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Introduction to Marketing Major

Marketing undergraduate major was founded in 2005,It is one of the earliest majors established since the establishment of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology,It is also one of the key construction majors。Professional since its inception,For many years, we have worked for enterprises inside and outside the province、Public institutions have sent nearly a thousand marketing management talents。Innovative talent training model through I-BRAND,for Alibaba、Sina、China m88 online sports bettingSouthern Airlines、Zhejiang Hengdian Film and Television Vocational College、Wal-Mart and other outstanding enterprises and institutions have sent a large amount of marketing plans、Consulting Services、Teaching and Research、High-quality comprehensive talents in operation management,Good overall quality,Strong business ability,Innovative at work,Won praise from employers。Professional efforts to build a “new media operation center” and “digital marketing research center”,Supported by big data analysis,Applying cutting-edge results in marketing,Actively serve the local economy,Provide management for various enterprises, institutions and industries、Marketing planning consulting services,Having formed a good reputation and reputation in the field of marketing,Has extensive academic and social influence。

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The needs of professional development for new media operations and big data application talents,Through "school-enterprise cooperation、Integration of industry and education” approach,Highlight the direction of “new media operations” and “digital marketing”,Focus on the new economic environment,Cultivating and mastering the theories and methods of modern marketing management,Have professional marketing knowledge and skills,Engaged in marketing and planning in various enterprises and institutions、Marketing business data analysis、m88 online sports bettingNew media operation、Internet Marketing、High quality in marketing management and other related management work、Compound application-oriented business talents,High-quality innovative talents with social responsibility and international vision。

Professional direction

New media operation, digital marketing

Main courses

Basic Professional Course: Marketing、Consumer Behavior、Strategic Management、Micro Macroeconomics、Financial Management、Finance、International Trade Theory and Practice、Economic Law、Management、Market research and forecast、Advertising、Marketing Planning Practice、Securities Investment、Human Resources Management、Social etiquette, etc.。

Main courses in the direction of new media operation: m88 online sports bettingNew media operation、Internet Marketing、E-commerce theory and practice、Brand and chain management, etc.,Involving new media technology applications、Video shooting and editing、New media operation planning、Internet marketing and other contents。

Main Courses in Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing、Negotiation and Sales Skills、Marketing Planning Practice、Live streaming e-commerce、Business data analysis, etc.,Involving python language data analysis、Traffic data monitoring and analysis、Live streaming skills、Big data marketing and other contents。

Professional features

Marketing major is based on big data、Popular application of cloud computing and m88 slot machine casinoAI technology,Led by the extension and connotation development of “new media operations” and “digital marketing”,Keep up with the times,Catering to social needs,Highlight I-BRAND(INNOVATION-Innovative spirit、BUSINESS-Business Elite、RESPONSIBILITY-Social Responsibility、ABILITY-Collaboration Ability、NET-Internet Thinking、DISCIPLINE-Self-discipline and homemade) Innovative talent training model,Focus on practical application and innovative thinking,Meet the demand for “students’ personalized development” ability cultivation,Cultivate good professional professional qualities and abilities,Have both ability and political integrity、Be brave in innovation、Coordinated development of scientific and humanistic qualities,Have team leadership skills,Application-oriented high-quality talents who master marketing technology and theory。

Employment direction

Graduates majoring in marketing are mainly engaged in new media planning、New media operation、New media technology、Video editing and production、Digital marketing planning and operation、Data analysis、Marketing Anchor、Market research and development、Marketing Planning、Jobs in marketing management, teaching and research positions。

Postgraduate entrance examination

Marketing major focuses on cultivating students’ sustainable empowerment,The average postgraduate m88 slot machine casinoentrance examination admission rate in the past three years is around 20%,The average admission rate is around 15%,Some students were successfully 985、211 and local key colleges and universities admitted。


CPDA Project Data Analyst、BDA Business Data Analyst、Marketing Planner、1+X New Media Operator、1+X live e-commerce division、1+X media integration operation、1+X chain operation management、International Cambridge Business English (BEC)、Junior accounting qualification certificate and other related certificates

School system:Four years

Degree category awarded:Bachelor of Management