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    Our school simulation the United Nations team has achieved good results at the 21st Northwest Polytechnical University Simulation UN General Assembly

    m88 online sports bettingm88 online bettingRecent,The 21st Northwest University of Technology simulation UN General Assembly was successfully held。Our school simulation of the United Nations team co -school9 representatives participated in this conference and won the second item of the individual award,The best nomination award (Honorable Mention—— Liang Ziyu, and the most popular representative award (MOST POPULAR Delegate—— Fu Hanqi.



    There are four committees in this conference,Among them, three English committees,A Chinese Committee。During the two -day meeting period,Representatives actively participate in lobbying、Consultation and debate,Fully showed the excellent foreign language ability and comprehensive quality of Mingde students


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    Liang Ziyu:This time I participated in the simulation of the United Nations of Northwestern Polytechnical University to gain a lot,From the preparation of the early stage to the participation,Let me learn more professional m88 online sports bettingm88 slot machine casinoknowledge,Also made a lot of excellent new friends。Simulation of the United Nations platform,I deeply feel,To be a real diplomat,Details and comprehensive minds and mature minds are the most basic quality; at the same time, I also understand"Learning all things in the world,Human sentiment training is an article "。Get this award,Makes me surprise and panic,But I will use this as power,Learn more hard,Quit arrogance,Breaking the Boundary Cross -border,Be a better self!

    Fu Hanqi:I am very honored to be able to participate in this UNIC simulation UN General Assembly,I am also lucky to get it"MOST POPULAR Delegate" award。This experience is very meaningful and great in my gain,First of all, the experience of winning the prize first made me more convinced: "Effectiveness will definitely return"。This sentence is always talking,Everyone who has this experience will have a deeper feeling。On our upward road,Will m88 slot machine casinom88 online sports bettinglose,Will be confused,We need some affirmation from the outside,Make yourself more believed that the way you choose is correct。Of course award is just one aspect,More gains come from the participation itself。The process of participating in the meeting is full of challenges,From the survey information to the meeting,I will encounter differences,Will feel at a loss,Will doubt yourself,But like the sentence in the movie "No Question West East": "Just ask freedom,Just ask the Flow,Just ask affection,Just ask the original heart,Just ask bravery,No Question West East ",Perseverance,The contradiction will eventually resolve,Questions will be solved。I tell myself like a snail climbing a vine,Although it is very slow,But the road he has gone,Under the sun,Will emit a glittering flash。


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