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Safety knowledge
Safety knowledge
Fire responsibility and punishment: trace the source and protect safety

Fire responsibility and punishment: trace the source and protect safety

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Currently electric bicycles have become one of the important means of transportation for people,But due to illegal parking、Illegal charging or modification、The accident caused by replacing the lithium battery is shocking,Let’s take a look at the following typical cases to understand the responsibilities that different groups need to bear after a fire。

Case 1

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Penalty for parking e-bikes in stairwells850Yuan.

Recently,Beijing Economic Development Zone Fire Rescue Detachment went deep into the residential area to carry out fire safety inspection。In a high-rise residential building in Zhonglv Yifu Community, Sihai Road, Yinghai Town,A resident parked his electric bicycle in the stairwell outside his house for convenience,And refuses to rectify,The fire supervision and law enforcement officers decided to impose a fine on the spot850yuan administrative penalty.

Case 2

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Take the battery home and charge it, causing a fire. administrative detention10

2024Year2month22Sunday, a high-rise residential community in Tongzhou District, Beijing27Building fire。After investigation,The fire was caused by a sudden failure of the electric bicycle battery that the residents on this floor took home without permission to charge it。

Tongzhou District Public Security Bureau is based on the provisions of Article 64, Paragraph 2 of the Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China,Administrative detention for parties who cause fires due to negligence10day’s administrative penalty.

Case 3

Illegal storage of batteries at home, causing a fire. administrative detention12Day.

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2024Year1month4日,A fire broke out in a residential area in Fangshan District, Beijing。After investigation,The cause of the fire was that the person involved illegally brought the electric bicycle battery home and stored it in the living room,Due to sudden failure。

Fangshan District Fire Rescue Detachment and District Public Security Bureau investigate and collect evidence,In accordance m88 live casino and sports m88 online sports bettingbettingwith the provisions of Article 64, Paragraph 2 of the Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China,Give administrative detention to the party who caused the fire due to negligence12day’s administrative penalty.

2. Fire safety in student dormitories

During the dormitory safety inspection, it was found that some students were using illegal electrical appliances such as: "electric pot、Hair dryer, etc.。”Illegal use of electrical appliances is one of the important causes of dormitory fires。

Case 1

2019Year12month18日,Fire broke out in a dormitory building on Pingfeng Campus of Zhejiang University of Technology,Firefighter emergency evacuation6Trapped persons,No casualties。After investigation, the fire was caused by electrical appliances,A faulty power strip ignited nearby combustibles,Cause fire。

Case 2

2022Year3month,A student from a university in Changsha Economic Development Zone, Hunan,The school is under closed management due to epidemic prevention and control,Want to make something delicious for myself,So I used rice cookers and other electrical appliances to cook in the dormitory,Also shared the video to a short video platform。FirefighterShun the network cableCome to the university where the student is located,Conducted fire safety education to the students involved。

Then,What should be done after a fire? Our country’s laws give a clear explanation on this。

"Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China"

Article 115 Set fire or cause serious injury in other dangerous ways、Death or causing heavy losses to public or private property,Imprisonment of more than ten years、Life imprisonment or death penalty; those who negligently commit the crime in the preceding paragraph,Sentence to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years; if the circumstances are relatively minor,Sentence to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention。

"Civil Code of the People's Republic of China"

Article 1165 The perpetrator infringes upon the civil rights and interests of others due to fault and causes damage,Should bear infringement liability。

Article 1172 Two or more persons separately committed infringing acts causing the same damage,Able to determine the extent of responsibility,Each one bears corresponding responsibilities; it is difficult to determine the size of responsibility,Equal responsibility。

Article 1,202 Causing damage to others due to m88 slot machine casinodefective m88 live casino and sports bettingproducts,Producers should bear infringement liability。

Article 1,203 Causing damage to others due to defective products,The infringed party can request compensation from the manufacturer of the product,You can also request compensation from the seller of the product。Product defects caused by the manufacturer,After seller’s compensation,Right to recover from producers。The product is defective due to the fault of the seller,After producer compensation,Right to recover from the seller。

"Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China"

Article 64 Violation of the provisions of this law,Have one of the following behaviors,Not yet a crime,Detention for not less than ten days but not more than fifteen days,Can be used together500A fine of not more than RMB 16260_16277500A fine of less than 1 yuan; instructing or forcing others to violate fire safety regulations,Risky work; Negligently causing a fire; Preventing the alarm after a fire,Or the person responsible for reporting fails to call the police in time; disrupting the order of the fire scene,Or refuse to follow the instructions of the fire scene commander,Affecting fire fighting and rescue; deliberately destroying or forging the fire scene; opening the seal without authorization or using a place sealed by the fire rescue agency、part of。

"Regulations on Fire Safety Management of High-rise Civil Buildings"

Article 37 It is prohibited to enter the public foyer of high-rise civil buildings、Evacuation walkway、Stairwell、Park or charge electric bicycles at the safety exit。

Encourage the establishment of centralized storage and charging places for electric bicycles in high-rise residential areas。Electric bicycle storage、Charging locations should be set up independently,And keep a safe distance from high-rise civil buildings; it really needs to be set up in high-rise civil buildings,Should be fireproofed from other parts of the building。

Electric bicycle storage、The charging place should be equipped with necessary m88 best betting websitefire-fighting equipment,Charging facilities should have automatic power-off function when fully charged。

Article 47 Violation of these regulations,Have one of the following behaviors,Ordered by the fire rescue agency to correct,For business units and individuals2000More than yuan10000A fine of less than 17173_17190500More than yuan1000A fine of less than RMB 17202_17208

To prevent electric bicycle fires, please remember the seven "strict prohibitions"

1.It is strictly prohibited m88 live casino and sports bettingto purchase unqualified electric vehicles and accessories。Unqualified、Non-standard or excessive electric vehicles、Battery、Wire、Charger,Increased fire risk。

2.Unauthorized modification is strictly prohibited。Modify the battery without authorization、Install audio、Lighting, etc.,It is easy to cause line overload and cause fire。

3.It is strictly prohibited to park illegally。Strictly prohibited without fire separation、Housing with guardianship and other preventive measures、Underground garages and basements、Parking electric bicycles in the semi-basement。

4.Charging in non-regulated areas is strictly prohibited。Strictly prohibited in crowded places and public foyers of residential buildings、Evacuation channel、Stairwell、Overhead layer、Charging in public areas such as safety exits,Cannot take the battery home to charge。

5."Flying cable charging" is strictly prohibited。It is strictly prohibited to use private wires、Charging electric bicycles by installing random sockets and other methods that do not comply with fire protection technical standards and management regulations。

6.It is strictly prohibited to charge near flammable materials。When charging electric vehicles, keep away from electric bicycle parking spaces made of flammable and combustible materials and flammable and explosive items。

7.Prolonged charging is strictly prohibited。Vehicles should avoid charging for too long,Charging all night and leaving it unattended,Once battery、Problems with wires, etc.,Easy to cause fire。

School apartment is an important place for students to study and live,Fire safety is related to the safety of life and property of every student。To ensure everyone’s safety in the apartment,Based on the actual situation of our school,Students must abide by the following matters:

 1. The use of open flames in the apartment is strictly prohibited:Including candles, mosquito coils, alcohol lamps, etc. to avoid causing fire.

2. Use electrical appliances correctly:When leaving the apartment,Please make sure all electrical equipment is turned off,Avoid overloading sockets。

3. No unauthorized connection of wires:No modification or addition of wires without permission,Ensuring electrical wiring safety。

4. Keep the channel open:Please do not use the corridor、Pile of debris in public areas such as stairwells,Ensure evacuation routes are clear。

5. Familiar with fire fighting equipment:Understand the location and use of m88 best betting websitefire-fighting equipment and fire-fighting m88 live casino and sports bettingfacilities in the apartment。

6. Cooperate with fire inspection:Actively cooperate with the school’s fire safety inspection work,Work together to maintain apartment safety。

7. Electric bicycle:Electric bicycles strictly prohibited、Balance car、Tram batteries enter the building。

8.Illegal items are strictly prohibited: it is strictly prohibited to store flammable and explosive items in the apartment,Strictly prohibit the use of high-power electrical appliances(Electric blanket, electric pot, electric stove, kettle, hair dryer, etc.), it is strictly prohibited to use electric mosquito coils, picnic stoves, etc.

9. Raise fire awareness:If a fire hazard is discovered,Report to relevant school departments in a timely manner,Telephone:029-85603110

Fire prevention,Everyone is responsible。Let’s start with ourselves,Start from the little things in daily life,Enhance fire prevention awareness,Master fire prevention skills,Create a safe place together、Harmonious living environment。Only this way,Only can we effectively curb the occurrence of fire,Protect the safety of life and property of yourself and others。

Case material comes from the Internet

Party Committee Student Affairs Department

Smart Security Police Department


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