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    College News
    The School of Language and Culture Communication hosts a series of academic reports of 2021 (3) -Professor Xu Yuchen, Xi'an m88 online sports bettingUniversity m88 online sports bettingof Foreign Languages ​​and University of Foreign Languages ​​come to our school to lecture

    7month2Afternoon, in PeideBuilding201, Xi'an m88 online sports bettingUniversity of Foreign LanguagesForeign LanguageLiteratureProfessor of Research Center,Dr.Doctoral studentsmentor, Chinese English and ChineseComparison Research AssociationSystem functionLinguistics Professional CommitteeExecutive Director, Chinese British and Chinese Comparison Research Association English and Chinese articlesAnalysis of the executive director of the Professional Committee、Vice President of the Foreign Language Teaching Research Association of Shaanxi University University、Shaanxi ProvinceExecutive Director of Translation AssociationXu Yuchen made a question for the teacher of Language and Culture Communication SchoolProject declaration andResearch talklanguageComparison of Language Evaluation System in ChinaforExampleacademic report. report meetingFromVice Dean LiuProfessor Yong hosted

    During the lecture, Xu Yuchen surroundsTitleDeclaration and research on the research. hepoints out that the application isApplicatorThe game of and the reviewer,As the applicantNeedPay attention to the argumentLivePages of the normality and professionalism, should be proof of the focusTopic selectionIt is worth the research work of the project。He emphasized,Topic selectionBasicWantEntry",WantClearThe belonging of academic researchandIntroduction to my own research fieldSystem functional linguisticsandTechnologylanguageArticleThe language evaluation systemResearch. heFocus on emphasizing scientific researchPay attention toInnovationTheoryInnovation and method innovation.



    AboutApplication formWritten, Xu Yuchen explained in -depthInvolved in the application letter"Explanation" and "Comment", emphasizein the application formResearch goals andContentImportantThe research goals should be macro,The content should be specificAnother, for ideas and methodsPlace of innovation,Preliminary results and main viewsReferencesAlso meticulousTell. Finally, Professor Xu YuchenYiyourself2020YearTopic declaration forms as an example,XiangThe teachers present explainedHow to write a high -quality application form andAttention in writing.

    This lecture is rich and detailed,ForThe declaration topic and project are strongTreatment andGuidance.All teachers of the School of Language and Culture Communication will also take the recent series of academic reports as an opportunity,Continuously improve your scientific research ability and academic level,Fightingoutput high -level and high -quality scientific research results!


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