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Safety knowledge
Safety knowledge
Vehicle fire safety: Unplug this wire quickly! You may have one in your car

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Recently, a car owner in Jinhua, Zhejiang, had his car spontaneously combust when no one was using it,Heavy losses,The cause of the fire was actually a data cable?


The passenger seat was burned down

m88 online bettingSurveillance video shows a sudden flame coming out of the passenger seat of the vehicle,Then the fire got bigger and bigger,Until it fills the entire front half of the vehicle。19hour50Divided51The m88 slot machine casinosub-owner m88 online bettingparked the car and set it up22.22hour37Points, initial stage: flames coming out

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Mid-term: The fire is burning

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hour43minutes late stage: the fire is extinguished

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Fortunately the doors and windows are closed,After the oxygen in the car is exhausted,The fire goes out automatically,It didn’t cause more serious consequences.

Why do vehicles spontaneously ignite? Found out after investigation,The vehicle was charging,In this case,The vehicle will not enter sleep state,In the car at this timeUSBThe mobile phone data cable is plugged into the interface,The data cable interface becomes hot due to malfunction,Eventually causing the vehicle to spontaneously ignite。

After charging the mobile phone in the car,Only unplug the phone but not the cord,Do you also have this dangerous habit? Leaving the data cable plugged in for a long time,Not only may it cause failure at the data line interface,It may also damage the vehicle,Be vigilant!

The weather is getting m88 live casino and sports bettinghotter,The car m88 live casino and sports bettingis parked for a long time in high temperature,Many inconspicuous small items in the car can become safety hazards。High temperature weather,this7Don’t leave these items in the car.



The main component of ordinary lighters is liquid butane,flammable and explosive。Outdoor temperature is30Above Celsius,After the vehicle has been exposed to the sun,The temperature inside the car will be as high as sixty or seventy degrees Celsius,Easy to cause lighter explosion。So don’t leave lighters in the car,Especially do not place it in a place exposed to direct sunlight such as the dashboard。



The alcohol content of perfume is40%To80%between,Confined in space、When there is no air circulation,Gas cannot be discharged after being heated and expanded,Easy to explode。In case of sun exposure,Perfume bottles can create a focusing effect similar to a magnifying glass,Focus on flammable items m88 live casino and sports bettingwill create a fire risk。


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m88 best betting websiteReading glasses are convex lenses,Easy to bring light together,If you focus the light for a long time,Causing the focus temperature to be too high,May ignite items in the car,Cause the vehicle to spontaneously ignite。


Canned spray

Hairspray、Shaving foam、Pesticide、Air freshener and other canned sprays,The pressure inside the tank is very high,The items in canned sprays themselves are also flammable,If you are exposed to the sun in the car,Easy to explode。


Mineral water

The edges of mineral water bottles tend to gather light,Ignite items in the car。


carbonated drinks

When the temperature inside the car is very high,The large amount of carbon dioxide contained in carbonated drinks easily expands when heated,In severe cases, it may break through the bottle and cause an explosion。


Battery, power bank

Such items cannot be used in high temperature environments,Otherwise, bulging will easily occur,Risk of explosion。

m88 online bettingWhat m88 slot machine casinoare the causes of spontaneous combustion of cars? What to do if a vehicle catches fire?

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Party Committee Student Affairs Department

Smart Security Police Department


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