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    The School of Language, Culture and Communication held a series of lectures for the 2023 Academic Science and Technology Month (2) - "College English Teaching Design Based on OBE Concept"

    October 27,The School of Language, Culture and Communication held the second lecture of the "Academic Science and Technology Month Lecture Series" in Room 201, Building 6。Teacher Zhang Ling from Xi’an University of Technology was invited to be the speaker of this lecture,All teachers of the college attended the lecture。The lecture was hosted by Zhao Xudong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College。

    First,Teacher Zhang Ling based on her own teaching experience,Combined with college English teaching practice,A short demonstration was conducted on site,Discussing teaching concepts in demonstration classes、Course Design、The integration of ideological and political elements was explained。After the demonstration class,Teacher Zhang gave a lecture titled “College English Teaching Design Based on OBE Concept”。First of all, Teacher Zhang mentioned the concept m88 online sports bettingof OBE concept, which is result-oriented education,Emphasis on students’ learning outcomes and practical application abilities,The core of this educational philosophy is to focus on students’ learning outcomes,Not just imparting knowledge。Secondly,Talking about college English teaching design based on OBE concept,The first task is to clarify the teaching target and students’ motivation for learning English,Students’ needs and goals are the starting point for designing our courses。On this basis,We must be committed to innovatively designing teaching content based on teaching materials,Integrate ideological and political elements into the curriculum,To improve the overall quality of students。final,Teacher Zhang combines his own work practice and understanding,Talk about the growth and development of teachers,She believes that the growth and development m88 live casino and sports bettingof college teachers need to be reflected in three aspects,Instructional design ability、Teaching practice ability and teaching research ability。Teachers should proactively seek opportunities for independent learning,Continuously improve your teaching level。The key is to integrate teaching innovation into teaching practice,Continuously adjust and improve teaching methods,To adapt to the changing educational environment。

    After the lecture,Teacher Zhang Ling had a lively discussion with the teachers on site。This lecture helped our teachers deepen their understanding of the OBE concept,Exploration that helps improve classroom teaching design capabilities and integrate classroom ideological and political education into teaching,Better promote the growth and development of teachers。

    Previous article:The School of Language, Culture and Communication held m88 online sports bettinga special meeting on teaching evaluation and construction

    Next item:The School of Language, Culture and Communication held the 2023 Academic Science and Technology Month Lecture Series (1) - "Translation,The art of understanding and communicating”