform project "Comprehensive English Curriculum Thoughts and Politics Educational Teaching Research and Practice-Taking & LT; New Communication English Reading Tutorial & GT; Examples"; Participate in 2023-2025 Shaanxi Province Higher Education Teaching Teaching Reform project "Research on the Construction of Mixed Study Community of Foreign Language Professional in New Liberal Arts",2/7; Participate in the "Construction of Language Intelligence Practical Teaching Bases in the Background of New Liberal Arts in the Background of New Liberal Arts",3/8; Participate in the completion of 2021-2022 Xi'an Science Planning Fund Project "Research,5/7; Participate in the general project of 2021-2024 "Innovation and Practice of Talent Training Models centered on learning-the Implementation Plan of the Victoria Operation Action of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology"; participate in 2023-2024 The Ministry of Education ’s industry -academia cooperation cooperative education project“ Construction of Language Intelligence Practical Teaching Bases in the Background of New Liberal Arts ”,5/6; Participate in the completion of the horizontal subject "Artificial Intelligence Multi-Language Model and Training System" for 2023-2024。


2023 school "Teacher Moral Model";

2022 school "Excellent Teacher";

2018 school "m88 live casino and sports bettingMost Satisfied Teacher"

2016 school "Excellent Teacher";

2023 The National Professional Instructor in the Finals of the Foreign Language Translation Contest of the Midwest in the Middle and Western Region;

2023 "Foreign Studies & Middot; National Cup" "Understanding Contemporary China" National Foreign Language Proficiency Contest National Competition National Copper Awards Instructor; English Team Reading Competition Provincial Bronze Award Instructor;

2022 The National Professional Instructor Award of the National Professional Instructor in the Finals of the Middle and Western Foreign Language Translation Contest in the 2022;

2022 "Foreign Studies & Middot; National Cup" National English Speech Contest Provincial Finals Guidance Special Prize;

In 2022, two provincial second prizes in the instructor competition;

2021 "Foreign Studies & Middot; National Cup" National English Reading Contest provincial finals third prize;

August 2018 National College Student English Contest "Excellent Instructor";

2022、2023 "Translation of the Chinese Winter Camp", "Excellent Instructor"。

Basic information:Zhang Jingyu,Male,January 1963 Born,Dr. Literature,Level 2 professor,Doctoral supervisor。

EducationBackground:Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Foreign Trade Foreign Languages ​​and Application Linguistics

Industry experience:Former Deputy Director of the English Training Center of the Ministry of Health of Xi'an Medical University、Utah University guest assistant professor、Deputy Dean of the School of Foreign Languages ​​of Shaanxi Normal University、Deputy Director of the Scientific Research Division of Xi'an University of Foreign Studies (Host)、"Silk Road" Language Service Coordinating Innovation Center Executive Deputy Director、Executive Deputy Dean of the Graduate School、Director of Foreign Linguistics and Application Linguistics Research Center。

Social part -time job:

Vice President of the Society of Linguistics of Shaanxi Province;

Vice President of the Foreign Intellectual Association of Shaanxi Province;

The Second Language of the Chinese British and Chinese Comparison Research Society is executive director of the professional committee。

Academic fields and academic research results:

Hosted 2 items of the State Social Science Fund Research Project、4 provincial and ministerial projects; published more than 100 academic papers,Publishing monograph 3、Translated 1 part、Textbook 1、Editor -in -chief 9 parts。Monaste The Semantic Salience Hierarchy Model: L2 Acquisition of Psych Predicates won the first prize of outstanding achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences in Shaanxi Province in 2009; Five years of Shaanxi Provincial university humanities and social sciences Excellent research results second prize,2015 Shaanxi Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Third Prize; the paper "Animacy Hierarchy Effects on the L2 Acquissition of Attributive Psych Adjectives" won 2017. Achievement Second Prize,2018 Shaanxi Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Second Prize。He has created theory such as "Semantic Detomesable Model", "Skin -hearted" cognitive mode, "two -character effects" and "metaphorization" and other theories。

Awards:Elected by the New Century Talent Support Program of the Ministry of Education,Shaanxi Province "Three Qin Scholars" specially appointed professor, Scholars and Fuxing Researchers and Outstanding Instructor of the National Master of Education。

Basic information:Yu Yanying, female,1963Year4Moon Sheng, ShandongHezePeople,Member of Jiu San SocietyMaster of Literature, Professor, School -levelOutstanding Teacher,Advanced personal ethics.

Education background:

1979YearSeptember-1981YearJulyShandong Heze Teachers College, English Specialty;

September 1993 -1996Year7monthXi'an University of Foreign Languages, EnglishLanguagetextLearningMaster.

Qualification Certificate:International Chinese Teacher Qualification Certificate

Industry experience:The Federation of Trade Unions of Heze City, Shandong Province (1961-1986)

Social part -time job:Executive Director of the Shaanxi Translation Association

Overseas experience:1998Year7Month to1999YearFebruary fromPetroChinaSelected distribution inThe State of Waioming State, the United StatesThe Department of Language and Literature of University as a visiting scholar.20127-August-August Professor of Xi'an Petroleum visited the delegation to visit the University of Los Angeles。Go to Gwangju University, South Korea in November 2014,2018 to visit the University of Bridge, Russia, etc.。

Specification course:"Petroleum Energy English Translation"" ""Translation Technology"Linguistics"Academic Research and Paper Writing"English Writing", etc.More than a dozen doorCourse.

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are linguisticsTranslationandRegional national learning. exist"Chinese ConstructionAdvances in Social Science Education and Humanities Researchand other academic journals published academic papers30 articles, publishingmonograph "Chinese culture steering translated by foreign propaganda"" ""Legal translation criteria under ecological perspective", etc.5 partsTeaching Material"English Level 6 Exam Guideetc.6SendTable practical patent"A new type of translation tool".

Host completedMinistry of Education1018 collaborative education project "Research on the Reform of Translation Practice Curriculum in Big Data Environment"; presided over 1 item of" English professional teaching team "in Shaanxi Province in 2017; horizontal project"UniversityResearch and practice of first -class curriculum in English”“Algeriaskita Oil Gas Port Reconstruction and Expansion Project Translation Service"and other 8 items, etc., to more than 300,000 yuan


May 2022 "University English under the perspective of differentiated education2345"Teaching Mode Research and Practice"won the second prize of Shaanxi Provincial Teaching AchievementsHost)

December 2015 "Exploration and Practice of the Internationalized Compound Talent Training Model based on DBI teaching concepts"Second Prize of Teaching Achievements in Shaanxi Province2/5);

Guide students to getNationalUniversityShengEnglish competitionFirst prize, second prizeMore than 10 items

Basic information:Liu Mantang,Male,Born in September 1963,Qishan from Qishan, Shaanxi,Chinese to the Public Party of ChinaMaster of Literature, Professor, School -levelTeachingLearning名师。


September 1982-July 1985,Shaanxi Foreign Language Teacher College (later merged into Xi'an Foreign Language Institute),English specialist;

June 1999-May 2000,Singapore Nanyang University of Technology National College of Education,Advanced Certificate of English Language Teaching;

January 2001-July 2002,Singapore National University,Graduate students in English linguistics,Master

Social part -time job:

European and American Alumni Association (Chinese Student Friendship Association) Southeast and South Asian Branch's second council members

Shaanxi European and American Alumni Association (Shaanxi Provincial Student Friendship Association) executive director

Member of the Shaanxi Translation Association

Member of Singapore Applied Linguistics Society

The lecture course"English grammar", "Introduction to English Vocabulary" and other courses

Academic fields and academic research results:

The main research areas are corpus linguistics、English analysis and English course and teaching theory。In "China Application Linguistics"、"Journal of Xi'an University of Foreign Languages"、"Gansu Gao Shi Journal" and "Asian English" and other domestic and foreign academic journals have published more than 20 papers; publishing monographs "English Course and Teaching Theory"、Editor -in -chief textbook "Introduction to Modern English Linguistics"、Participate in 8 parts such as the textbook "English and Chinese Translation Tutorial"。

Provincial and ministerial levels that host and participate in the completion and participation、More than 20 items of departments and school -level scientific research projects and teaching reform projects,It mainly includes the major theory and major realistic issues of the social science community in Shaanxi Province in 2018-2019, under the background of the "Belt and Road" in Shaanxi Chinese Traditional Culture English Translation Output Strategy "and 2010-2011 Shaanxi Provincial Education Science Planning Projects "Research and Utilization Research on English Curriculum Resource Development and Utilization of Rural Junior Middle School in Shaanxi Province", etc.。


In 2009, I won the third prize of the Outstanding Achievement Award of Humanities and Social Science Research in Humanities and Social Sciences of Higher School in Shaanxi Province。

Basic information:Wang Weiqiang,Male,December 1967 Born,Han nationality,People from Mei County, Shaanxi,Member of the Communist Party of China,Professor,Master Student mentor,Advanced Individual in Shaanxi Province Teacher Morality。

September 1986-July 1990,Northwest University,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

July 1996-May 1997,"Senior English Teaching Graduate Class" of Nanyang University of Technology;

Industry experience:Undertake teaching and management work at the School of Foreign Language and Sciences, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences。

Social part -time job:Vice President of the Shaanxi Translation Association,Honorary President of the Baoji Translation Association,Director of the Shaanxi International Education Research Association。

Overseas experience:From July 1996 to May 1997, he went to Singapore Nanyang University of Technology to study; from July to August 2011, he went to Muskingum University in the United States as a visiting scholar。

Specification course:"Advanced English", "British Literature", "American Literature", "Middle School English Teaching Design and Implementation", "Literature Translation", etc.。

Research areas and academic research results:

Main study foreign language teaching、English and American Literature、Translation theory and practice。Host and participate in national level、More than 10 items of provincial and school -level scientific research projects,Journal of the Southwest National University Journal、"Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching"、"Journal of Xi'an University of Foreign Languages"、"Theoretical Guide"、"Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology"、"Foreign Education Education" and other journals have published more than 30 articles,Among them, more than 10 core journals。The editor -in -chief participated in "University English Reading and Translation"、4 textbooks such as "Application of Culture Translation Practice Tutorial"。Translation novel "Study Glove"、"Book of Qin Qin", etc.,As "Millennium Ancient Capital、Complete translation of the book of Chang'an ",This book was published by Xi'an Press in 2021。


Won the second prize of "Excellent Teaching Achievements" of the People's Government of Shaanxi Province; school -level "Excellent Teaching Quality Award"、"Excellent Teaching Achievement Award" many times; it has been rated as the "Top Ten Teachers of the Most Popular Teachers" at the school level;、"Advanced Individual in Shaanxi Provincial Teachers Morality",and school -level "Teaching Teachers" and other titles。

Basic information:Cao Ming, female,March 1965 Born,from Xi'an, Shaanxi,Member of the Communist Party of China,Education Double Master,Professor,School -level supervision,School -level outstanding teachers、Curriculum ideological and political teaching teacher。

Education background:

September 1984-July 1989,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Five -year undergraduate,Bachelor of Medicine;

September 1998-June 2001,Shaanxi Normal University,Master of Psychological Education;

September 2011-October 2013,University of Brook University, Canada,Teaching、Graduate students in learning and development,Master.

Qualification Certificate:Rece certificate; TEFL certificate; TESOL certificate

Industry experience:He has been at Xi'an Jiaotong University、Canada CICS、Xi'an Peihua College and other universities undertake teaching management、Teaching work。

Social part -time job:Experts of Think Tank Experts of Shaanxi Provincial Children's Culture Research Association

Overseas experience:From March 2005 to July 2013, I studied in Brook University in Canada and worked at CICS institutions in Canada。

Specification course:"English Teaching Law", "English Writing", "Education Psychology" and other courses。

Research areas and academic research results:

Main research areas are English teaching、Teacher Education、Course and teaching theory。In "China Psychological Health Magazine", "Shaanxi Higher Education", "Gansu High School Journal", "High Teaching Journal", "Scientific Programming" and other academic journals published more than 20 academic publications,Editor -in -chief Publishing Teaching Materials "English Case Teaching Theory", etc.。

Host completed the completion of the 13th Five-Year Plan of Shaanxi Province from 2021-2023, "Research on English Learning Process of Application of Undergraduate Based on PAD Paradigm"; Empirical Research on the Self-Independent Learning Professional Student Student Students of theory "; presided over the completion of the Shaanxi Provincial Higher Education Society 2018-2020 Higher Education Scientific Research Project" Research on the Raising Undergraduate English Language Proficiency of Undergraduate Students in the Background of Internationalization "; the host completed the completion。Participate in the completion of the 2017-2018 Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education "Action Research on Cognitive Model Training Models of Foreign Language College Students' Thinking Ability",3/6; Participated,5/7; Participate in the completion of 2018-2020 Shaanxi Province 13th Five-Year Plan topic "MOOC platform-based university English professional flipping classroom teaching research",5/8; Participate in the completion of the topic of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education from 2019 to 2023,3/6; Participate in the completion of the completion of 2019-2020 Shaanxi Province to improve the public scientific literacy research plan,4/8。Host completed the key topic of school-level education reform from 2021-2023 "Research on the Construction of Win-win Network Platform of English Professional Projects in English Professional Projects in Big Data"; Hosted the completion of special topics of school-level curriculum ideas, education and research on school-level curriculum "" Course and Teaching Cases "Implementation Path Study on Politics and Politics"; presided over the completion of the 2019-2021 school-level teaching reform topic "Research on the Constitutional Practice Teaching System of School Mutual Concernism m88 live casino and sports bettingPractice Teaching System"; Hosted the item 2017-2018 Xi'an Pei。Horizontal topic: Host completed the completion of the 2019-2020 "Research on English Training Models of College and Private Enterprise Employees based on cross-cultural exchanges"; hosted the completion of the 2020-2020 "Psychological Clarity in Ecological Translation, British and Han Mutual Translation Research- -The training project based on Haiersen International Psychological Counselor Training "; Hosted 2021-2021" Research on Science and Technology Text Translation in Ecological Translation Studies --- MBUS Chip Technical Documents Translation "。


1998 was named an outstanding Communist Party member of Xi'an Medical University;

In 2021, he won the school -level "Excellent Teacher";

In 2021, he was awarded a school -level curriculum ideological and political teaching teacher;

The second prize of the school -level teaching achievement award in 2021 (host);

2023 School -level Teacher Teaching Development Center Teacher Development Team "Teaching and Development Expert";

The third prize of the 6th Xipu National University Teaching Innovation Contest in May 2021;

May 2019 The 4th Xipu National University Teaching Innovation Competition Outstanding Award;

In December 2017, the second prize of the Basic Skills Competition of English Teacher Teaching in the National College of Colleges and Universities;

The third prize of the National Applied Talent Skills Competition in December 2017;

April 2018 School -level Foreign Language Teaching Competition (English majors) competition second prize;

The third prize of the school -level application -oriented special courses in April 2017;

September 2016 school -level "6th Multimedia Courseware Contest" third prize;

December 2019 school -level applied courses Outstanding lesson plans won the third prize;

September 2015 school -level outstanding lesson plan;

2017、2018、2019、2021、2022、In December 2023, he was awarded the provincial outstanding instructor of the "National Senior Student English Teacher Professional Skills Competition"

2019、2020、In May 2021, he was awarded the "National College Student English Contest" provincial outstanding instructor;

In November 2021, it was awarded the provincial excellent instructor of the "Foreign Research Institute • Guo Cup" National English Writing Contest。

Basic information:Ma Guihua, female,Born in August 1980,People from Texas, Shandong,MassMaster of Literature, Professor, School -levelAdvanced personal ethics.

Education background:

September 2000-July 2002,Northwestern University of Technology Institute of Technology Institute of Information Technology,English Specialist。

September 2002-July 2004,Shaanxi Normal University,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2004-April 2007,Northwest University of Technology,Graduates of Foreign Linguistics and Application Linguistics,Master.

Industry experience:He has undertaken translation and teaching at Xi'an Langton Translation Company.

Overseas experience:January 2016 to February 2017 was selected by the National Study Abroad Fund to visit the Department of Language and Literature at the University of York, Canada。

Specification course:"Cross -Cultural Communication" and "English Writing" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are applied linguistics and corpus linguistics。Published more than 20 academic papers in academic journals such as "Chinese Application Linguistics" and "Exploration of Higher Education",Publishing Monastery "Mixed English Teaching Design of University -oriented College for Deep Learning、Implementation and Evaluation "1 item、Textbook "English Professional Level 4 Reading Lesson" 1 item。

Host completed the project of 2021-2024 Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Fund "Research on the Digital Communication Path of Red Cultural Digital Cultural Communication under the Visual Heritage Field"。Hosted 2022-2025 The Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Fund Projects Western Project "Shaanxi Red Tourism Han-English Multi-Mode Dual Library Library Construction and Application Research"; Hosted 2023-2025 Shaanxi Province Higher Education Teaching Reform Project "New Liberal Arts Background Background Background Research on the Construction of Mixed Learning Community of Foreign Languages ​​"。


In September 2019, it won the provincial second prize of the "Star of Teaching" Competition of Foreign Research Institute;

August 2018 won the provincial outstanding instructor of the "National College Student English Contest";

June 2017 won the first prize of school -level teaching achievements (participated in 2/5)。

Basic information:Hong Hong, female,Born in May 1969,Liaoning Fushun people,Master of Education,Associate Professor,School -level "Most Satisfied Teacher Award"。

Education background:

September 1987-July 1991,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages, EnglishUndergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2007-June 2010,Shaanxi Normal University,Principles of Education,Master.

Qualification Certificate:English guide certificate.

Industry experience:I have been at the Oriental Hotel、Guangzhou Aude Electrical Co., Ltd. and others to undertake tour guides、Translation work。

Social part -time job:Member of the Shaanxi Translation Association.

Specification course:"Comprehensive English", "Airport English", "Chinese Culture" and other courses。

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are literature and English education。Published more than 10 academic papers in academic journals such as "Foreign Language Electrification" and "Mountain Flowers",Publishing editor -in -chief textbook "Experience Colorful Culture -A British Experience in the United States and China"。

Participate in the completion of the 2013-2015 National Teacher Research Fund Project "University English Classroom Teaching Method and Measures Experimental Research"。Participate in the completion of the 2012-2014 national key topic "Professional Development Research" sub-topic "Research on Practical Research in Stroke Teaching Methods in College English Teaching"。Participated in the completion of the 2023 Xi'an Social Science Planning Fund Project "In the Background。Participate in the completion of the 2019-2021 school-level teaching reform project "Research on English Interactive Classroom Teaching Models based on the mobile Internet environment"。Participate in the completion of the first -class course of "Comprehensive English (1)" in 2023。Participated in the completion of the 2023 horizontal topic "Professional Foreign Law Translation、On -site Foreign Language Translation Consultant "。


In 2015, he was rated as the "m88 live casino and sports bettingMost Satisfied Teacher" of Mingde College of Northwestern University of Technology in 2015;

In 2011, he was rated as "Excellent Teacher" of Mingde College of Northwest University of Technology in 2011;

In 2006, he won the first prize of the teaching quality of the school teacher in 2006;

2022 won the National Professional Instructor Award of the Midwest Translation Contest;

2022 won the "Ceremony of the Network Cup" English Vocabulary Contest Finals Finals Instructor;

In 2022, he was awarded an excellent instructor of the "Ceremony of the Network Cup" National College Student English Vocabulary Contest;

2016 "won the" National Commercial College Elite Challenge International Trade Commerce "national outstanding instructor。

Basic information:Zhang Baoying, female,Born in October 1957,People from Suide County, Shaanxi Province,Member of the Communist Party of China,Bachelor of Literature,Associate Professor。

Education background:May 1978-July 1982 at Xi'an University of Foreign Languages,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature。

Qualification Certificate:In November 1996, he was obtained by the teacher qualification certificate issued by the Shaanxi Provincial Education Commission

Industry experience:In the Education Department of the Xi'an Post Office,Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications is engaged in English teaching。

Overseas experience:From March to September 1997 to September, I went to Virginia State University as a visiting scholar。

Specification course:"English Aviation" and "English" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

Published dozens of academic papers and writing multiple professional books.


Has been rated as outstanding teachers at the school level many times.

Basic information:Li Zeying, female,Born in August 1979,People in Jinan, Shandong,Master of Education,Associate Professor。

Education background:

September 1997-July 2001,Shaanxi Normal University,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

July 2002-November 2004,University of Sydney, Australia,Education graduate students,Master.

Qualification Certificate:Cross -border e -commerce qualification certificate

Industry experience:He has undertaken translation in Australian College of Professionals and Leverage Australia (Sydney)、Training、Management。

Overseas experience:From July 2002 to November 2004, he studied at the University of Sydney, Australia。2004. December to May 2009 in Australian College of Professionals (Sydney) and Leverage Australia (Sydney)。

Specification course:"Senior Vision" and "English Listening" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are applied linguistics and translation。In Shaanxi Education、"Contemporary Education Science" and other journals published "Research on Applied Strategy in the Teaching of Translation Corgal in English Professional Translation Curriculum in Colleges and Universities"。

2016-19 participated in the completion of the provincial scientific research project "Research on the Translation of Self-built Students"。


2015 Undergraduate Graduation Design (Thesis) Excellent Instructor

2012 "m88 live casino and sports bettingMost Satisfied Teacher"

Basic information:Fan Hui, female,Born in July 1983,Henan Puyang native,Master of Literature,Associate Professor。

Education background:

September 2001-July 2005,Xi'an University of Science and Technology,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2005-June 2008,Northwest University of Technology,Graduates of Foreign Linguistics and Application Linguistics,Master.

Industry experience:From 2008 to the present, Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology undertakes teaching work。

Specification course:"Comprehensive English", "Senior English Vision and Listening", "World Economy" and other courses。

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are applied linguistics and corpus linguistics。Published more than 10 academic papers in academic journals such as "Education Theory and Practice",Publishing monograph "Research on English Teaching Model Construction of College in the Information Technology era"、Textbook "New Thinking University English Reading Tutorial 4"

Participate in the completion of the topic of 2015-2017 Shaanxi Provincial Education Foundation "Research on Action Strategy for Valid Classroom Teaching" 5/5; participated in the completion of the 2019-2020 China Institute of Management Sciences Project "Collaborative Ruins in the Context of the Reform of College Talent Training Reform Personal Model Exploration "3/3。


2020 was rated as the "m88 live casino and sports bettingMost Satisfied Teacher" at the school level

In 2015, I won the Outstanding Instructor Award of the Mingde College of Northwest Institute of Technology in 2015

In 2011, he was rated as the school -level "m88 live casino and sports bettingMost Satisfied Teacher"

2010 won the provincial second prize of the "Foreign Education Cup" National English Teaching Competition

Basic information:Qiao Lin, female,Born in June 1987,from Xi'an, Shaanxi,Member of the Communist Party of China,Master of English Language Literature,Associate Professor,School -level outstanding teachers。

Education background:

September 2005-July 2009,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages,Undergraduate,Bachelor of English Language Literature;

September 2009-July 2012,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages,Graduate,Master of English Language Literature。

Specification course:"Comprehensive English" and "British and American Literature Selection" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are English language literature and English education。Published 8 academic papers in academic journals such as "Shaanxi Education",Publishing monographs "Research on English Chinese Language and Culture Comparison and Translation Strategy"、"New Editor of English Teaching Methods in Colleges and Universities",Published a practical patent "One English word fast memory teaching model" and other two items。

Host completed the completion of the 2020-2022 school-level education reform "Research on the Practice of the English Professional Flip Class of English Professional"。Participate in the completion of the teaching reform project of Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Scientific Research Institute "Research on the Research on the Cultivation System of Young Teachers in the First-class undergraduate course in Shaanxi Province",3/7。Participated in the completion of the 2021-2022 Shaanxi Provincial Scientific Research Institute Teaching Reform Project "Research on the Reform of the English Professional Classroom Teaching Model Reform",5/9。


In 2018, I won the third prize of the Shaanxi Division of the Ninth National College Foreign Language Teaching Competition of the Foreign Education Society;

In 2018, I won the provincial second prize of the Excellent Instructor Writing Contest of the Student Writing Competition of the Student Student Writing Contest of the Student Student Student;

In 2020, I won the second prize of the "Star of Teaching Star" of Foreign Research Institute in 2020;

In 2020, he won the provincial third prize of the basic English teacher teaching competition of the Fifth National College of Higher Institutions;

Outstanding school -level teachers in 2020;

In 2021, he was the most satisfactory teacher at the school.

Basic information:Yanning, female,Born in September 1983,Shaanxi Yan'an,Master Graduate,Associate Professor。

Education background:

September 2002-July 2006,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages, EnglishUndergraduate,Bachelor;

September 2009-July 2012,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages,Graduates of Foreign Linguistics and Application Linguistics,Master.

Industry experience:September 2006 -July 2012 Teaching at Xi'an University of Foreign Languages。

Specification course:"Advanced English" and "Comprehensive English" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are foreign linguistics and applied linguistics。Published 6 articles in academic papers、Participate in the Study on the Strategy of Comparison and Translation Strategy of English Language and Culture、Publish two patents。

Participated in the Ministry of Education's next -generation Education Foundation Digital Campus Special Fund & Quot; 13th Five -Year Plan & Quot; ; Participate in provincial key projects "Research on the Practice of the Integration Model Training Model of Production and Education in English Education"、Provincial project "Research on Reform of Private Application College English Professional Classroom Teaching Model Reform"、School -level projects "Research on the Research on Output -based English Professional Flip Class Practice" and "Research on Personalized and Precise Leading Teaching Models of Data Driven Classrooms"。


2023 was rated as the "m88 live casino and sports bettingMost Satisfied Teacher" of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology 2023-2024;

2021 won the third prize of the National College Student English Contest;

2021 was rated as the "Excellent Teacher" of the 2020-2021 academic year of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology;

In 2020, it won the second prize of the "Star of Teaching Star" Contest of Foreign Research Institutes;

In 2018, he won an outstanding instructor in the National Finals of the National College Student English Contest;

2017 won the third prize of the "Foreign Research Society Cup" National English Writing Contest。

Basic information:Zhang Linbo, female,Born in August 1989,from Xi'an, Shaanxi,Master,Associate Professor。

Education background:

September 2007-July 2011,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages, EnglishUndergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2011-November 2012,University of Edinburgh, UK,Graduates of English Foreign Language Teaching,Master.

Industry experience:He has been in Shaanxi Haitai Electronic Co., Ltd.、Shaanxi Novid Beidou Information Technology Co., Ltd. undertake translation、English training and other work。

Overseas experience:September 2011 to November 2012, studying for a master's degree in studying abroad at the University of Edinburgh, UK。

Specification course:"Advanced English", "Comprehensive English", "English Reading", "English Listening", "IELTS Listening" and other courses。

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are foreign language education and teaching research。In "Shaanxi Education", "Advances in Atlantis Highlights in Computer Sciences", "Western Quality Education" and other academic publications published more than 10 academic publications,Publishing monograph "Comprehensive Inquiry of English Education Models under multiple perspectives"、"English Teaching Research based on cross -cultural communication" 2。

Hosted the 2023 school -level education teaching reform research project "Data -driven Classroom Personalization and Precision Precision Teaching Model Study"。Hosted the horizontal scientific research project "Data -driven university English layered teaching practice"。Participated in the "13th Five -Year Plan" of Education and Science in Shaanxi Province 2020, "Research on the Research on the Training System of Youth Teachers in the First -class undergraduate course in Shaanxi Province"。Participate in the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" of Education Sciences in Shaanxi Province 2020 topic "Research on the Practice of the Integration Model of Products and Education in English Education"。Participated in the 2020 Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology Education and Teaching Reform Project "Research on the Research on Output -based English Professional Flip Classroom Practice"。Participate in the 2019 Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology's school -level education teaching reform project "In the Internet+and new media situation, the interpretation course based on the Jill Cognitive Load Model"。


In 2023, I won the third prize of the National College Foreign Language Curriculum Ideological Teaching Case Contest

In 2023, I won the third prize of the selection of English teaching academic papers in colleges and universities in national colleges and universities

In 2020, the second prize of the national rematch of the "Star of Teaching" Contest for Foreign Research Institute

In 2023, instruct students to win the ninth and Western Foreign Language Translation Contest Finals National Third Prize

In 2018, instruct students to win the 21st "Foreign Research Society Cup" National College Student English Debate (West China Division) third prize

In 2018, I guided students to win the third prize of the Shaanxi Provincial Memorial in Shaanxi Province for the Student Student Cup

In 2023, I was translated and translated by the Chinese Summer Intern m88 online sports bettingSummer Camp Excellent Instructor

Basic information:Gao Weiyang, female,Born in March 1989,Anhui Luzhou native,Member of the Communist Party of China,Master of Literature,Lecturer。

Education background:

September 2007-July 2011,Northwest University of Technology,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2014-June 2017,Northwest University of Technology,Public Management,Master.

Qualification Certificate:Cambridge Business English Advanced Certificate,Catii third -level interpretation certificate

Industry experience:His Middle School Affiliated to Chang'an University、Northwestern University Software Vocational College of Software Barn Teaching。

Specification course:"English Avian Audio" and "Airport English Audiovisual" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are business English。Published 2 academic papers in the academic journal of "Economic Management Digest"。


In 2020, he was named the title of "m88 live casino and sports bettingMost Satisfied Teacher" of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology;

In 2022, I won the "National Professional Instructor Award" in the 8th Midwest Foreign Language Translation Contest;

In 2023, I won the 3rd "Foreign Teacher Society Celestial Cup" Excellent Instructor Title。

Basic information:Ma Xiaoxiao, female,Born in September 1989,Member of the Communist Party of China,Master of Applied Linguistics,Lecturer。

Education background:

September 2008-July 2012,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages, EnglishUndergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2013-March 2016,Northwest University of Technology,English translation graduate students,Master;

September 2019-July 2020,Singapore Nanyang University of Technology,Application Linguistics,Master.

Overseas experience:From September 2019 to July 2017, the National Study Abroad Fund will be selected at Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore to study for a master's degree。

Specification course:"English Writing" and "English Teaching Law" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are applied linguistics。Publicly published papers 4 articles。

Participate in the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" of Education Sciences in Shaanxi Province 2020 project "Research on the Reform of Private Application College English Professional Classroom Teaching Models",Set questions。


In December 2022, I won the first prize of outstanding academic papers in English teaching in colleges and universities in the country。

In December 2021, instruct students to participate in the "National Skills of English Teachers in Senior Teachers and Students in the Country",2 provincial first prizes,Second prize 3 items。

In January 2018, I won the "21st Century Cup" National Middle School English Speech Competition "Excellent Judge"。

Leading in March 2018 and instructing students to participate in the "New York Simulation UN General Assembly",Woning the third prize of the group。

In August 2017, I won the National College Student English Contest "Excellent Instructor"。

Basic information:Li Ke, female,Born in August 1989,from Xi'an, Shaanxi,Member of the Communist Party of China,Bachelor of Literature,Lecturer。

Education background:

September 2008-July 2012,Northwest University of Political Science and Law,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2013-July 2016,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages,Graduates of Foreign Linguistics and Application Linguistics,Master.

Qualification Certificate:International Chinese Teacher Qualification Certificate

Industry experience:Once the second degree part -time teacher at Shaanxi Normal University

Specification course:"Introduction to English Linguistics"、"English News Read"、"Comprehensive English" and other courses。

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are system functional grammar,News English。In "Encyclopedia Knowledge"、"New Silk Road" and other magazines published more than 10 papers。

Basic information:Wu Yue, female,Born in April 1987,Qianjiang from Hubei,Member of the Communist Party of China,Master of Education,Associate Professor。

Education background:

September 2003-July 2007,Shaanxi Normal University,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2007-July 2009,Shaanxi Normal University,Curriculum and Teaching Theory Professional Graduate Students,Master.

Industry experience:At the Eurasian College of Xi'an、The school's postgraduate entrance examination is responsible for teaching。

Specification course:"Comprehensive English", "Voice", "History of Chinese and Foreign Education" and other courses。

Research areas and academic research results:

Main research areas are English teaching。Published in "Shaanxi Education" published an academic papers "English selection test, the guidance of the law of English vocabulary teaching of university -take the national unified enrollment examination English (1) as an example"; inAdvances in Atlantis Highlights in Computer SciencesPublished 1 academic paperan English test paper group method based on improved gray wolf algorithm; Publishing textbooks "Basic English Teaching Research"; publishing a practical patent "a kind of English word induction learning memory auxiliary device"、"One English Words Memory Band" 2 items。


In November 2023, it was awarded the provincial third prize of the "Eighth National College English Teacher Teaching Competition"。

Basic information:Li Haifang, female,Born in September 1979,Shanxi Xinye,Mass,Master of Literature,Associate Professor。

Education background:

September 1997-July 2001,Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2010-March 2013,Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,Graduates of Foreign Linguistics and Application Linguistics,Master.

Industry experience:At the Peihua College of Xi'an、Shaanxi University of International Business and Trade in Teaching。

Overseas experience:From January 2015 to June 2015, a visiting scholar at West Missri State University in the United States。

Specification course:"English Reading" and "English Aviation" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are applied linguistics。Published in "Encyclopedia Knowledge" published academic papers "Concept Metaphor for Concept Metaphor in English and Chinese Advertising",Publishing monograph "Reading Beauty Sentences • Learning Words" (Northwestern University of Technology Press,September 2023)、Textbook "Basic Tutorial in English" (Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Press,December 2015)。

Hosted 2023-2024 horizontal project "Research and Effects of Alynx Smart Translation Platform" (HXKY2023011。Participate in the 2023-2024 Ministry of Education and Academy of Industry and Academy, "School-Enterprise Cooperation to help industry characteristic translation talents training and practice",4/8; Participate in 2023-2024 Shaanxi Province Philosophy and Social Science Research Project "Research on the Construction of Translation Textbooks with International Communication" (2023Hz0994),3/6; 2023 Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Mu Class to go to sea,2/10。


In December 2022, I won the National Outstanding Award of the National Micro Class Group in the Basic Gong of English Teachers Teaching in the National College。

In July 2021, I won the first prize in the New Teacher of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology。

In April 2023, I won the first prize in the 2nd Simpling Classroom Competition of Language and Culture Communication College。

In August 2023, he was awarded the provincial outstanding instructor of the "National College Student Translation Proficiency Competition"。

Outstanding Instructor of the "2023 Translation of the People’ s Summer Intern Camp "in September 2023。

In November 2023。

Basic information:Wang Rongxue, female,Born in June 1985,People in Dunhuang, Gansu,Member of the Communist Party of China,Master of Literature,Lecturer。

Education background:

September 2004-July 2008,Northwest University,Undergraduate English Language Literature,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2008-June 2011,Northwest University,Translation theory and practice graduate students,Master of Literature。

Qualification Certificate:International Chinese Teacher Qualification Certificate.

Industry experience:Translation of the Chinese translation of the people.

Specification course:"Comprehensive English" and "English Aviation" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are cross -cultural communication and translation theory and practice。Published 5 academic papers in academic journals such as "Shaanxi Education",Participate in the textbook。

Hosted the completion of school -level ideological and political projects "Research on SEEV Elements in the English Course based on output -oriented -oriented universities"; participated in the completion of the Shaanxi Provincial Educational Teaching Reform Project. "; Participate in the completion of the Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Foundation Project" Jia Pingwa Novel's British Translation Language Characteristics and Research on Foreign Translation "; presided over the" Study on Foreign Propaganda Strategy in Shaanxi Traditional Sports Project in Shaanxi Traditional Sports Project "(in research。


1、The third prize of the national college foreign language curriculum ideological and political teaching case contest in 2023;

2、2021 The first prize of the national rematch team of the "Star of Teaching" Contest of the Foreign Research Agency;

3、The first prize of the "Star of Teaching Star" Contest of the National College of Experience of Foreign Research Co., Ltd. in 2018;

4、The 7th "Foreign Teaching Society Cup" National University Foreign Language Teaching Competition Shaanxi Division Third Prize;

5、The eighth "Foreign Teaching Society Cup" National University Foreign Language Teaching Competition Shaanxi Division Second Prize;

6、National College Student English Competition B second prize instructor;

7. The provincial first prize instructor of the "Gao Division" competition.

Basic information:Guo Xiaohua, female,Born in July 1977,Shaanxi Xianyang people,Master of Science,Associate Professor。

Education background:

September 1996-July 2000,Xi'an School of Foreign Languages,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2004-September 2005,Oxford University, UK,Application Linguistics and Two -Language Graduate Graduate,Master.

Qualification Certificate:International Chinese Teacher Qualification Certificate

Overseas experience:September 2004 to November 2005 Study in the UK。

Specification course:"Cross -Cultural Communication", "English grammar", "Research Methods and Academic Writing" and other courses。

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are the two -character acquisition。Published 4 articles in academic journals such as the Journal of irrigation and drainage, "Science and Technology Information", "Overseas English" and "Global Theory",Publishing monograph "University English Translation Theory and Teaching Research" 1 book。

Participate in 2022-2023 "Key Research Project of 2022 International Communication Capability Construction" (already ended); participate in 2023-2025 Shaanxi Province higher education teaching reform project "Research (In research)。


In 2023, I won the "Ceremony of the Network Cup" National College Student English Vocabulary Contest (National Competition) Third Prize Excellent Instructor Award。

In 2023, I won the third prize of the third -class instructor award of the National College Student English Vocabulary Capability Contest of the National College Student English Vocabulary Competition.

In 2023, I received an honorary certificate for the excellent instructor of the Chinese translation of the people's summer internship。

Basic information:Dai Tingting, female,Lecturer,Western University of Canada (Western University) TESOL Master of Tesol,"Double Division" teacher,Foreign Studies Society Contest Teacher Teacher,School Simulation United Nations Team Instructor,English speech team instructor。

Qualification Certificate:TESOLADVANCED,TESOLEXPERT Qualification Certificate,Cambridge Business English Certificate

Industry experience:Beijing New Oriental English School is responsible for teaching

Specification course:"English Speech and Debate", "English Reading"

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are foreign English teaching and application linguistics。Published several academic papers in academic journals such as "Shaanxi Education" (Higher Education) "Teaching and Research" and "Minimal Education Frontier",Participating in textbooks "Research on English Reading Teaching in the New Period"。

Hosted the completion of the horizontal scientific research topic "Training of Language Ability of Students Overseas Students" in 2023。Participate in the first -class undergraduate course "English reading" in 2023,School -level "English Speech and Debate" teaching team; participated in the two "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" of Shaanxi Provincial Education Sciences "Research Research on the Reform of the English Professional Classroom Teaching Model of Private Application College" in Shaanxi Provincial Education Sciences. Research on the Training System of Young Teacher Training System of Civil Affairs University in the Construction "; participated in the 2023 school -level project" Research on Personalized and Precision Teaching Models of Data Driven Classrooms "and 2020 school -level topic" Based on Output -based English Professional Fluttering Classroom Practice


In 2023, I won the "Understanding Contemporary Chinese University Student English Proficiency Contest Speech Contest" National Third Prize Instructor 1,Shaanxi Division Gold Award Instructor 2 items

​​In 2023, the 28th "21st Century Cup" National English Speech Contest Shaanxi Division Finals Third Prize Instructor

2022 "Foreign Research Institute National Cup" National English Speech Contest National Finals Third Prize Instructor

In 2021, I won the second prize instructor of the "Foreign Research Society Cup Cup" National English Speech Contest.

In 2020, I won the second prize of the "Star Contest of Foreign Research Society Teaching"

Basic information:Fan Sijiang, female,Born in May 1993,Shaanxi Shangluo people,Member of the Communist Party of China,Master of Education,Lecturer。

Education background:

September 2011-July 2015,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages, EnglishUndergraduate,Bachelor of Literature。

September 2015-July 2018,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages,Graduate students of English curriculum and teaching theory,Master.

Specification course:"English Reading", "English Spoken" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

English education。Published in academic journals such as "Shaanxi Education"。In 2020, he was rated as the outstanding class teacher of the college。

Basic information:Guo Juanjuan,Born in May 1986,People from Xinxiang, Henan,Reserve Party Member of the Communist Party of China,Master of Literature,Lecturer,School -level outstanding teachers。

Education background:

September 2005-July 2009,Henan University,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2010-July 2012,Beijing University of Foreign Languages,Graduates of Foreign Linguistics and Application Linguistics,Master.

Qualification Certificate:Cambridge Business English Certificate

Industry experience: Organization of the International Ecological Security Cooperation Organization、Tibetan China、China Defense Science and Technology Information Center、Global Network undertake translation work。

Specification course:"Comprehensive English 1"、"Comprehensive English 2"、"Overview of English"。

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are foreign language education and teacher development。Published 3 articles in academic papers one after another,EI meeting 1,Participate in the writing of "English Teaching Theory and Practice of Universities in Cross -Cultural Background" monograph。

Host "Comprehensive English" school -level first -class courses and curriculum ideological and political demonstration courses for ideological and political demonstration courses。Participate in the horizontal topic "Strengthening the Development of Small and Micro -Enterprises"。


2023 was rated as an outstanding teacher at the school level;

2022 was rated as a school -level outstanding teacher;

In 2023, I won the third prize of the selection of English teaching academic papers in colleges and universities in the country;

In 2022, I won the second prize of the Ideological Teaching Design Competition in the Midwestern Region in the Midwest;

In 2021, I won the first prize of the school -level young teachers' excellent teaching plan selection;

In 2021, I won the third prize of the “Thoughts and Politics Entry Classroom" teaching competition at the hospital;

In 2023, he was awarded an excellent instructor of the National College Student English Translation Contest;

In 2023, he was awarded an excellent instructor of the National College Student English Translation Competition of the National Research Cup;

In 2023, he was awarded an excellent instructor in the summer internship;

In 2022, he was awarded an excellent instructor of the National College Student English Contest;

In 2021, he was awarded an excellent instructor in the National College Student English Competition。

Basic information:Qin Qiufen, female,December 1986 Born,Shaanxi Xianyang people,Member of the Communist Party of China,Master of Literature,Lecturer。

Education background:

September 2005-July 2009,Baoji Academy of Arts and Sciences,English undergraduate,Bachelor of Literature;

September 2011-July 2014,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages,Course and Teaching Theory,Master.

Qualification Certificate:Cambridge Business English Certificate.

Industry experience:Middle School Affiliated Middle School,Xi'an University of Foreign Languages ​​University Study Abroad Training Department, etc. to undertake teaching work。

Specification course:"Comprehensive English" and "IELTS Multi" and other courses.

Research areas and academic research results:

The main research areas are English courses and teaching theories。At the EI meeting,"Win the Future"、"Sky American" and other academic journals published several academic papers。

Participated in the 2023-2025 Shaanxi Provincial Higher Education Teaching Reform Project "Research on the Construction Community of Foreign Language Professional Mixed Learning Community in the Background of New Liberal Arts"; in 2023, he hosted horizontal topics "Foreign Language Information Han Translation School Review".,and get a question with March 2024。


2023 "Foreign Studies & Middot; National Cup" "Understand Contemporary China" National College Student Foreign Language Competition Writing Competition Shaanxi Provincial Division Bronze Award Excellent Instructor。

In 2023, I guided students to win two provincial second -class first prizes in the vocational skills competition of the National Senior Teachers' English Teacher。

2022 "Foreign Studies & Middot; National Cup", "Understand Contemporary China" National College Student Foreign Language Reading Contest, Shaanxi Provincial Division Excellent Instructor。

In 2022, instructing students to win a provincial second -level second prize in the vocational skills competition of the National Senior Teachers' English Teacher。

In 2022, he won the second prize of the college level in the 2nd Simpling Classroom Teaching Competition of Language and Culture Communication.。