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Safety knowledge
Safety knowledge
Fire safety knowledge|How to use these fire-fighting equipment in case of fire

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In daily life
All types of fire fighting equipment are very common
But when the fire really comes
Do you really know how to use them?
Today I will popularize science for everyone
How to use common fire fighting equipment

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01Fire extinguisher

How to use


1, Unplug the safety pin;

2, Lift the fire extinguisher, select the location of the upwind outlet and away from the fire source3-5meter;

3, Aim the nozzle at the fire source;

4, Press down the handle of the fire extinguisher to spray or sweep at a fixed point;

(After the fire is extinguished, m88 online bettingcool m88 best betting websiteit with water to remove the smoke)

Please remember the four-character formula:Lift, pull, hold, press

Types of fire extinguishers:


Dry powder fire extinguisher


Water-based fire extinguisher


Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher


△DFire extinguisher

02Fire hydrant


Indoor fire hydrant


        Outdoor fire hydrant

How to use indoor fire hydrants:

Open the fire hydrant door,Press the fire hydrant button in the box(The button is for alarming and starting the fire pump);One person took the gun tip and hose and ran towards the fire point,Another person connects the hose and valve; opens the valve counterclockwise,Just spray out the water。Note: If an electrical appliance catches fire, be sure to cut off the power supply.

How to use outdoor fire hydrants:

Use a wrench to open the water bag connection switch of the underground fire hydrant,Connect the fire hose; use a wrench to open the outlet valve switch of the underground fire hydrant,Connect the hose nozzle and the water nozzle head; at least two people should hold the water spray nozzle head,Spray water on the fire source until the fire goes out。

03Smoke escape mask


Usage:When a fire breaks m88 slot machine casinoout,m88 online sports bettingOpen the lid immediately in the direction of the opening mark on the packaging tray,Tear open the packaging bag and take out the breathing device。Unplug the two red sealing plugs at the front and rear along the reminder belt,Put the respirator on your head,Pull down to neck,The canister should be placed in front of the nose。

04Escape rope


Usage:Select fixed point,Fix one end of the escape cord or escape ladder to a solid object,Put the seat belt around your hips、Waist or armpit,Tighten the safety rope elastic buckle。Throw the life rope downstairs along the window,Wear protective gloves and hold the lifeline with both hands,The left foot is hooked on the window sill,Right foot on the outer wall,After treating others calmly,Move your left foot out of the window,Legs slightly bent,While pushing hard on the wall with both feet,Arms straight,Hands slightly loose,Look down,When sliding down the lifeline and approaching the ground,Bend your right arm forward,Tighten the m88 online sports bettingrope,m88 online sports bettingLegs slightly bent,Toe-first on the ground。

05Fire blanket



1、Fix or place the fire blanket on the wall or in a drawer where it is visible and easily accessible。

2、When a fire breaks out,Quickly take out the fire blanket,Hold two black drawstrings with both hands。

3, Gently shake out the fire blanket and hold it in your hand like a shield.

4、Gently cover the fire blanket with fire blanket,Cut off the power or air supply at the same time。

5、The fire blanket continues to cover the burning object,And take active fire-fighting measures until the burning object is completely extinguished。

6、Wait until the burning object is extinguished,And after the fire blanket has cooled,Put away the blanket,Can be used for the second time。

06Manual alarm


Manual alarm button is a device type in the fire alarm system,When personnel discover the fire,When the fire detector does not detect a fire,Personnel manually presses the manual alarm button,Report fire signal。

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