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    2021 "Foreign Research Society · Guocai Cup" National English Speech Contest Xi An Mingde Institute of Technology Campus Selection Finals successfully held

    9month24Day afternoon,2021"Foreign Research m88 slot machine casinom88 slot machine casinoInstitute • National Cup" National English Speech Contest Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology Campus Selection Finals is in Jiande Building105Successfully held。Liu Yong, deputy dean of the School of Language and Culture Communication,Chai Yun,EnglishProfessional teacher Kou Ming,Chen Hong,Gao JieMa Xiaoxiao served as the judge of this competition.ContestDivided into a keen speech、Live Q & A and impromptu speech,Promotion of the preliminary competition of the campus16Players fiercely competed, showing their style.

    Liu YongDeputy DeanSpeed ​​before the gameEmphasizedof this competitionImportant meaningShe saidAs a youth college student in the new era, he should be pregnant with Chinese feelingsDoThe teller of the Chinese storyCommunication of Chinese cultureSpeaking in EnglishGoodRed Star Story,Let the world listen to the voice of China

    In a keynote speech, playersYitaRed Star oVer China(Red Star shines in China)forTheme,Recovery the glorious deeds of m88 slot machine casinom88 live casino and sports bettingthe revolutionary ancestors,Follow the Long March Spirit of Following the Time TworateFocusNowOlympic Gamesandextraordinary achievements of poverty alleviationThey useUnique perspectiveGenerous and affectionatelyTell the red star story in your heartPlayers are not onlyShow the spiritual style of contemporary young people,It also expresses their praise and pride of the centennial achievements of the Communist Party of China。inimprovisation speech, players target"Double Decrease" policy、Social hot topics such as minor game restrictions order,Share their unique thinking and insights,Show the good English expression ability of our studentsand speculationAbilityTheir wonderful performance has won warm applause from the judges and audiences。

    After the game, Kou MingAssociate ProfessorGive the performance of the playersProfessionalComment. heFirst rightPlayersThe wonderful performance of it is affirmedAt the same timeHeEmphasizedFollow current affairsand trainingSurpriseThe importance of abilitySuggestionPlayersinFutureLearningConsolidate language foundationAdd extracurricularReadQuality and quantity, always useClearTarget inspire yourself,Requires yourself to keep progress at a higher standard。


    The winner of this competition special prizeThe School of Language Culture Communication2020Level studentsChen Lijie will receive special training for the instructor of the English speaking team,Represents our school to participate"Foreign Studies & Middot; National Cup" National English Speech Contest Shaanxi DivisionFinals

    List of the winners

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    Player name

    Special Awards

    Chen Lijie

    First Prize

    Zhang Zihan, Zhang Yingyi

    Second Prize

    Han Ning, Lu Wen, Zuo Jiayi

    Third Prize

    Yang Guanning, Feng Mingwei, Yi Cenyuan, Fang Angkai, Wang Yuxin

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